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i'm down with the tofu, but i still eat meat as well. i've been trying to cut back on my meat intake for health reasons, and lack of trust in big meat packing companies.


mrs. broclo makes the most banging peanut butter stir fry with tofu. she adds in some onions, broccoli, and mushrooms. then serves it over cous cous. just thinking about it gets my stomach growling.


so yeah --tofu is where it's at.

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Serum, will come you come be my personal chef? I don't pay very much. 20 bucks a week tops and even at that can be shaky from week to week. But I will get you a bottle of any booze you prefer. I can hook you up with a spacious garage to live in. You'll have to clear the clutter and don't mind the spiders they just help keep the other bugs away. You have full access to my bathroom and Internet access in my house. I can hook you up with ungodly about of porno, cigarettes, and in your spare time we can paint and draw.


I swear I love tofu. I can't cook for shit though. The extent of my chef skills is BBQ tofu sandwiches. I tend to fuck those up too. I like my tofu firm. Last night I had spicy tofu with rice and peas still in the pod from this joint up the way. The tofu was slimy. I can't really dig on the slimy tofu that feel like it's coating your throat. I'm sure some women get the same feeling from other activities in their spare time. But seriously, I HEART TOFU.


They even got Tofutie. I think that's what it's called. It's a ice cream treat yes? Ive only had that once. But it was delicious. You can't really buy to many tofu related products here. The extent is your average tofu. Even the health food store here sucks.


I guess what I'm getting at instead of rambling on and on how much tofu is awesome, is can one of you tofu loving people point me to a direct site concerning easy recipes? Because I suck at cooking. Putting me in a kitchen with food is like throwing a blind kid in front of a bus.

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ha thanks for the offer..


if you like firm tofu try to get your hands on agedofu (pronounced ahgeydoughfuu)

there is a thin version and a thick version both are awesome.

they are a bit difficult to come by though. you have to go to a japanese/asian grocery store

to find it. plus realise that this has been imported/frozen and isnt as good as the real thing.

but its very firm and can be fried without turning into scrambled mess.

it also absorbs the flavor better than regular tofu.

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this thread reminded me of something i saw on that Bizarre Foods show which was fucking nasty considering how it was made. this shit is pretty much marinated or whatever in a dark nasty, putrid, grey sludge.

Stinky Tofu

Chou dofu and chou dofu ru


Stinky tofu (also known by its Chinese name, Chou Dofu), a fermented tofu dish which has a very strong acrid odor, is sometimes politely called "fragrant tofu". Its smell has been described as "baby poo," "hellacious" and "sharply foul". Tourists in Taiwan or Hong Kong who follow their nose have no trouble locating a stinky tofu stand � street hawkers who sell it have been fined for breaking air pollution laws.


To make modern stinky tofu, fresh tofu marinates for a couple of hours in a brine of vegetables, tofu and dried shrimp that has been fermenting for six months or more. Correctly made, the brine produces a unique rather lacy texture in the tofu, and the insides taste mild and custardy. The typical open fermentation methods allow for easy contamination of the developing brine. Impatient venders have been arrested for faking stinky tofu by adding gunpowder, rotten fish and other inedible additions to their brine.


Stinky tofu is a popular study topic among Chinese chemistry students. Tsinghua University's bio-science research lab examined a sample of Dai's stinky tofu and discovered more than 15 kinds of active bacteria swimming around in it, similar to the types of colonization found in yogurt. Twenty-one aromatic chemical compounds have been identified in deep-fried traditional stinky tofu samples collected in Hong Kong. compounds were found. Aldehydes (9) were the major chemical class in which the saturated (8) compounds dominated. Only one unsaturated aldehyde was found. Other classes included alcohols (5), acids (4), furans (2) and ketone (1). The scientists state,"... aroma values of decanal, 1-butanol, pentanoic acid and hexanoic acid were among the highest. They generally possess unpleasant, medicinal, putrid, fecal and rancid odors."



did i mention keytones are excreted when we take pisses.

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i just ripped some kung pao tofu (deep fried, substituted for the chicken), and earlier this week got down on some sauteed soy peas with tofu sheets. The perks of working at a shanghai style chinese restaurant, I would have otherwise never even thought of trying that stuff.


.....although I prefer a steak any day, especially if stolen from SpicyChickenCombo's loss prevention supermarket.


I wish I could find that Far Side comic when the lions accidentally kill the tofudebeast and are disappointed.

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whats with all the fucken vegans and vegetarians on this site, eat some god dam meat you bitches sometimes I think this place is full of hippie scum


im a strict vegetarian and i know several vegans...none of whom are "hippie scum".


calling people bitches for not eating meat is pretty fucking retarded....who cares? i seriously doubt people call you a bitch for eating meat. get over it.

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