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WAIT WAT? Inkheadscrew and Antigraph in Trouble? EPIC LULZ!

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a you plezo i know where bosr lives hit me up if you want directions


That's all well and good, but is any of this stuff accurate? Could this kid BOSR have a connection to any of this in some way or what?


I'm starting to wonder if BOSR is just getting dragged into this somehow, without knowing what's going on.


Something doesn't quite add up here. The whole New Mexico element is giving me some doubts, unless that was a dodge.

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Guest spectr

wow.. this is fucking crazy... this kid got it good.. I think I have some funny chat logs of when he tried to talk shit to me.. if anyone wants me to post them let me know..

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Plezo- I don't think you are going to find him there. The people who dug up the dirt on this kid are pretty good at what they do.


However, if you get some flicks of some of BOSR's stuff crossed out in the 505, I'll chip in on that.


edit- That or I can send you a gift card to Home Depot for the paint. Me and spectr had a plan worked out to do something similar, so if you can deliver....



I always see you in mad threads trying to get rid of that shit... or maybe it was someone else

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wow.. this is fucking crazy... this kid got it good.. I think I have some funny chat logs of when he tried to talk shit to me.. if anyone wants me to post them let me know..


why would you ask??



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wow we helped some emo fag goth kid out. im sure DAO wont be too happy about this.



fuck inkhead though, this is all karma for him clowning on that slightly retarded kid. it would be funny if the little kid was the one doing all the card pulling. inkhead got played by a little kid on youtube haha.

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A rocker kid?

More like an emo douchebag.

He deserved to get robbed haha


And Australians deserve to all live upside down because they are...Australian.


He could wake up tomorrow and say, "Hmmmmm...this look isn't working for me" and buy some Fubu and Ecko and next thing you know he's cripwalking and humming "I Got A New Attitude" by Patti Labelle but you'll always wake up tomorrow and still be...Australian.


And upside down. And wondering why the water goes down the drain the other direction.




PS- He also got his shit back because real ride or die kniccas on the internet don't give a shit about labels like "emo" or "tagger" or "bi-curious-self-questioning-vegan-warrior-wolf-spirit". Dey just handleize dat biznazz.

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And just so none of the Down Under Wonders get their koalas in a twist, I'm making a joke about labels. Once I was out of school, things like hairdos and the cut of a man's trousers paled in comparision to character and integrity.


This dude's friends thought enough of him to buy him a new Xbox like BAM! and he probably didn't ask for it, either. That tells me a lot about him and the people he rolls with.

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heres the youtube where he does it

he posted that youtube in the link above

both places he mentions Philly, and booniesbomber left a comment on youtube ABOUT 12 OZ right there


Undenyable proof its the same guy for all non believers







BooniesBomber1 (2 weeks ago) +1 Reply | Spam

dont listen to these kids man. you got a full fourm web site behind you. demikonesolo is part of it (I think)and were bashing him for being such a cocksucker.

demikonesolo (2 weeks ago) -3 Reply | Spam

i will get you soon reymon im just waiting for the day your mom dresses up all hot so i can break in and cut the phone line and rape the shit out of you and your mother.

ill see you soon little ray ray.

demikonesolo (2 weeks ago) -4 Reply | Spam

haha these people or funny.


the thing is I DO know where you live.


And i do live in town. i saw your mother at the churches chicken and followed her home. i was just there today staking out your house. i know what time you go to school and what time you get home. i know almost everything.


Inkheadscrew is probably watching this laughing his ass off.


There is no "Ink Heads Crew" in Philly.

The kid's from New Mexico.

He's not white, he's Mexican.

He write's Bosr.

There is no Bosr in Philly.

Not to mention that none of the spots that Shai posted of Bosr's shit even looked remotely like Philly.

It did look like New Mexico though.


What are you people smoking?

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mabee he moved




because he admitted here and on youtube to being in philly, look for yourself





Dude has most likely never even set foot in Philly in his life. Where did he admit to being from Philly?












^It seriously cracks me up that you can look at this video and honestly beleive that this shit is in Philly. :lol:

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