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Everything posted by liquidflow

  1. all of you need to quit hating and let me claim my prize
  2. you're all tripping if you think you're gonna win this.
  3. :lol: :lol: Gave you props for that.
  4. I Suspect another idiots FULL Info going to be posted soon hahahahahah
  5. its gonna be around till i win just to let you all know..
  6. HAHAHHAAH well he said he was too tired to walk 6 miles at least now he gots plenty of time to chill back in his cell... i wonder what the inmates inside are saying about this retard.
  7. makes me wonder what a 10 year old would want to buy with money...
  8. 33 pages of who wants to be last.. shows how bad we want it
  9. Seeing this Dude get fucked... im starting to have second doubts on posting my name at all on the internet... than again.. this foo seemed to deserve it so fuck it..
  10. Once me and a few homies were ready to bomb a spot so we were walking there with our supplies in our backpacks... we had about 20 something cans total.. so yeah it was pretty bulged up...as soon as we enter the spot cop turns on the lights and tells us to stop walking. It was pretty dark so you couldnt even see cars with the lights off. so yeah we start running in and we can hear the cop get out and running.. we all split up and went our diff ways... i remember just hiding under this fucking cardboard thing against the wall and praying that cop didnt come through to me... after around 30 mins of laying there i stepped out slowly watching everythign around me and just ditched my shit just incase.. not that exciting but yeah thats one of them pretty much..
  11. - Sick of people always having last minute change of plans and flaking.. -getting sick out of the cuts when im about to go out... -waking up at night out of nowhere....
  12. ^^^^ yeah i figured... nah was confused over all the shit she told me before those 2 days.. than came out the cuts with that shit.. but yeah.. time to move on
  13. Just mad at the fact me and my girl broke up over me ignoring her for 2 days and than her coming back telling me she doesnt love me as much???.. shit gots me all confused... and gots me regretting at the time i wasted..
  14. do you really wanna keep writing a name the cops know you write?...damn you're fucked seriously... imagine you're bombing and a cop sees you. since he knows what the fuck you're doing he just gonna pull you over and check your ass and you get wrapped... .. GOOD LUCK
  15. "Tell your friend to come over later... i dont wanna leave right now without a fucking shower" Its not funny but thats what i said since her friend was trying to cockblock and tried to come to her house soon and shit..
  16. damn for sure imma go watch this.... the first one was the shit..
  17. HAHAH wtf.... mmmmmmm BACOCK
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