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Jesus Christ christianity and the people that support it are fucking insane...


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One time while riding the greyhound, the new driver gets on the intercom and gives the whole "welcome aboard greyhound, blah blah blah" routine, and towards the end of it he mentions that if he hears anyone use the lords name in vain, he will without a doubt make them get off at the next stop. Dude was dead serious. I'm like, what the fuck? Did I just hear that? What a fucking prick. Can he even do that? Dickhead. I was sitting towards the front, and the whole trip, he and another god freak passenger talked about their favorite televangelists. Fucking weirdos.


if that was me on the bus,

right after he said that about

the lords name in vain, i would've yelled


then when everyone looked at me

just say to myself,

"i forgot to feed my goldfish.... fuck!!"

just to see the reactions...

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I don't believe there was a person called Jesus that did all this shit, there may have been a guy wandering around chatting shit but he wasn't special and nowadays would get locked up for being a loon

but i don't discriminate all organised religion is wrong

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what I dont understand is how you can be religious without being a complete fundamentalist. either you've somehow received "the word of god" and it is infallable and unchangeable, or you've just got some kind of vague guidelines, in which case how can you dogmaticly adhere to some parts, and yet not others? people are retarded.




Im not religious I don't believe in anything.




To Dawood:


I know your all about it thats cool, however in my opinon (this is seriously only MY opinion I hope you don't take offense) every religion has been redone and the original teaching are very possibly quite different now than they were back then. Everything changes through time people want to take things out to suit their own beliefs and the beliefs of their followers. I personally cannot rely on something that was written so long ago and (IN MY OPINION)could of just been some star wars, or lord of the ringsesque type book. I will not leave jesus out of it because I hear Thank you Jesus and praise Jesus and Jesus this an that alll fucking day against my will and people always come up to me forcing their beliefs on me with out me even saying anything (literally not saying a word) and I never pick fights they ask what I am and I say atheist and they bug out and start cursing me AND FOLLOW ME AROUND TOO as I walk away because I don't talk about religion at all to those people. Its mostly christian people too...this was just one more time when that shit happened and I was dumbfounded...


DAO: shut the fuck up or i'll get some girl to chump you out...

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If you didn't listen to the radio then it would have saved you the trouble.


Burnt Cee Deez my nigga...Burnt Cee Deez



I honestly 100% can say that I have not put on a radio and listened to it since elementary school except for ONCE when I got my new car to check out the XM radio, and like I expected it sucked just as bad but had curses and a little more variety.

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i had some mormon missionaries come to my door last week. i asked them if they wanted to trade books (i offered Daniel Dennetts 'breaking the spell'), then meet in the future and discuss them. the only books they are allowed to read are those approved by the lds church, they cannot read newspapers, or listen to music. mormonism is christianity on meth.

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i had some mormon missionaries come to my door last week. i asked them if they wanted to trade books (i offered Daniel Dennetts 'breaking the spell'), then meet in the future and discuss them. the only books they are allowed to read are those approved by the lds church, they cannot read newspapers, or listen to music. mormonism is christianity on meth.

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Im not religious I don't believe in anything.




To Dawood:


I know your all about it thats cool, however in my opinon (this is seriously only MY opinion I hope you don't take offense) every religion has been redone and the original teaching are very possibly quite different now than they were back then. Everything changes through time people want to take things out to suit their own beliefs and the beliefs of their followers. I personally cannot rely on something that was written so long ago and (IN MY OPINION)could of just been some star wars, or lord of the ringsesque type book. I will not leave jesus out of it because I hear Thank you Jesus and praise Jesus and Jesus this an that alll fucking day against my will and people always come up to me forcing their beliefs on me with out me even saying anything (literally not saying a word) and I never pick fights they ask what I am and I say atheist and they bug out and start cursing me AND FOLLOW ME AROUND TOO as I walk away because I don't talk about religion at all to those people. Its mostly christian people too...this was just one more time when that shit happened and I was dumbfounded...


DAO: shut the fuck up or i'll get some girl to chump you out...


why would I be offended by that? If you don't believe in something nobody should expect you to act in according to that beliefs creed or whatever. People should learn to respect eachother, though....Christians are funny to me. I eat christians for breakfast. They don't even know their own religion. I respectfully show them the error of their ways because they claim to beleive in God but make a man into God. I don't bother arguing religion with athiests because it's like arguing with a caterpillar about learning how to fly. He won't ever do it until he morphs into a butterfly and he might not ever do that, so it's a waste of my time, pretty much.


People are all built different. I get along with most anyone because of the way I treat people. I'm fully aware that a lot of people on here could give a rats ass about respect,

but it gets you places in life to respect people, even when you disagree with them.

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Im so fucking sick of my self-proclaimed "good christian" family members who try to belittle me because im not christian. They tried to lecture me about what a bad habit it is to cuss but its perfectly fine to eat your fat-ass to death. True, i did say fuck , but my aunt actully tried bribeing people to smuggle a frosty into they hospital....when she was there because her blood sugar was about 500. If christianity makes you a better person or it makes you happy, cool. But if i dont ask for thoughts on christianity keep that shit to yourself.

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  • 1 year later...

everything that is in the universe is in motion. (moving)

something had to start the domino effect to put those things into motion.

people argue different theories, big bang, whatever whatever--something had to start it.

how can you hate on people that call that thing "God." It's just their opinion--if you fancy them stupid, let them be stupid, because they're not really affecting you, other than being annoying.

Tell them to fuck off if you don't like it. If they're actually a Christian, tell them to forgive you....:rolleyes:

i would go as far as to say that at least 50% of "Christians" could not even tell you what it actually means to be a part of the religion. Most churches nowadays are country clubs filled with social ladder climbing, pretentious, (yet ignorant) miserable souls, who have nothing better to do than occupy a building and pretend they're good people.....

As far as Jesus, his existence is well documented in history, from other sources than the bible.

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I am dumbfounded absolutely confused as hell about this shit right now. Here is the scenario:


I need to go take inventory on some monitors for a customer of mine. So I walk back to the warehouse where they are listening to the radio. They usually play really good music but this time they were listening to some station that plays newer rock stuff and to save face plays older 90's alternative.


I walk in and panic at the disco is playing. Gay gay gay I hate them they suck they suck even worse live they wear make up and their song names are multiple sentences that arent witty or smart in any way. Not clever ugh thats the worst part there is nothing brilliant or original about them they are just recycled trash...


So anyways I walk in and I heard "I chime in haven't you people ever heard of...closing the ___ damn door-no" thats all I know. So I stop in my tracks because I am a music nazi, and I go did they just bleep out God and not damn?!?


So I listen again...


"I chime in haven't you people ever heard of...closing the ___ damn door-no"



What the hell is wrong with our country, the FCC appeases all of the christians in the world by removing the god in god-damn, but will not take the damn out for the sake of decency?! How does that make anysense at all!? This is why I am a freakin atheist because this Christian shit goes way too far sometimes, I am all for believing what you want to believe I will never attack someone but when they sit there and remove god but not the entire word which would make more moral sense i get pissed....





I've witnessed the same with other songs and it equally blew my mind.

How the fuck is the word God even a curse word???

Christans are fucking morons.


I've also heard the word "bullet" edited out of songs on the radio.

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I've also heard the word "bullet" edited out of songs on the radio.


Last time I was in NYC, I was listening to Hot97 or Power105, can't remember which. At one point they played Juicy, but edited out like half the lyrics. Literally, you heard:

"Time to get paid, ________ ____ like the ________ _____".


"World Trade" is so offensive? Especially considering the lyrics aren't even referencing 9/11.:rolleyes:

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