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Ok. Fuck McCain.


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My fellow Americans,



As your future president I want to thank voters of all political stripes for their mindless support, despite my complete lack of any legislative achievement, my pastor's ties with Louis Farrakhan and Libyan dictator Moamar Quadafi, and my blatantly liberal voting record while I present myself as some sort of bipartisan agent of change.



I also like how my supporters claim my youthful drug use and criminal behaviour somehow qualifies me for the presidency after 8 years of claiming Bush's youthful drinking disqualifies him. Your hypocrisy is a beacon of hope shining over a sea of political chicanery.


I would also like to thank the Kennedys for coming out in support of me. There's a lot of glamour behind the Kennedy name, even though JFK started the Vietnam War, his brother Robert illegally wiretapped Martin Luther King Jr., they both slept with Marilyn, and Teddy's negligence caused the death of a young girl. I'm not going anywhere near the Kennedy cousins, especially Michael Skakel.


And I'd like to thank Oprah Winfrey for her support.


Her love of meaningless empty platitudes will be the force that propels me to the White House.


Americans should vote for me, not because of my lack of experience or achievement, but because I make people feel good. White people who vote for me get some relief from their racist guilt.



I say things that sound meaningful but don't really mean anything because Americans are tired of things having meaning. If things have meaning, then that means you have to think.



Americans are tired of thinking.



It's time to shut down the brain and open up the heart.



So when you go to vote in the primaries, remember don't think, just do.



And do it for me.



Thanking you in advance.




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CNN just FUCKED UP and accidentally showed the real numbers at the bottom of the screen with Obama winning by like 700 thousand votes in Texas, but still claiming that it's Hillary winning by 2%.

Holly fuckng fix!!!


told ya. tomorrow they will have an excuse.

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i would have voted for obama if i could but his name was on the bill in michigan so i didnt even go out


i cant vote republican ever. so mccain is outta the question.


just hoping hillary doesnt win

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at this point it boils down to a few minor differences between the two

hillary is almost the exact same in policy as obama, which may be considered a lack thereof, but shes far less charming.

On the other hand, obama, who has actually been more specific in terms of policy, is ridiculed for being sooo charming that he must be another snake.

obama is "just the right amount of black" -if he spoke with the regional affection that black dudes with phd's from u of c on the southside of chicago and are far more educated than he, he would never have a chance.

hillary's healthcare plan is making people pay for healthcare, obamas is finding money to pay for it while we decrease our deficit simultaneously.

im going obama all the way, but when it comes down to it, i have very little faith in politics, the economy, foreign policy, and most of all THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, especially those who dont fucking vote!

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If Clinton ends up getting the nomination





I'm going to be really upset.


Mother fucker.




























































Fuckin Clinton. I hope Obama stays in the race just to fuck up hillarys votes. FUCK. FUCKING PATRIOTS!

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ron paul write in.


Co-sign he is still in the race he is the only one worth voting for. Obama and Hillary are talking about being running mates so there you go the democrats fucking suck too. Welcome to the start of the one world gov...


Mccain is a horrible candidate...


Its not throwing away your vote when you are putting it in with the one person who actually has a plan and strategy to fix america. Its not throwing a vote away when you support the one person who wants to give back power to regular people. Obama Hillary and Mccain dont give a fuck about us at all they are going to continue to sell america out from under us to the chinese...

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Co-sign he is still in the race he is the only one worth voting for. Obama and Hillary are talking about being running mates so there you go the democrats fucking suck too. Welcome to the start of the one world gov...


Mccain is a horrible candidate...


Its not throwing away your vote when you are putting it in with the one person who actually has a plan and strategy to fix america. Its not throwing a vote away when you support the one person who wants to give back power to regular people. Obama Hillary and Mccain dont give a fuck about us at all they are going to continue to sell america out from under us to the chinese...





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Co-sign he is still in the race he is the only one worth voting for. Obama and Hillary are talking about being running mates so there you go the democrats fucking suck too. Welcome to the start of the one world gov...


Mccain is a horrible candidate...


Its not throwing away your vote when you are putting it in with the one person who actually has a plan and strategy to fix america. Its not throwing a vote away when you support the one person who wants to give back power to regular people. Obama Hillary and Mccain dont give a fuck about us at all they are going to continue to sell america out from under us to the chinese...



You're a fucking idiot.

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Check the Obama thread in Crossfire if you want to see what's happening, but "winning" a state in the primary doesn't matter in the way you think an election does. In fact, you Obama peeople, just say something there, it doesn't have to be in depth. Obama is still ahead.


Here are the scores:


OBAMA 1520


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You're a fucking idiot.


How am I a fucking idiot because its true? when Obama goes We need CHANGE and doesn't ever talk about a plan or a strategy. How come all the news channels and paper say this?!


Is it not true that we keep borrowing more and more money from the chinese with no way to pay it back. DAO GTFO because you know Im right.


Hillary is going to be Obama's running mate and they win the NWO will commence. Obama has no plans or experience Hillary has it all she has the plans and the experience and will use Obama for her own personal political gain.


Mccain and GW Bush's people already walk hand in hand suck my eat a dick you fucking faggot DAO you don't ever say why I'm a fucking idiot or why I am wrong you just make broad statements all the fucking time and don't ever back the shit up. Thats possibly why you are politically so naive...YA FUCK

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