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My Elevator, Epic Fail.


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So, My roommate and I were on our way back to our apartment from breakfast.

Hopped into our elevator, we live on the 5th floor of a 5 floor building.

Hit 5, start going up, about midway(3rd floor or so) shit starts shaking, its an old elevator so we both kinda just looked at each other and didn't think much.

Then Bang, smash, crash, lights blow out..

Holy fuck,

The elevator straight kept going up, and smashed into the top of the elevator shaft, uh 5th an 3/4 floor?

As my Roommate put it, the elevator soared past its last stop and was attempting to give us the express flight to the land of God.

My roommate called 911 after no one came to our excessive emergency button pushing.

The Fire department came and they were able to get us out after taking the door to the Fifth floor off and we slid out the bottom that was barely a foot of clearance.

After being out, the firemen informed us that the counter weights snapped off and the elevator was basically jamed into the shaft and he said we were lucky not to be going down, because, yeah. Crash, boom, death.

Oh and they even helped me get my bike out, had to take it apart to fit it through, heh.


Holy Anxiety oner.


So, 12oz I ask you this, does a brotha have a case or what?

Were going to call a lawyer tomorrow, shits insane.

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well you could have a case possibly...

they had a thing on spike tv though

if you were to ever be in a elevator and it was

crashing to the bottom, best bet to stay alive

is to lay on the floor of the elevator...

some shit to do with science...

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you probably have a case. my buddy was chillin on his patio and the shit snapped and he fell from the 2nd floor and broke both of his feet. he got 4 million bucks in a settlement. they had to fuse one of his feet back together and its like 2 sizes smaller than his other foor.

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So, 12oz I ask you this, does a brotha have a case or what?

Were going to call a lawyer tomorrow, shits insane.


Hahaha, get over yourself.


Elevators get stuck all the time. Try living in a 30 story project where people are constantly having to call FD to get them out. Every day there are a ton of stuck elevators everywhere.


Another frivolous lawsuit from a filthy shiester.


*I don't live in the projects. Just using that as an example where elevators are constantly stuck/not working and motherfuckers have to hike up 30 floors with groceries and a stroller.


Happens in the projects, apartment buildings, condos, malls office buildings, subways...everywhere. You're not special.

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