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Hipster, are you a....


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I've been reading around the Oontz, and I am now pretty certain I'm a Hipster. I'm also pretty certain the ladies doth protest too much - and that a healthy chunk of the Oontz are hipsters also.



Am I wrong, or is it hipsters a go go in here? Or, at least, aging hipsters-who-feel-theyve-grown-out-of-it and are now denying it?



So, fess up.....

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I tried to be part of the scene.

Bought all the records and magazines.

But the kids, they put me down.

Laughed and said I was a clown.

Said they didn't want me around.

Now I feel so all alone.


But now I'm back wiht a bang.

I've got my own leather gang.

And all of them are men.

And denim's back again.


I got my own congregation.

I am a saint for seamen.

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"when the substance lacks it's plain for all to see

if the deal is right then respect is where it should be."


"For the fakes and frauds it's a fucking fashion show

total compromise will have them sell their soul."


btw, i'm not into the hardcore scene. that song just sums it up for a lot of different "scenes".


oh and the first time i ever saw the term "emo" used was in that video:


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of course this forum is all hipsters. the people that complain about them the most tend to be the biggest ones. except mero. he just gets mad when the bitches don't open their legs cuz he doesn't own a pair of dunks.


bingo. just check the shoe thread in Duty Free. There enough fluroscent orange, lime neon, pink, etc etc. air maxes, sbs, and just plain ugly nikes to induce a seizure.

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I have dressed the same for years, dickies and chucks with plain t shirts and north face gear. I do have thick black rectangle glasses though. I think I have hipster friends, they make fun of me because I have gears AND brakes on my bike. They also make fun of me because my favorite type of music is electronic, and I still go to all night oontz parties and eat pills. I do coke too. I've heard thats hipsterish. I gues I'm just me and despise labels. No wait, I take that back, I prefer to be called a tag artist.

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False revelation. A rebellion based on lies. Break down the walls. Your slogan until you get inside. Fearing the truth - it will destroy your so-called scene. So easily bought and sold, as you await the next big thing. Hypocrites - every last on of you, so afraid you can't see the truth. Your rebellion so packaged and safe, controlled by fashion and fakes. False preachers up on the stage. Social climbers who thirst for fame. They are liars, complacent, and insincere, to be called out, their one most fear. Fuck you and your scene, I'm going to watch you fall. I am your antichrist, bringing down your false safe world. I shatter the lies you embrace, and expose your heroes as fakes. I look into your eyes and all I see is fear. A coward, a failed revolutionary. More hollow than the world you hate.




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not a hipster, but i'm a part of something hipsters wish they were.





After all these years, I can't just turn my back

All the blood, the sweat and all the tears

You've got to earn your respect

Well what the fuck do you want from me?

Cause you don't give a fuck about my scene

And I could give two fucks about you

Stop living vicariously through

You're running around like some old school star

But we don't know who you are

You dropped out - after a year

I know you're fake - you're fucking insincere

You're gone longer than you were here

Well now you're back and we don't care

We didn't build the scene for you to disgrace it

I didn't make a name for myself fo you to claim it

To you this is just another trend

But I'll be representing hardcore to the bitter end

The few, the proud, it's a way of life

Me and my friends always side by side

Cause we've got respect for each other

I treat my motherfucking friends like brothers

We didn't build the scene for you to disgrace it

I didn't make a name for myself fo you to claim it

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i think the phrase hipster is over used today. i don't know what really makes someone a "hipster." i mean it's pretty obvious sometimes, but i think some people are called hipsters because of stupid shit. it's just another fucking fad or trend in social psychology. it's like the beatniks, the hippies, the ravers, or metalheads. eventually it will fade out, and we'll see a bunch of 40 year old dudes trying to rock girls jeans, white t's, and a knit scarf trying to hold on to their "glory years."

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i wear sweaters sometimes and drink PBR...

i rock some Nike SBs but i skate them



to me the whole hipster thing came on a rise when the "scene" look died out


quick joke:


Q: why do the hardcore kids wear cammo?

A: cause they dont want to be scene



awesome thats all

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