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your current women issues...


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my dick got caught on my boxers when this shorty was taking them off last night .... it sprung back and whopped her on top of the head pretty good. so that was pretty cool, thats my current woman issue. oh and her boy was upstairs asleep on some heroin shit ..... lets hear it for dick slapping sluts!

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working outs bad ass now.


and i aint happy go lucky, its just today the world dont feel ugly.


i just yelled really loud hahaha man i cant believe this shit, skeezer ass bitch. how you gonna tell me for 5 years you love me and then overnight walk out never look back but still try to talk to me and tell me you love me.


man i wish i was as raw as ghostface

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I get screamed at any time i talk about going out and putting something up, like right away. She wasn't around when i was in jail, but she still flips out every time i touch a can, even when i'm doing something in a friend's house or something of that sort. I can't go out and do a lot of the stuff i used to. Shit, even if i'm out past like 12 she's assuming i'm putting shit up, too. It's like a lose-lose situation. On the other hand, thanks to my friend, i have mad jailbait girls that are hitting me up all hours of the day and it's getting kinda annoying. I only have so much time to myself when i get out of work, so it went from kinda nice to have the attention, to a huge pain in the ass within a week. As long as i have the indoor mini ramp down the street from my house none of them know about, i should be safe though.

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I'll make you all feel better about yourselves.

Atleast you're in the game.

You're not too freaked out about putting yourself on the line.

Whether or not you get fucked over or you're happy as hell.

You've got the huevos to do that shit.

It's risk.

Props to all of you.

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whether or not i should go and make the drive to console the jump off who called me this morning to tell me that a mutual friend of ours(her best friend who pretty much hates me) son, who just turned one a few days ago was found dead this morning with his neck stuck between his crib and bedroom wall.

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i was never not cool with the jump off's friend(the baby's mother), she just never really liked me(hate is a close second), because she knows it's a jump-off/non girlfriend type deal and thinks her friend is being used or whatever. but, for some reason i feel bad about this shit. i mean i saw the kid a few times and how advanced and ahead of the curve he was- the type of baby everyone dotes over because he learned how do a lot of things early-the typical pulling up on things, walking early, and all that.

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In any case I get my karma because now I have notes on my car and porch, coincidently run into him all over the place, and cant date anyone else in this city without him finding out and telling them that me and him are already involved with one another. Lesson learned.


You deserve that shit.. even if its creepy.

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i'm still completely hung up on my ex, she started fooling around with this other dude shortly after they broke off. but they broke their thing off about a month ago, and now we're seriously talking again, we had still talked while they were doing their thing, but i'm still not sure if it's a good idea.


i dont want any other girls, i mean, i've had multiple opportunities, and it just doesn't feel right.


plus, i started up all my old bad habits that i'd dropped while i was with her, i mean i dated this girl for like almost two years (the one in the booty contest thread). and i'm really not sure what to do about it. i think we're going on a date saturday, so i guess i'll see how things go from there, but man, fuck this relationship stuff, too bad things arent as simple as they should be for us. i mean damn

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my woman issues are pretty good

I'm talking to my ex which is the love of my life

but she is staying about 2hours away

she needs some time before she lets me back in

slowly but shurley I'm working my way back in

so in the mean time I'm banging this other chick on the side

no strings attached

so I can't complain

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started a new job and in training i got 2 options....


cute lil asian honey dipppppz that's covering up that she has a bf to fucks wit me.

or bbw with TITTIES poppinz out her top saying she needs my dick or she might die.


wtf DO I DO?


tig ol bitties.. never been with a bigger girl.




and this lil asian is FINE AS FUCK! and wants the D









BBW or asian.



YOU DECIDE!!!!!!!!


i simply can't.


oh and i've had an azn before.


never a girl with tig ol bitties like these befifth :|

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