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Aesop Rock


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aesop has some good stuff and a lot of not so good stuff. good rhymes but questionable beats..


i barely pay attention to him so i didnt know he's been making MTV appearances or getting run time or whatever you wanna call it....



i imagine its downhill from there

yeah thats what I would expect from a baxckpacker


he wont be underground so people might actually realize hes a nerd

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I'm fairly anti-soc, but i gotta say this.

I equate aesop to del (nevermind the collabo).

trippy lyrics, trippy beats (co-sign with the sometimes unfelt music),

but it makes my brain strive instead of coaxed into false imagery.



party is ok, but progression will always drive the genere.

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if you have to take time to understand lyrics, then they are not a great rapper...



biggie, pac, big L, Guru, Wu Tang, those are REAL MCs that Aesop must idolize, and you dont have to take time to understand their lyrics...



thats just an excuse for being needlessly verbose and on some fake-deep shit because you dont have one thing people can relate to - good rappers should be universal



why waste time listening to nerd crap just because its new when you can bump a DiamonD album... or any other album from 82-98



fuck dude, evewn tho hes an emo fag, the only new cat I can even remotely give props to is Cage, just because his stage show is off the chain


oh, yeah, because you have no fucking idea what the realness is all about

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White al green thats like saying blade runner was a shit movie because you had to think about it.


Aesop rock is not in love with some hip hop garbage.


He makes fun of "hip hop" because he doesnt really care about it.


And if biggie and tupac were alive today they probably wouldnt have anything to do with it either. Graffndance is played out lol.

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White al green thats like saying blade runner was a shit movie because you had to think about it.


Aesop rock is not in love with some hip hop garbage.


He makes fun of "hip hop" because he doesnt really care about it.


And if biggie and tupac were alive today they probably wouldnt have anything to do with it either. Graffndance is played out lol.


I would compare hip hop to rambo, and blade runner to some classic rock


its good to have lyrics that are complex, but one of hip hops foujnding assets is being the voice of the people, and having universal appeal...


cats like aesop rock are just needlessly complex for complexitys sake alone, and I notice most of his fans are kids from the suburbs who think hes the truth and the defenition of real hip hop, when I see him as being far from it...



but I respect the analogy

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and seriously, hip hops founding asset is being the voice of the people, the underclass from the cities...



how the fuck does aesop rock have anything to do with that, along with all that other backpack crap.



its for white kids in the suburbs 9 times out of 10

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