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Couples who are joined at the hip.


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i've had a few friends like this. they seem to need another person to tell them what to do with their life, how to dress, where to eat, etc... it's pretty sad.


especially as you get older, people feel the need to settle for whoever just because it's age appropriate to be "settling down".


on a related note, i hate when i hear: "oh we don't watch that." or "we don't do (fill in the blank)." for example, i was friends with this guy for years and he was always a die hard howard stern fan. he started dating this girl and i brought up something i had heard on the show and she goes "oh, we don't listen to him." whatever happened to maintaining your own identity while you are in a relationship? i mean, it is possible. i guess ignorance is bliss.

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Tru stori?


tru stori


she used to be really good friends with these other 3 girls i'm friends with (they all go to my school except her, her as in the emo girl with the boyfriend)


anyway i was with those three girls on new year's and they ALL got text messages from her. she wanted to hang out because her BF was in LA for new year's. i think it was the first time they'd heard from this girl in months... i'm pretty sure none of them responded to her.

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Dang Sooki, go hug a dog or something.


I got boy who every time he hooks with a girl he gets attached real quick. So I haven't seen him in a minute, but good for him.


You should just hit him from now instead of saying hello. Hit him and call him a bitch.

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I'm gunna go ahead and say MOST (don't get all uppity here ladies, maybe you're different) women are like this. In my experience when a girl gets a boyfriend they no longer have any need for their friends, and devote their whole life to the dude


Maybe faggots are just the same way


Thats the truth right there folks, like it or not.

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I think there is percentage of needy people versus normal. I got friends and there is always the same percentage of friends per wherever i have moved that for whatever reason need to be in a relationship. They will date a chick and tell them they love them within weeks. But they are for real i can never understand it. But they do it over and over and usually have one kid per relationship guys got like 3 different baby's moms.

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i hate that shit.


my boy got married, and now i cant ever get that fool to just come chill with the boys, not that i mind his wife, she's awesome, but soemtimes i want to tell him shit without worrying about keeping it pg 13 for the lady or having her know all my business

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what makes all these people needy?


maybe they are just concerned about the happiness of their significant other? or value their relationships too much to just go running off in a way that might upset their boy/girlfriend...


just a thought.

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what makes all these people needy?


maybe they are just concerned about the happiness of their significant other? or value their relationships too much to just go running off in a way that might upset their boy/girlfriend...


just a thought.


ding ding.


too bad that usually doesnt turn out too well for the one who shows the concern and consideration

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It never does, most girls aren't sure enough of themselves for a nice guy. Thats why you need to do what you like. Make sure you put yourself first. When there around treat them cool and love them but just remember that they will take your kindness as weakness. If they dont then good for them, but there will be a time that they might not be around or it just doesnt work . At that point you got to ask yourself did you have any regrets. If you lived your life for yourself then you shouldnt have.


If the girl is really worth it she will understand who you are, and let you live your life with her and without her, but the hard part is you got to do the same when its time for her to go out or her to take trips. Thats where most shit gets fucked up.


/No Dr Phil

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relationships should be about balance and equality, not about one person being controlling while the other is subservient.


if you go into a relationship having friends, you should keep those friends and still make the time to see them and chill with them, especially without your partner. it's healthy to keep your own identity while in a relationship. it only takes work doing this if you are dating someone who doesn't agree with that belief.


in some cases, said partner may not have any friends or any friends that are around, thus they become needy and may not be willing to let you have a little of your own time with your own friends. this is just one example, but you get the idea.


yeah, what's that saying?


absence makes the heart grow fonder.

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One of my exes absolutely cut her friends off when she was in a relationship with me. It got so fucking annoying because I had to worry about her ass to make happy when I'm trying to get with my people.


Another ex was the opposite. She was all about hanging with her friends, and sometimes inviting me. I'm all about hanging with girl's friends because it's good to know what they're like and shit. So I get involved, but if the estrogen level is through the fucking roof then I get pretty annoyed. But she didn't want to hang with my people, and she wouldn't even let me hang with them in some cases. Needless to say she was all about molding me into the ideal man, and I wasn't fucking having it. I never asked her to change, but this girl was all about giving me ultimatums; "if you don't stop doing this, then I'm breaking up with you." It was retarded and I just couldn't understand it.



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My ex-girl was real crazy clingy because she had no life...she cut off all her friends after we got together, and what ones she did have were dudes so I wasn't really down for them chilling together. After a few months of us dating her psychotic parents decided she had to get rid of me, which she refused to do, so she was pretty much on a constant punishment for 2 years. That resulted in anytime I wasn't sneakin around to see her she'd wanna be on the phone talking, and always bitching at me about something...either what I was doing, or who I was with, or blah blah blah whatever. After awhile I started finding quiet corners and making my friends be silent so i could pretend I was home and alone long enough for her to shut up


Eventually I decided I couldn't take it anymore and ended it...after about a month I realized how much I missed her crazy ass and tried to get her back, but by that time shit was too fucked up and the resulting events...well alot of you know the stories haha


Just me further proving my point about how women only use friends as placeholders between relationships

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Haha we joked about goin on that show before, but decided it wouldn't be any good for MTV cuz it would just consist of her repeatedly telling the guys "No, I love my boyfriend" and then me slapping them when they got back from the date


Although, come to think of it, that'd be alot better than the actual show

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