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Last night was awesome. /yes3waybrawl


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Yeah, DAO. I'll take the Pepsi challenge. Start a thread about it.


Aight so last night me and a grip of my homies were hanging out at this bar drinking, playing pool and shit. Having a good time. You know.

I was running the table all night of coarse.


So anyways my homie Rene's girl and her freind show up and and kicks it with us.

My homie Rene died last year. But I still refer to Candice as "Rene's girl".


Anyways, my homie Javier is all drunk and acting a fool talking dumb shit to Candice. Thinking he's being funny, but really being a douche.

So I tell him he's just being drunk and should shut the fuck up.

Then he turns his douchery towards me and starts calling me an asshole.

I'm like 90% sure dude's a pussy and can't even fight anyways so I'm all like "dawgs, you're just drunk. Shut the fuck up. Seriously."

Then he starts giving me these little baby shoves talking about wanting to fight me and shit.

So I'm like "aight, lets go outside big guy" and make a point to show him that I'm taking my rings off and putting them in my pocket.

So he and our boy Victor (who also happens to be my boss) follow me outside.

Javier starts giving me these little baby shoves right outside the door with cars driving by and everything I'm like "nah homie. Not here for a cop to drive by and see us, let's go down this alley.

So I find this nice little spot behind some dumpster with enough room to fight and I take off my coat and hand it to Victor. Then I swing a bollo and drop Javier on his face with one punch.

He gets up with his eyebrow all cut bitching in a whiney ass voice about "all man... why'd you suckerpunch me?".

I'm like :lol: nigga we came out here to fight! WTF you talking about a sucker punch??? :lol:


So then he wants to fight and we start squarin up and Victors all "fuck that! Yall homies. If yall gonna fight I'm fighting both yall!" and jumps in swinging on both of us kinda like that Mike V video where he's taking turns pounding on two different jocks. :lol:

I'd get in a few shots on Javier and then here comes Victor out of nowhere on me, and vice versa on Javier.

I fall back kinda laughing while he's pounding out Javier like WTF??? Yo dawg, just let us fight one on one.

He's like fuckit... go ahead, I got winner.


So me and Javier go at it again and it takes me like 4 or 5 seconds till I have him on the ground with my knee on his head cop style.

I felt bad for dude so instead of pounding his face more or getting up and stomping his head, I just kept punching him in his lower back in the kidney area and telling him "don't EVER talk shit to Renes girl again faggot!".

He's all "ok... you won... you beat my ass".

So I let him up and he walks off all butt hurt and doesn't even bother staying to watch me and Victor go at it.

That pretty much ended with us each pinning eachother down in in a gay ass MMA looking stale mate where neither of us had the advantage we just looked like homos grappling on the ground.

Eventually we just said fuckit and let eachother up.

And we both decided to come in late today.


Anyways at work today we just laughed about it.

Turns out Javier called Victor today to tell him he's mad at him and doesn't wanna talk to him for a while.

And Javier won't even answer my calls. :biglaugh:







I guess this thread could be for all yalls entertaining and/or funny fight stories.


Anyone else been in a three way brawl before?

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my night:


out drinking at my boys house

left, then hanging out on the streets

some girl scumbagged us

she came back later

we pushed old couchs and road blocks in her way

she ran my foot overt (my ankle is still killing me)

i did a hail mary and throw a full beer at her car

ended up shattering her sun roof with a full beer

i aint paying shit, her car got a beer shower


i win. bye

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damn, i've NEVER heard of a guy and his boss pinning each other down in the middle of an alley way... just for kicks.

i can't even play that image in my head.

would he have given you a raise if you knocked out a tooth?? is that how it works?


No idea how that woulda panned out.


I'm just glad he's got a sence of humor about it.




On a side note, my forehead's all hickyed and lumped up, but he doesn't know that cause I wore my hat all day. :ballcap:

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when i first read the thread title i thought it said "yes3wayBRA!" and i was like shit isnt this dude married? 3somes? then i read the story and no one ended up having sex with anyone...


good story none the less, i've gotten in fist fights with a handful of my friends just for fun... most of the time we wore gloves though, no one got all butt hurt about it though we would just keep drinking

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so you beat your drunk homie down in an alley for talking shit.

to me thats one of those times where you square up punch him and then walk away.

you know kinda like some thing to shock him back into reality/snap out of that shit.

but if he's already on the ground and kneeing him to the kidney thats a fucked up homie, regardless of him being a dick while drunk.


props for kickin it with a mexican though.

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so you beat your drunk homie down in an alley for talking shit.

to me thats one of those times where you square up punch him and then walk away.

you know kinda like some thing to shock him back into reality/snap out of that shit.

but if he's already on the ground and kneeing him to the kidney thats a fucked up homie, regardless of him being a dick while drunk.


props for kickin it with a mexican though.



You obviously didn't pay too much attention while reading my story.


I dropped dude with the first punch.

He got back up and still wanted to fight.

So we fought.

And I pinned him down and punched him in the kidney a few times not "kneeing him in the kidney".

But even if I had, so what?

Dude wanted to fight.

He got what he was looking for.


What's your point?

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point is your homie was drunk and obviously not thinking with a clear head.

your job as a homie is to keep him inline.

a punch to the jaw should have done the trick.

when he got back up, you should have just walked away.


your boss on the other hand would be fair game.

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means he starts to drink he starts to use the N word every 5 seconds, and talk like he came out of a camron video with all sorts of stupid "im a balllin ass nigga, nigga, fuck dese bitches nigga" blah blah blah, when i know he aint from the hood and never done dirt in his life.

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every time i go out drinking with my older brother we end up brawling. half the time its over nothing, like no words are spoken we just go at it for awhile. i swear after killing a bottle of jack, our mindset goes back to when we shared a room at my parents house. " yo motherfucka where's my walkman" followed by, " fuck you im not giving it back, you stole my weed bitch". everything, and everyone in the room usually gets fucked up when we start up with age old arguments.

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The last brawl I was involved in was pretty funny in recollection. I didn't play a huge part. I'm not even sure what started it. I remember a group of kids running their mouths, and my friend popped off. I figured it was gonna be one on one, so I just observed and had dudes back. Then I saw one of his dirt bag friends swing on him. He missed and hit a girl. One of the proudest moments of my life was when I grabbed scumbag by the face. And slammed it into the wall. A few times. I started poppin off. I got sucker punched in the back/side of the head, and I saw the dude about to hit me again. Before he could hit me again, I see this first come from across the room and knock dude. My friend who's like 8'9" (no homo/yes exaggeration) punched this dude over like 10 kids and from across a room. Stretch Armstrong style. The fight ended up in the street somehow. One of the funniest parts was my boy knuckling up with this kid. He was in a legit Fighting Irish stance. If he had green leprechaun hat it would've been perfect for a mascot. But somehow it worked, and it was hilarious. Fuck you if you dont like my story. I'm drunk, I quit

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I fight alot when UI'm, durnk


I got rela durnk tonight andf saw a kid who called the cops on me a few months bak, fr trying to fight him and his younge rbrothe,r who I jhad a legitimate beef wiht


I le tthis kid and his boy slide, because not only am i on probation in 2 states, I'm also currwnetly out on bail


Sometimes you hafta make the smart decision, no matter how much it fuckin hurts your ego

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thats dope, my friends cuzin just moved back kinda gets out of line sometimes when hes drunk. Imma talk to my friend and tell him, next time your cuzin acts stupid even if hes drunk ( he still wants to hang with us and try to drink with us even tho we are pretty much drunks ) imma have to hit him.




friendly fist fighst are fun, aslong as everyone is still cool the next day.

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