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The reason the site is at a low right now is because barely anyone posts anything worth two shits, and most of the old school, quality posters have long since disappeared due to real life and/or the fact that 98% of the members on this site are boring as shit.


I'm not saying i don't enjoy these forums anymore, because i still do and they're a great way to pass the time, but if it were my choice, i'd be banning fools left and right and keeping it invite only. And like ABC said, if you've been here for awhile, you know there are ups and downs. I've been here for 7 years or so, and i can safely say channel0 has seen worse phases.

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Guest shai_hulud

ABC, the fact that this topic has come up repeatedly doesn't concern you at all?


Here's how I interpret what you say.


"I don't care about the direction this site takes, because people will come here regardless, forever and ever, amen. If you point out the flaws, you're a loser with too much time on their hands. If you don't do anything, then you're part of the problem."


FYI, I do a lot of things besides sit on the internet. Circumstances led me here, and just as surely circumstances will eventually take me elsewhere.

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Guest shai_hulud
if this has sprung up because of the whole fail thing (and i can almost guarantee it has) then just let it pass. all these corny little posting trends always pass. yeah it's annoying, but it's not the first time it's happened, and it sure won't be the last


It's more than that. I believe it was covered in the original post.


ABC, I'm actually GLAD you're part of this discussion. It shows me that you do care to some extent what goes on here. That's good to know.

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eprops are funny because the people who have them really really care to an extent. then there are posters who look at those people as the awesomest ever and then there are people who look at those people the exact opposite. i dont think theres too much of a middle to it.


edit: as far as internet arguing goes, its a hard game to win. it usually goes around in circles till someone gets dizzy and shuts off their computers and forgets. no one ever wins on 12oz arguing. its 33 year olds arguing with 14 year olds arguing with someone who thinks he'she is rad because they have 8,000 posts and much e-props against some newbie whos just trying to have some fun on the site too.

channel0 has its ups and downs like everythings else that has some reach into a particular culture.

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ABC, the fact that this topic has come up repeatedly doesn't concern you at all?


for someone who claims to have been here a while you don't really understand what's going on here.


for those playing at home, this is how it will play out (as it has done numerous times in the past):


1. channel zero is aweome. lots of folks know each other well enough to consider themselves e-friends. there are running jokes, cliques, million page long threads, novelties etc etc etc.


2. eventually alot of the people in the last 12 months who were contributing alot aren't coming around so often any more.


3. someone posts a "channel zero is dying" thread (as seen here).


4. new members come along (either bored with other areas of the site, or just join up and end up in here), establish themselves, find their little niche to slip into.


5. the activity on the site picks up again, everyone has laughs, makes new friends etc and everyone is loving being on channel zero.


6. rinse, repeat.





abc/waits till all the chicken littles get over it and things pick up again

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I'm all for a 12oz Country Club. Nice comfy armchairs, mahoghany desks, leather bound books and a glass of fine scotch.


Aside from that this thread is fucking stupid, "OH NOES MY FAVORITE INTERWEBZ SITE IS TEH GHEYS!? I MUST START A REVOLUTIOOOON!!!!111!!!shiftone!!!!!"

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The irony here is that some of the oldest members here seem to care the least about this.


You're not getting bored? You don't notice the difference between Channel 0 three, four years ago and now?


This isn't a knock on the new members, but Channel 0 was a lot different back then.


And, why is it when I say that I care about what happens here, certain people get defensive and start saying that if I care, I have no life?


I can be honest about what Channel 0 means to me. I made some friends here, and I want to keep making new friends here.


Frankly, I'm surprised and a little disappointed, but I won't let that ruin my day.


I think we just don't give a fuck. We have better things to worry about.

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the things that have made 12 oz cool have been the ridiculous characters along the way.


when those entertaining folk realize that REAL LIFE is more important that a website, a little bit of the novelty is lost...


i've been on and off here since 2000. and other than some different "faces" come and gone, its the same bit... i like it.



and keep in mind--ITS JUST THE FUCKING INTERNET--if you're bored by it, go ahead and do something in the RL...

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i came on here initially to look at graffiti and then i discovered ch 0 and the rest of the content that 12oz. had to offer. as it stands i find ch 0 the highlight of 12oz. well, sometimes. i haven't been on this site in a while and recently i've been coming on here more often. it's a good place to kill time, get info, etc.


the hazing has been going on for a long while and i think it's warranted most of the time.


it's not up to raven or the mods to provide the content of the forum, it's up to the rest of the community that interacts with one another. i like the fact that mods keep this place in check, so it's not a free for all party like PG.

the invites, well that's a catch 22 isn't it? it's a good deterrent to prevent cops and neighborhood cowboys who hate graffiti from joining and infiltrating what is probably the biggest internet community for graffiti. but at the same time it prevents new users from freely joining and adding to the content.


the props, the premium membership, and all of that....well who cares?


the props are a joke and i think if anyone takes them serious they need some love from someone somewhere outside of the matrix and in the real world.


i'm sure it costs a good chunk of change to run this site. 4THW and the rest of the merchandise that raven drops, i'm sure it generates some good numbers, but is he just doing that to just pay for this site? i doubt it. i'm sure these guys want to make a profit from what they are doing, and rightly so. i know i would want to. so if donations are a way to help them keep shit running in here, that's fine. as long as they (premium's) aren't mandatory to use 12oz, i have no complaints.


i donated my money and didn't ask for a premium membership. why? because i don't care about having my name in green or perks. but i chose to do the right thing and throw them some money because 12oz has proven to be a reliable resource for me through the years i've been using it, not to mention it's a good site to kill some time on.


keep it rail!

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also female members being clowned hard is kind of lame in my opinion. i personally think it would be sweet to see more girls on this thing and contributing.



yeah I agree with this completely

if a girl comes on here and posts a thread saying that their female, instantly there are like 50 replies of "lets see some tits" "we need titties"

people just need to shut the fuck up

yeah its just the internet and blah blah blah but by saying shit like that makes you out to be an asshole and its dumb and immature

get some titties in real life you desperate motherfucker

and ps I dont like my green name

I like supporting the site but not being like "hey check it out dude I'm so cool"

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yeah I agree to this completely

if a girl comes on here and posts a thread saying that their female, instantly there are like 50 replies of "lets see some tits" "we need titties"

people just need to shut the fuck up

yeah its just the internet and blah blah blah but by saying shit like that makes you out to be an asshole and its dumb and immature




yeah i agree.


i think i was saying that to lady for a second. when i want to see tits i prefer to see them in real life or i can go to one of the thousands of free porn sites that are out there.

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Guest shai_hulud

Well, ABC...maybe you're right. No, you're probably right.


This isn't something that came up overnight. I was gone for a year...when I came back, I immediately noticed three things-


-There weren't many long threads left. Sure, there's a few, but the majority of threads seem to last no more than a few days before getting completely off topic, bombarded with random images/fail/demands for tits and/or closed.


-No new people coming and going. Hmmm. Oh, it's invite only now? I didn't know that.


-Less oversight by the mods. In some ways, that's not a good thing. I recall that the mods actually kept threads on topic and warned people when they were fucking up. Case in point- it took a WEEK to get Lady E banned, and she was dropping names and locations. Five years ago, she would have gotten banned the second she did that. But, it went on for days because people were more interested in seeing her tits than seeing her as a threat.


But, maybe I'm wrong.

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Let me tell you something. Watching the game, eating tamales and posting right now is all I can do. Yeah thats right I have no fucking point. None at all. I may go back to my warm bed. I'm not sure though.


How is everyone?

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this site sucks because really, what do some people on here have to contribute that could involve others as well

me personally? nothing. nothing in ch0 really

i do a lil here and there in untitled and paper chase cuz thats what i do, but otherwise, meh.

not too many people seemed very involved in ch 0 to make it more interesting than it is, aside from picture threads and so on.


its the interwebs. sure its fun, but if im ever bored of ch 0 i just go to some other part of the site

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Guest shai_hulud

All I know is that there's eighteen people reading this, so I'm obviously not the only person that cares about this forum.


Like I said, hazing people is part of the deal. Driving them away is counterproductive.


Asking a female you KNOW on here to flash her boobs is kind of funny. Thirty people descending on a thread and demanding tits from some girl who wanders in here and makes a thread/comment is fucking immature on a level that I can't describe.


Posting intelligent content is a way to show respect to the people here and to gain their respect. Not props, or post counts, or start dates.


I don't want to be the person that has to say this shit. You should all know this shit by now.


If graffiti and this forum is exclusive, then show some fucking respect for it once in a while.

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PS: thanks to some stupidity and LACK OF INVOLVEMENT, something like The Boredom Project, which was a GEM by the way, is lost on god knows what page.

THAT thread was dope as fuck thanks to casek and others in it. But surprise, it got booted outta here by shitty threads and others not contributing to it.

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