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We have the High Five in Dallas. Everyone is fucking amazed by this for some reason.

OMG!! 5 highways intersecting!!






Driving through that tangled mess while battleing rush-hour Texas drivers that refused to let me change lanes without just straight cutting them off, while the sun was going down and blinding the shit out of me while I was trying to find the signs for the highways I was trying to get on gave me a fucking headache.

Shit was hectic as fuck.I had no time to look around and admire any kind of scenery.

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I didn't bother reading much of this thread, but driving in Minnesota isn't bad at all. Granted, we have traffic like anywhere, but most drivers around here are pretty reasonable. Minnesota nice.


Boston however. Driving in Boston makes me want to pull out my teeth with a pair of pliers. And i swear, if you miss a turn in downtown Boston it takes like 15 minutes to be able to finally turn around and get back where you need to be. Also, the driving on the shoulder in maine, and some of the other north eastern states really throws me off, especially when i'm in the right lane about to exit and someone blows past me on my right going like 85.

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