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Im loving 2008 already


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And I'm the first in Ch 0 with a DUI for the 08, happy new years everyone!


I got pulled over today at 1:35 a.m. for doing 53 in a 35 and apparently had .004% BAC more than legally required to be arrested for drinking and driving (.08%), and now I gotta call DMV for my license back in the morning. It's apparently not being charged as a DUI, but rather a "Wet reckless" which could mean something, or nothing at all! In my defense my gauge cluster doesn't light up too welll, so I cant tell what speed Im doing unless it's over 90.


Heres a couple top tips:


-Dont drink and drive, but if that's not good enough, read on.


-When you're first pulled over by the field officer: Pass all their hand-to-nose tests and don't take the breathalizer. Avoid it at all costs. Act like your legal rights were read to you as if it was voluntary and you simply declined. The officer probably worded it like "Do me a favor and take this." You simply didnt feel like doing him a favor. Or act like the whole event of being pulled over has been so frustrating you were freaked out and short-winded.


-You can't be arrested unless they have evidence that you may be over the BAC limit. But assuming you were taken to the station, you will be given a choice of either taking a breathalizer there, or a blood test. The breathalizer you'll be taking at the station is far more anal than the the one the field officer tried to make you blow on back by your vehicle. If you got a .08 in the field, this'll give you a .09 because it thinks you're a cocksucker. Decline taking the breathalizer and explain how devastatingly upset and therefore out of breath you are, then go for the blood test. This will force them to take the blood test, which may or may not help you, however it will require by law them to analyze your blood test, instead of making you pay a laywer to force the state to analyze it. The time for the Tech to arrive at the station, to take your blood will also give you a few hunredths of a thousandth of a percentage less BAC than you previously had. They may be dicks about it and say "Well if he had this three hours after being arrested, and the state accepts the figures that BAC goes down X ammount after Y hours, then his BAC at the time of arrest was actually 9 million." That's still far more disputable than a breathalizer since BAC spikes or lowers depends on how much you ate, when you ate, etc.


-When you take the blood test, your field officer must watch the procedure the entire time. If the Tech taking your blood fucks up, you could have a loophole. Make the Tech nervous by asking questions like, "So, what school did you attend to lean how to do this?" and say things like "I'm no expert, but I think the vein you tried to stab is over there, which may explain why theres no blood pouring out of me." Make sure your acting field officer is watching as you smile and nervously proove the Tech is a fucking idiot.


-Above all, dont be a dick. Remember the field officer will be the one testifying against you on that fucking court date, so if you buddy up to the dude, he might let a few choice recollections go when you throw the book at the judge. Make yourself likable, but still easy to forget. Take an administration of justice class, just so you can be like "yeah man I know it's rough out on the field, I took this class one time and learned all about it." He'll be like, "Dude no way, that's awesome." and you'll be like "Sweet can you uncuff me from this fucking table leg?" and he'll be like "Furshure brah!"

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get a radar detector and all your problems are solved before they happen. but good tips man. i always thought it would be safer to request a blood test. if you say that from the get go the field officer might just say fuck it and give you a ticket and leave.. but maybe not.


radar detectors don't really work in the city. and they only work on the highway when the cop has his radar turned on, and when he scans someone in front of you to give you a heads up.

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I was driving last night and saw a hand sticking out of the snow, I stopped and checked it out and it was a lady passed out face down covered in snow she was dusted or something cause she couldnt even talk, let alone sit up. I dug her out and called the boys to pick her up.



(please believe I bounced though, i wasnt gonna wait for them to show up and arrest me for being black on a monday)

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w a hand sticking out of the snow, I stopped and checked it out and it was a lady passed out face down covered in snow she was dusted or something cause she couldnt even talk, let al[/color]one sit up. I dug her out and called the boys to pick her up.



(please believe I bounced though, i wasnt gonna wait for them to show up and arrest me for being black on a monday)[/b]





LOLz or accuse you of doing it to her!

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