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Dog Fish Head Appreciation Thread (hooray beer)


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Yeah, it rhymed. I didn't try. I sorta wish it hadn't turned out that way.




Now, I may be drunk on this:




and high on this




but I saw this



mmmm! toasty!


and then this





i bet that shit is GOOD!


dog [sic] head malt liquor?? damn


you can get that?




it made me prop both of them, and then I decided to

make this thread.


I love this brewery. It is by far my favorite. Their range

and quality of beers is fuckin awesome.


My personal favorite:




What an amazing beer. Goddamn. I love you.




next we have something more decadent:



A new one I have tried recently. I thought the purple label

was just expressive of their generally good taste in everything.

No, the beer actually has somewhat of a grape taste. It is

amazing. Having this beer with a Dutch Masters Grape:

Perfect. Now go Find some of that grape weed and make it a

trifecta of ballin.



And now, in no particular order, the rest of their brews:



Raion De Etre



60 Minute IPA (Indian Pale Ale)



120 Minute IPA (while this one is amazing I can never reconcile the price.



This one is alright. The apricot taste mixes well with the hops but

underwhelming for the price.



Immortal Ale. Weird beer, but pretty good.

A lot like more Trappist offerings.




Indian Brown Ale (I like this one a lot as just a regular beer)



I just tried this seasonal release. It is definitely a heavy winter beer. The

Chicory Stout is very good. Or at least I liked it a lot.



These are all the dogfish heads I have tried.


There are many more, but I will leave it at this.


Has anyone tried any of the other odd brews they make?


it took longer than I thought it would to make this thread.

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Fuck you're making me want to drink again...


Dogfish Head is an awesome brewery, i was always a huge fan of the Immort Ale.



Have you ever tried a bear called The Beast?


its 15% alochol, costs 10$ for one 12oz bottle.... shit fucks u up

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avery is from my hometown--i never paid 10 bucks for that bottle--love that stuff. i loved that they put the "grand cru" on it, always made me laugh. their brewery is on the same block as my climbing gym--i'd go climb for a few hours and stop by afterwards... good people.


dogfishhead is awesome


i'm coming up on 3 weeks sober... it sucks. 3 more until i drink. i don't know that i'll make it.

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avery brewing company


I think I paid $7 a bottle for it, flew across country with them praying that none of them would break. Tasty brew, but I liked the Odells Cutthroat Porter that I brought home better.


Avery was an impressive brewery trip. Tiny place, great beer AND they have amazing distribution. I can get most of their beers on the east coast and they run their operation out of a place not much bigger than my apartment.



DFH malt liquor, not worth the 7-9 bucks they charge for it. Yes, its cool it comes with its own printed brown bag, but I could go get a Naughty Ice for $2 that tastes just about the same.

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wow. 600 a bottle for a sam adams product? i don't know about that...


i'd love to get a sample... i miss working in restaurants and liquor stores. those were the days... trying $500+ bottles on the regular.

moreover though, i enjoyed the beer samples... i love beer. its such a wonderful thing... *3 weeks...*

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Oh, and DFH 120 IPA, I had that when it first came out, when it was still being bottled in the wine sized bottle. Im surprised Im still alive to tell the story...


I was lookin at a bottle of their Fort last night.



I wanted it, but didn't get it. Couldn't feel good about spendin 17 on a single bottle.


My path last night was a drunken one nonetheless.


One of my best friends and house mates had his gallery showing to graduate this semester, last night. I got wasted last night in celebration.



I bought this:




Only one bottle. It was pretty good. If beer could be a creeper like weed, it would be this barley wine.


It was fifteen percent by volume, but the alcohol def didn't hit me until the next drink:


Well, I couldn't find a photo of it, but I also had a bottle of DogFish Head's Golden Era Imperial Pilsner.


I have had a four pack of it before but I only got a bottle of it tonight. I really like the concept of the imperial light beers. One gets so used to drinking heavy darks to get the big beer flavor that it is nice when they can get something like this. Nine percent by volume




Next were two bombers








and one,






I was fucked up.

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