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who has a blackberry phone?


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8830 world edition








i got one a few weeks ago..


finally figured a few things out but i know there is some cool shit to DL...


ive never had a fancy phone with ringtones and shit..


google oner isnt much help without it pulling up a bunch of bullshit so....



what are good things to add to my blackberry?


any legit ring tone sites??


cool applications?



advice or hidden tricks to crackberrys???

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As of now, i still have the chocolate. I hate it now cus my call button wont work. Its light sensitive and for some reason you have to press it really hard in order for it to work.


My contract ends this summer, so yeah, getting an upgrade, 100 dollar credit, new phone, yooooooooooooooou!

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The Venus (second pic on my post) is only half touch screen, you still have the number pad.


The Voyager (first) opends up and youll see the keyboard and buttons.


Im planning on adding a protective layer on the phone so that i wont scatch it up too much when it comes to using the touch screen.

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I have the 8700 but im about to switch to something else. I like it. But dont have much use for it anymore. The battery last forever. The service was great, before cingular switched to at&t. Now its ok. I prefer the wheel on the side, instead of in the middle.

Oh, and i got google maps hooked up to that shit too.


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i plan on getting that Lg Voyager in the begining of decemeber.

and im one of the those unlucky people that is stuck with the juke untill then.

its better than a damn sliver tho. verizon phones really are shitty.


Noooo! Why did you get the Juke? You must of needed a phone right away cus the boyager came a month later. Im glad that my upgrade is until summer cus i know that those new phones are gonna have bugs and shit.


For Example, I bought the chocolate phone right? No speaker phone, and when you set your clock to analog, it would fill the entire screen.


I drop my phone in the toilet and had to get a new one ( I pulled my pants down to take a craper, and the bastard when in there in the clean water :D)


So, i went to get it replaced with a new one (insurance) . They give me the new one and waht do you know, The new phone had speaker phone and the analog clock stayed in the left botom corner. BASTARDS!


That shit happens to me all the time!


Like before, I went and bought a PS1, for One G. about a few weeks later, it was Half a G! And i was pissed cus if i would of waited, i would of gotten the PS1 and that small screen with it for One G! :mad:

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