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If you could fight one celebrity


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shes "diva" status bro....she was at the club she performed at...and NOBODY...not even the club bouncers were allowed to talk to her.


If that's what the lady likes then let her do her thing. Women get harrassed all day by lowlife stalker cats looking to bag some celebrity ass. Don't you think it would get tiring to woman like her? I would hate being famous.

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There are plenty of people who are trying to save the world. Those people do way more then they will ever get credit for. I want to deck the dude because he's a self-righteous, hypocritical politician.



LMAO! You still wanna fight dude for trying to save the plannet. Who cares if he's not the only one or if there's others doing more than him. He just happens to be the most visible and so you want to fight him on some hater shit.

You're an asshole.

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And out of all the selfrighteous hypocritical, evil, DOUCHEBAG politicians in America that deserve to have their brains knocked out their head... you come up with Al Gore of all people. :lol:


yeah so what? If you think I'm an asshole it doesn't bother me. keep buying your carbon points.:rolleyes:

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fun little fact: there is actually more ice right now than there has been in many many years. earth goes through natural changes. just like our bodies boys and girls. but keep buying into more government bullshit. you fucking sheep. i suppose you also believe that the bush administration had no involvement in the 9/11 attacks. proceed to follow blindly.


oh and i hate to burst your bubble but... there is no god. not even allah. sorry guys.

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fun little fact: there is actually more ice right now than there has been in many many years. earth goes through natural changes. just like our bodies boys and girls. but keep buying into more government bullshit. you fucking sheep. i suppose you also believe that the bush administration had no involvement in the 9/11 attacks. proceed to follow blindly.


oh and i hate to burst your bubble but... there is no god. not even allah. sorry guys.








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