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sleeping problems..


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take two and have a nice turkey dinner to give you the itis.



Thanks Ribs!



I take these pills called Sleepanol...two of them and then about half an hour later, I'm ready to hit the bricks.


By which I mean, go to bed.



And it sucks when I work late at night because it takes me about an hour to calm down.

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It takes me hours to fall asleep because once I lay down, I start thinking about all the things I want to do.

It doesn't matter though, because I could sleep all day if I wanted to.

Or at least until one or two.

I can't though.

I wake up before nine every morning.

I try to fit in afternoon naps if I can.


When I drink, I end up staying up until dawn.

When I eat xanax, I get lost in art projects until dawn.

When I drink and eat xanax, I black out, stagger into walls, pass out and pee the bed.

I can't win.

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Ha, I have this same problem.


It actually lead me to smoking almost daily as for some reason that shit knocks me out almost immediatly. I could be extremly exhausted but for some reason my mind wanders when I lay down, and once I start thinking about shit it's all over. However when I spark one, and put on some shit movie or the travel channel I'm out.

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I work every Night at 11:00-at least 2:00am. Every Thursday and Friday, I come in at 5:00-at least 9:00pm and come back at night at eleven.


Starting on Monday, I have class at 8:30am every other day and on Tuesday, Class starts at 9:00am


So I when i Get home, I better expect the Whole house to be dark as hell, no lights, no nothing.


My Roomate is a total FAG! He Leaves the TV on, sometimes listen to his music on his phone or tv, and usually has the Laptop right next to him on, causing light, and somehow in god's nature he falls asleep with all that shit on! When im taking a nap and he comes over, he has to turn EVERY single light on! I like it dark, nigga calls me a "vampire"


Who else likes a Dark room enviroment? Shit cases you to have the best nap/sleep ever and more chances to get a dream.


I get at the most 4 hours of sleep from monday-Friday. No time for dreams:(


ON the weekends........ Dead all day saturdays.......active all day sunday.....

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i suck at sleeping


i have to wake up at 5 am to get to school because it's so far away, and during the day i'm tired as hell... falling asleep in all of my classes. and i never eat anything during the day because i don't have money to buy food, and i always forget to pack a lunch, so that makes everything worse. when i get home, i just fall asleep for 3 or 4 hours. then i'm not so tired at night, and don't end up going to bed until 1 or 2 usually..... then sleep for 4 more hours and wake up and repeat the process...


yeah i don't have any suggestions either, because everything i've tried has failed

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yeah... i still live like 45 minutes out from berkeley

it sucks

fuck commutes


today was pretty horrible, cause i got like 5 hours of sleep this past weekend, and i was on the verge of passing out all day, and when i got home i just passed on the couch, and i woke up and dinner was ready, but i couldn't even eat anything because i felt like throwing up. now i have a headache.

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I don't see how drinking makes you tired, I mean, there is passing out, but that is more of a to fucked up to function so your body shuts down type of thing. I drink almost every night, still don't sleep until 4 or 5 AM. It's 3:30 AM and I am posting in this god damn forum again. Maybe reading will help? Working 2-10 pm blows for the most part, but I <3 sleeping in.

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