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Drug Dealers in Favelas


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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Third world countries man, reminds me of Haiti



The kind of place where you can just shoot some one in the middle of the street in broad daylight and people don't give a shit.




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I would imagine it hard to run in flipflops.

From the videos I seen on youtube of the cops just running in and bucking shots at everything that moves, I'd at least pay the extra money for some real shoes. I would imagine that the drug dealers have that extra money. Maybe you should hip them to the fact that they'd be better able to fight the cops in real shoes.


i was thinkin the same thing....

it'd be pretty hard bustin shots at someone

while running and hearing, *flop* *flop* *flop* *flop*

as your dippin down the street...

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the way they dress is exactly the description of the difference between what you are and what you try to looks like, i mean, real gangsters doesn't wear expensive or visible wears.. they don't need to look dangerous because people know they are

and i find flipflop thugs less ridiculous than those us-baggypantsattheknees thugs wannabees:lol:



apparently what people have told me,

baggy pants originated in like the 1920's or 30's...

some shit like that, but it started in the prisons..

inmates with pants too big for them would

be stuck with them and they would sag...

"baggy pants"

therefore the sagging of the pants being too big,

the inmates with the baggy pants would get easily raped...


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Looks like a flashlight to me but I wouldn't be surprised if it was a pipe bomb.


*Looks more like a pipe bomb than a flashlight actually.


I was going to say that maybe they used the flashlights for signaling eachother from roof top to roof top, but thats why they have the walkie talkies.:beat2:

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apparently what people have told me,

baggy pants originated in like the 1920's or 30's...

some shit like that, but it started in the prisons..

inmates with pants too big for them would

be stuck with them and they would sag...

"baggy pants"

therefore the sagging of the pants being too big,

the inmates with the baggy pants would get easily raped...



inmates that used their belts as a weapon had them confiscated

and then came baggy pants

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the guy is hold a flash light yes..it is use for messeging other member if trouble is to happen.

I show all thse fotos but remember the FAVELA is more than this..Where do you think the Carnival particoants come from..or the Samba itself or the samba school..all from Favelas..SOme of the best music come from poor areas.. Yes we do not like all the drug wars between police and the traficantes but this is life..you hear the firecracker, you get inside becase you know there can be trouble..but Favela=comunity and I feel safer in the favela then outside..all the bad guys rob and do there bad things outside the favela not inside so I keep most my time inside..

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I think the baggy pants is stupid becase how do they run if they have to..plus does anybody really want to see some guy ass crack? Sometime if a guy smart ass talk me I feel like I want to pull his pants down and punch the guy in the face...I ask one guy if he was wearing dapers becase his pants look like it? He did not mess with me, I think he was confuse of what I ask him..LOL!

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takeover do not happen verry often but can if the ruling gang does not keep good looks on it favela and protect it. The police are so currupt they will kidnap a drug dealer then sell him back to his own gang..if the gang do not pay for his release the police kill him....


You never hear of mid levels to kill the boss and take over becase it is about honor..the guy who controls the dono da boca lives outside the favela and rules over everyone so that will not happen.

The drug gangs have this structure and everybody in the gang obeys..The only problem that happens is if a guy is a X-9...but again that is rare..and if you get exposed as a X-9 you get microwaved..not good..


Do you want me post the Rocinha T Shirts for you to see?

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the way they dress is exactly the description of the difference between what you are and what you try to looks like, i mean, real gangsters doesn't wear expensive or visible wears.. they don't need to look dangerous because people know they are

and i find flipflop thugs less ridiculous than those us-baggypantsattheknees thugs wannabees:lol:





The only people I seen sagging that hard with such a tight shirt are homos. The thugs I know or have ever seen usually wear long shirts.

And for some reason the fact that he's walking while putting on his belt makes me think that he either just got done turning a trick or he just got out of lock-up and he's waisting no time getting the fuck out before they realize he's got a detainer or something. Which would also explain why his pants are sagging so hard.

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no to be "microwaved" is..they shoot you, cut your body up and throw your pieces it inside of some tires, put gas on you body and light you up....


If the gang really hate you, they beat you up, put you inside the tires then light you up as you are still live..brutal so it best not to be a snitch (or a X-9)

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