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Hipster Olympics


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hipster has been so broadly defined these days. does it now just mean "any white person between 15-35 that lives in semi-rugged gentrified inner-cities"?



Nah... not at all. Those kids were definately hipsters.

Anyone who thinks every white person between 15-35 looks and acts like that is probably a hipster themselves.

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why is that? because before it meant real emo fools with combovers. now it's people that use text messengers and drink coffee. it's getting broader and broader.


My man, look at the way they're dressed. Look at the way they're acting. Regular people don't look, dress or act like that. If you think there's anything normal or non hipster about the people in that video then you're definitly a hipster. And Emo fools are just emo fools. Not that it's entirely that different. They're still a buch of corny pretentious fags.

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i didn't think this video was the funniest thing i've ever seen, but it did make me laugh. i mean the whole thing with american apparel's slow motion instant replay, and the "vice magazine brings you this.." --that shit was funny. vice magazine definitely helps define a hipster, and if you've ever been in an american apparel store, you've seen a few as well. the whole hipster doofus thing is way out of control. too many singer song writers and wanna be revolutionaries. i can handle some hipsters on an individual level, but when i'm in a bar full of them --i wish i was a suicide bomber.

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My man, look at the way they're dressed. Look at the way they're acting. Regular people don't look, dress or act like that. If you think there's anything normal or non hipster about the people in that video then you're definitly a hipster. And Emo fools are just emo fools. Not that it's entirely that different. They're still a buch of corny pretentious fags.


there's no logic in saying i'm a hipster just because i see a lot of people that look like that. i wear basketball shorts t-shirts and flip flops. i say they look normal because 90% of the people i see of that dempographic in the city look/dress like that. truth

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this wasn't too funny, but i did like the first disqualified guy--his influences are listed as "noam chomsky" and "neckface"


other than that, it was really dumb.


hipster doesn't mean anything anymore. 8 years ago i used hipster to describe fashion-core kids (PTW, old 18v, etc...) now it doesn't have anything to do with hardcore or metal, except it seems that these guys think mastodon is the shit and they also probably like blind guardian and immortal but don't know anything about either band...

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