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Pickin' Booogers


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I don't generally rag on n00bs so to speak, unless th3y HaV3 gAy nAmEs WrItTeN LyKe ThIs!!


Or if they type like that or just post shit so damn retarded it isn't funny.


But yeah, just let Mero do it. He should be a mod, who is employed just to rag on the n00bs round here.

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Really? B/c I usually see it the other way around . I usually don't bother posting in those threads but i see older heads [not going to point fingers] tearing them apart.


I find that dudes generally only get clowned when they are asking stupid questions or talking mad shit, especially in respect to senior members getting involved. Otherwise, new kids threads generally just get hijacked with a series of retarded in-jokes.

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nah im with you 100% when it comes to that, but a.) this is the internet and its fun and b.)its not our job to parent other peoples idiot chirrens.... honestly i think it goes both ways cuz when its time to be kids in here can actually be really good people and show support in times of need to those who deserve it...


I'm with Dawood here. My problem with it is not that noobs are getting undeservedly ragged on (a lot of them do deserve it), but that 95% of the members doing the ragging have no business doing so. Notice how most people who have been here for years and built up "cred" tend to stay out of that shit, but those who have been here at most 2 years are all over it.


It's like seniors watching 8th graders picking on 7th graders.


but, seriously, I've see some dudes come out the side of their face on a cat with like 3 1/2 posts screaming on him just on the strength that dude is new to 12oz. and calling him on that. it's like when I put my 10 year old in check and as soon as I look away he hits my 6 year old because he's frustrated and needs to get out his aggression.

dudes don't even know who they might be popping yang at.



True true... but like J. Ballbags said this is the internet, and that is what makes it great and ruins graff in the first place.... The idea of being taught by putting in leg work is now gone...Some dudes may be bitter by this and, Others just might get annoyed seeing some new rookie make stupid comments every week, only to be replaced by another dumbass the next week, so you teach one only to have to repeat yourself,.... Plus respect is lost here. there are no real conciquences, people that shouldnt talk shit can, and hide behind screen names... Dawood said "dudes don't even know who they might be popping yang at." but on the same idea nor do they know who they are talking too or who is listening... It is a Respect issue, that is some what lost in alot of aspects of todays society....

this is alot of babble hope it makes some sence....

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I find that dudes generally only get clowned when they are asking stupid questions or talking mad shit, especially in respect to senior members getting involved. Otherwise, new kids threads generally just get hijacked with a series of retarded in-jokes.


this is true.

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when I said "dudes don't even know who they might be popping yang at."


I meant it both ways.

And to be honest , I really don't care. I'm not captain save-a-nOOb or anything. Graff is different than when I grew up , though, and coming up, Young cats had mentors, older writers to guide and direct them. SHow them the ropes, teach them style, knock em around a little, show them the rules of graff. It's different now. I see the younger generation of writers like dis-connected from the older generations. maybe we should start a big brother graffiti program....



TODAYS NEWS...Oldschool graff writers teach young kids how not to be rediculosly

stupid nOOOOOOBs who ghey up da threddz.


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there is something to be said for taking a youngin under your wing and schoolin em on the ways of thangs, but i think the first step in doing something like that is testing their commitment and making them prove to you its not just a phase... same with 12oz or more specifically ch0... people come on here asking for advice and retarded shit thinking we are all just here to serve them... i think the way n00bs are treated here parallels the graffiti scene in many ways....


and dont even get me started with fucking paper chase.... kids are beggin to get ragged in there...


maybe im just an asshole, but thats the way i see it...

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It is different now,and sadly I dont think there is anyway to change it....

new writers need to just get past the idea (like some of you read today) "dude its just graffiti..."


"dude its just graffiti..." I understand the basic thought process to this, but to many others...its history, respect, style, etc...



ps. anyone got some krink...lol



Edit* first time Ive ventured into Channel Zero.... but reading Ballbags comments and seeing many stupid posts in brick slayers I think I understand

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Maybe I just smoke too much weed or something.

But when I see anyone making completely retarded posts, I assume it is a gimmick account.

That someone with a really good sense of humor made.

To play a prank.


It helps me get through the night to think it all a joke.

And that those people don't really exist in the real world.

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A horrible mess.


I still have to get the photos developed.

I left my digi cam at home, so I had to use disposable cameras.


Dude let LA turn him into a jerkbag.

He started off on the wrong foot by calling me "high maintence" after I asked where the nearest store was so I could get a RedBull.

After I had just spent 20 hours with no sleep on a bus that smelled farty.

And I wanted to mix my booze with caffeine so's I didn't pass out at four in the afternoon.


I drank away my aggravation.

For the first two days I was steady slamming back drinks.

And forgetting all the words that came out of my mouth.

It was alright.


But I could have gotten drunk at home.

With my Houston pals.

And been with my cats.


I was put in horribly uncomfortable positions involving his family.

And their bad luck with death that week.

I met his father while he was literally on his death bed.

They are going to overdose him on morphine this week.

To put him out of his misery.

I didn't have any words for his family about that.


I didn't go to the zoo.

Because dude had to go buy some fancy camera.

He made a remark about us "having to go to the zoo because we don't want to make the princess mad."

If I wasn't needing him to buy me a ticket home, I would have broken a bottle on his face.


He was so pompous.

And talked aboud pretentious shit to anyone who would listen.

About working in Melbourne.

With porno bitches.

Making tons of money to buy the most expensive everythigns.

His medical marijuana.

and just trying to impress everyone he came into contact with.

It was the things I hate in people.


I don't want to be his friend anymore.

He can go suck a fuk.


I didn't get to do any of the exciting things I went there to do.

It was such a waste of my time.


Then I get home and get kicked out of my apartment.

Have to move back in with my family.

No cats here.


This week was shit.

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I love how Timblerlake makes you think of murder.

Sorry to hear your trip went bad.

But it still sounds like I would get along with your friend.

However, most aussies don't really tolerate pompous inflated American arseholes, but I guess it depends on the circles you mix in. With the type of people it sounds as though he hangs around it seems as though he would fit in perfectly. But why did they kick you out of your apartment?


As if you can't tell, I am tired of talking about why noobs get given shit on here.

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The internet could, potentially, be a great tool for sharing information with toys who want to learn. When I was starting out, ArtCrimes had just launched and was one of only a handful of graffiti websites. I studied everything I could find on them, and managed to figure out how to order some fatcaps through the mail and what kind of spots I might be able to find more graffiti. Then I got some paint, and painted those spots and figured out what kinds of paint worked with what caps and what surfaces, and I eventually used some common sense and figured out how, when and where to do some shit that people would see. And once I did that, the real writers found me, and took me under their wing. So the internet was a great stepping stone for me, but from there, I had to be willing to experiment, explore, and (heaven forbid!) figure some shit out for myself in order to get any further.


Graffiti has always been a folk art, and as such, works on an apprentice system. People who put in a little work and show some commitment to the game get put on by the older cats, and learn the ropes. People who try to jump onto a fad are recognized, ignored, and soon forgotten. Personally, I think it's better that the dedicated few are the only ones who know how to make their ink leave ghosts when its buffed, how to fill a fire extinguisher with paint, where the chill Saturday spot is, etc. Once this information is on the internet, everyones's kid brother and the cops know about it. And that makes things harder for the real heads.


Anyway, my point is that I'll gladly post advice about mixing colors, yard safety, painting clean, etc., but it is really annoying when kids ask for information that should not be made available to just anyone. It's bad enough that they even ask, but what's worse is that there is usually some other toy who wants to show off that he knows something, so he drops information he probably shouldn't have had in the first place, without thinking about the ramifications.



Never say anything on here that you wouldn't say to a schoolbus full of jockers, wiggers, retards, and cops.

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So, I've noticed that the 12oz. thing to do is dump on rookie cats relentlessly. Like some cat comes in like "hey, I'm Toke1andblowthesmokeintheair" what do you like better Ny thins or Germans? And dudes are like "F$&k you nigga $#!t on you moms" and then the next dude is like "yeah pee her his moms butt" and I'm like, Damn...ya'll act like my pre pubescent kids. Pickin' on the little nigga cuz he can't defend himself.


You should be ashamed of yourselves.


Hang your heads in shame!



i've gotten into so much shit defending "the weak"


just like jesus, people will hate you more for trying to save them

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The internet could, potentially, be a great tool for sharing information with toys who want to learn. When I was starting out, ArtCrimes had just launched and was one of only a handful of graffiti websites. I studied everything I could find on them, and managed to figure out how to order some fatcaps through the mail and what kind of spots I might be able to find more graffiti. Then I got some paint, and painted those spots and figured out what kinds of paint worked with what caps and what surfaces, and I eventually used some common sense and figured out how, when and where to do some shit that people would see. And once I did that, the real writers found me, and took me under their wing. So the internet was a great stepping stone for me, but from there, I had to be willing to experiment, explore, and (heaven forbid!) figure some shit out for myself in order to get any further.


Graffiti has always been a folk art, and as such, works on an apprentice system. People who put in a little work and show some commitment to the game get put on by the older cats, and learn the ropes. People who try to jump onto a fad are recognized, ignored, and soon forgotten. Personally, I think it's better that the dedicated few are the only ones who know how to make their ink leave ghosts when its buffed, how to fill a fire extinguisher with paint, where the chill Saturday spot is, etc. Once this information is on the internet, everyones's kid brother and the cops know about it. And that makes things harder for the real heads.


Anyway, my point is that I'll gladly post advice about mixing colors, yard safety, painting clean, etc., but it is really annoying when kids ask for information that should not be made available to just anyone. It's bad enough that they even ask, but what's worse is that there is usually some other toy who wants to show off that he knows something, so he drops information he probably shouldn't have had in the first place, without thinking about the ramifications.



Never say anything on here that you wouldn't say to a schoolbus full of jockers, wiggers, retards, and cops.


excellent. fucking. post...

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since most people on here have sense i'll give you an example of what could go wrong with a forum

of noobs. occassionally i go to this japanese graffiti forum. i say occassionally because the people

there are in the truest sense a noob.


there aren't any pictures. just name dropping of who they think is cool. which is always their friends.


then a guy gets arrested and they say hey that was m!#$k that got busted but i heard D___ got away.


someone says i saw that writer the other day, his real name is T_____ and he lives at 2394 w....


where is that spot that i see such and such paint at? oh just take the train to osaka then get off at

the benentocho station walk west for 2 blocks......


the guy that got arrested now changes his name but then some fool says Push1=Cope1


finally some dork that doesn't even write posts his name and crew over and over again



i had some shit on there about me and it took about a month of alot of time consuming emails to

reach the moderators in order to erase that shit.


now what do older writers in japan do when they read that shit? nothing.


what do japanese writers do when one writer gets caught but you get away only to find out that

dude ratted you out? nothing


people need to be disciplined. as much as attack the noob happens, there are alot of young kids

learning how to keep their mouth shut. which is important.

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Word, It's weird, I have 15 year old dudes I never heard of or met wanting to be my myspace friend. I'm not with that...weirdos all on my computer screen broadcasting themselves in my livingroom.


Nice story Bloodfart, too bad it's a true one, at least you have the sense to kick him to the curb.... I can't stand pretensiousness (sp?) and from what I hear LA is full of it.

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