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Ron Paul Revolution!!!!


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everyone could be somewhat happy with the results if we followed the constitution and the federal government followed itto the tee. then DC would be so small and insignificant and government would be run at local and state levels, people wouldnt be so worried about national politics. national politics shouldnt even exist. all they are supposed to be doing is defending us, and making foreign treaties and regulating trade. not to much else.


but you are right, the republic is dead, we are now a democracy where the majority rules the minority. and this is thought of as a good thing. its not. it wont be long and the democracy will vote away all rights of the people in the name of 'democracy.'

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everyone could be somewhat happy with the results if we followed the constitution and the federal government followed itto the tee. then DC would be so small and insignificant and government would be run at local and state levels, people wouldnt be so worried about national politics. national politics shouldnt even exist. all they are supposed to be doing is defending us, and making foreign treaties and regulating trade. not to much else.


but you are right, the republic is dead, we are now a democracy where the majority rules the minority. and this is thought of as a good thing. its not. it wont be long and the democracy will vote away all rights of the people in the name of 'democracy.'


rome ay

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  • 2 weeks later...
everyone could be somewhat happy with the results if we followed the constitution and the federal government followed itto the tee. then DC would be so small and insignificant and government would be run at local and state levels, people wouldnt be so worried about national politics. national politics shouldnt even exist. all they are supposed to be doing is defending us, and making foreign treaties and regulating trade. not to much else.


but you are right, the republic is dead, we are now a democracy where the majority rules the minority. and this is thought of as a good thing. its not. it wont be long and the democracy will vote away all rights of the people in the name of 'democracy.'


He who gives up liberty for security deservs neither - B. Frank.

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i dont know, i have a soft spot in my heart for tucker. he is one of the only friendly journalists towards paul. i think he is truly a supporter but doesnt want to ruin his credibility. who knows he might get booted off the air if he goes over the top and pledges his undying support for paul.

he said in his first interview with paul that he voted for him in 88, and basically supports him now. he always says he wins the debates. but i dont think he is a plumb line paul supporter.

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  • 2 weeks later...
he wants another 911 investigation?


sounds like a douche


i think it's more about the intelligence and warnings surrounding 9/11, he has already stated that he doesnt think the government was involved in a conspiracy.


but hey you already admitted you didn't know anything about him and were just talking out yo arse anyway :D

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It's almost a universal belief that the 9/11 commissions report is full of inaccuracies. Based off this alone, the fact that the "official story" from our government was released, and is full of inaccuracies, how could you not say that there was at least some involvement, or why lie?


Oh wait, why make the mistake to cause the inaccuracy? Because we all know that they have no idea that they were being inaccurate. :rolleyes:


I just don't see how if you were completely unbiased, and had nothing to hide why these inaccuracies would even exist, after all, this is one of the worst disasters in American history, not to mention lead us into two wars and thousands more American lives, and innocent civilians around the world. If they did exist, why those people involved wouldn't be investigated, and further studies should be conducted to fix those inaccuracies. You would think concerning a event of this importance that those problems would be ironed out. At any cost. After all, we are pursuing the people that supposedly orchestrated this attack with such vigor.


To me when you have information that is being hidden, it means that people are trying to keep information that can hurt them or people they know, thus keeping it away from the public. So I don't understand how anyone can honestly sit back and say that what we are being told happened on 9/11 is exactly how it went down. Because if that were so why are so many people dropping the ball?

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too many people would be involved if they really make a serious investigation.

it hasnt happened because of all the guilty ones preventing it.

starting with the media, those liars do anything to ridiculize 911 truth, but they dont censor it completly because that would cause people to be really curious about it.


yeah wrong thread

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why is what i said in the wrong thread? what i said was based off the comment of a new investigation into 9/11 which is what Ron Paul is deffinatly for. i may have gone on a little rant, but all of it is relevant.


as far as the commisons report not being the official story.


"The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (also known as the 9-11 Commission), an independent, bipartisan commission created by congressional legislation and the signature of President George W. Bush in late 2002, is chartered to prepare a full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, including preparedness for and the immediate response to the attacks."


ron paul is the only man/women i'd vote for as well. if hillary gets in what is that a guaranteed 40 years at least under bush/clinton? pretty scurry if you ask me.

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ron paul had a 114% increase in donations this month.

the other republicans has 40s% decrease.


everyday people find out about ron paul.



there some that just WAIT until they have the two major candidates in tv and 2 weeks to vote, how lazy, that explains why has america turned into nazi germany.




spread ron paul's message.



there is a CHANCE.

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