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why do bitches constantly refer to bitches as 'bitches' even when complimenting them?


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Re: why do you guys constantly refer to women as 'bitches' even when complimenting th


Not gonna lie I learned the hard way. I was wicked drunk in bed with my girl at the time. We were hardcore railing both of us getting into it screaming and shit. Then I go "Oh my god bitch you're my dirty little slut aren't you." She just stop turns around and is like. "WTF DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME!?"


I was like "what!?" not even paying attention and she basically cussed me out right there saying that she will never be degraded. It took me a second to figure out what just happened and was like oh my bad i was on the on the verge of a powersurge and didnt realize what came out of my mouth. Whoops we went back at it and I learned a lesson, so I got two good things out of it.



My ex really liked rough sex, and to be called a slut, bitch, etc etc....good times


Anyways, I call girls bitches...I think I say chick more often, but who knows

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Re: why do you guys constantly refer to women as 'bitches' even when complimenting th


You're is the contraction of you are.....now you are a stupid bitch.

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Re: why do you guys constantly refer to women as 'bitches' even when complimenting th


i love it when i see guys approach a female and try to holler like:


"hey baby, whats up with me and you, bla bla bla whatever else they might say"


then the girl disses them and doesnt give them no play / time of day...


and then they turn around and are like "well fuck you then bitch, you're ugly anyways" etc etc...


that shit cracks me up. one minute your sweating the girl, next minute your butt hurt cuz she didn't fall for your bullshit!



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Re: why do you guys constantly refer to women as 'bitches' even when complimenting th


You're is the contraction of you are.....now you are a stupid bitch.



Bitch I will fart in yo dinnah TONIGHT! SPRAY FART!!!

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Re: why do you guys constantly refer to women as 'bitches' even when complimenting th


Calling women bitches is totally hip hop.

I switch back and forth between several different terms.

Broad, chick, girl, bitch.

Sometimes cunt or twat, but those are reserved mostly for actual anger and frustration.


Mostly I stick with chick and girl.


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Re: why do you guys constantly refer to women as 'bitches' even when complimenting th


i love it when i see guys approach a female and try to holler like:


"hey baby, whats up with me and you, bla bla bla whatever else they might say"


then the girl disses them and doesnt give them no play / time of day...


and then they turn around and are like "well fuck you then bitch, you're ugly anyways" etc etc...


that shit cracks me up. one minute your sweating the girl, next minute your butt hurt cuz she didn't fall for your bullshit!




i have yet to see a single person with game in this country. ever. i'm suprised that any of these fools have ever got their dicks wet before.



actually, scratch that. hesh has game sewed up

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Re: why do you guys constantly refer to women as 'bitches' even when complimenting th


Yo cunt is def. reserved for anger. Shit using that term refering to a girl is like taking the koran away from suspected muslim terrorists awaiting trial...

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Re: why do you guys constantly refer to women as 'bitches' even when complimenting th


It's the Iceberg Slim side effect of low income housing and broken homes.


Plus it's cool.


I usually find myself saying things like "I'm dandy to steal that dog bitch from that slim chili pimp with the 40 dollar vine. I bet I could have that bitch humping her bitch ass off by the end of the week, bringing in at least a bill for a saw buck drop. I'll cop some "H" and "C" we'll be flying by midnight at the caberet. Bitch's sure to turn a mean square trick, plus a booster to boot. Yea that bitch is bottom bitch material."


We've never gotten passed the 1930's Chicago slums.


Always remember, you can't let your new bitchs see your bottom bitch flip. They'll be sure to jump on the next thing smoking for some square.


Stop being peckerwoods.

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Re: why do you guys constantly refer to women as 'bitches' even when complimenting th


A few months ago I went to the club with a buncha girls from work and when they picked me up I was already fallin down drunk, so everything I said was "You bitches this, you bitches that"


After a few minutes one of em said "Uhhh, you really need to stop callin us bitches" to which I replied BUT I LOVE YOU BITCHES!


It gave em all a good laugh

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Re: why do you guys constantly refer to women as 'bitches' even when complimenting th


i have yet to see a single person with game in this country. ever. i'm suprised that any of these fools have ever got their dicks wet before.



actually, scratch that. hesh has game sewed up


i recently witnessed hesh end up in the friend 'lets talk zone", poor dude.

and it was a wedding as well... minus cred points.

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Re: why do you guys constantly refer to women as 'bitches' even when complimenting th


you leave your kids with yo mama cuz your headin' for the club

in a skin tight miniskirt lookin' for some love.

Got them legs wide open while you're sittin' at the bar

Talkin' to some nigga 'bout his car.

I guess he said he had a Lexxxus, what's next?

You headin' to his car for some sex

I pass by, can't hold back tears inside

cuz Lord knows for years I tried

And all the other people on my block hate your guts

Then you wonda why they stare, and call you slut

It's like your mind don't understand

you don't have to kill your dreams plottin schemes on a man

Keep your head up, legs closed, eyes open

either a nigga wear a rubber or he die smokin'

I'm hearin' rumors so you need to switch

and niggas wouldn't call you bitch,

I betcha

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Re: why do you guys constantly refer to women as 'bitches' even when complimenting th


Shalika: Why is it every time you talk about a female you gotta say bitch, ho, or hootchie?

Doughboy: 'Cause that's what you are.



:lol: "hoe's gotta eat too!"

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Re: why do you guys constantly refer to women as 'bitches' even when complimenting th


Back in the days i use to like bitches

But i tell you now-a-days bitches aint shit

And if you wonder why i say this

I've had a lot of women and bitches think they slick

Sneakin' around, fuckin' around, whenever we're not arooouunndd...

Actin' all sophisticated,

spendin money that she didnt make

I get so mad that i could slap her,

actin like she Cleopatra

Aint no need to ask...

she's a slave to tha money and im the master


Thats why I....

Smoke Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thurday Friday Satur-daayyy

Dont let no girl no bitch no man no nigga get in my way

I keep my gun with me for peace, i keep it right by my side

Big Nate, Long Beach, we keep Lil' Jon tight beats, so come on let's riiiiddee

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Re: why do you guys constantly refer to women as 'bitches' even when complimenting th




Jay: [to Andy, in a bar] All you got to do is use your instincts. How do you think a lion knows to tackle a gazelle? It's written, it's a code written in his DNA, says, "tackle the gazelle." And believe it or not, in every man there's a code written that says, "tackle drunk bitches."





***couldnt find the one where he says "i said bitch out of respect, you got all derogatory!"

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Re: why do you guys constantly refer to women as 'bitches' even when complimenting th


I have friends that try to call me bitch in a non-threatening type way.

I use the term friends loosely.

I don't much care for them.

And they aren't allowed to know where I live.


I have these people who I talk to at the bar that try to call me bitch.

To me, it's basically saying,

"Hey blood fart, would you care to step outside and punch me in the face a few times?"

At least, that's how I hear it.


I don't like dudes trying to talk hip hop to me.


I think the only thing that annoys me worse than a dude calling me "bitch", is a dude calling me "girlie"

That shit is wack, son.


My mom calls me a cunt when we fight.

She likes to cut to the bone.

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Re: why do you guys constantly refer to women as 'bitches' even when complimenting th


outside your mom, relatives, wife (if you have one) and the holy virgin mary, what else are we supposed to call women under 40?

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