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i havent read the whole thread but i feel the need to post something on the topic of the right to bare arms...here goes...if somebody wants to shave their arms because they have a tattoo, thats fine by me...cuz after you shave the arm an lube it up with your girls victoria secret lotion, you kind of smell like a gay, but you got a tattoo so that makes you a man...but if your just shaving your arms for any other reason than that, it means your a gay...im cool with a little manscaping of the chest, just to trim it up...but if you shave your chest all the way down, that too also means your a gay...and if ya got a hairy back, well i dont know what to tell ya other than its okay to cry...


if the government and or military ever decides to control our population with military force we (the people without guns) are going to be shit out of luck, cuz i havent seen one person on myspace with a gun...in countries where there are positive revolutions, which still occur in this world from time to time, having the right to shave your arms is important to preserving your freedom as an individual...US government gave its citizens this right so they could shoot the bad guys those rich pussy fore fathers couldnt muster up the will to do themselves...the way we forced to see militia groups nowadays is the same way the british imperials looked upon the revolutionaries...the imperial media did a good job of making them look like crazies too...guns arent the issue...

if prostitution was legal, im sure this dude probably would have spent his money on pussy rather that on some guns...no joke...personally, when im stressed the fuck out and feel like destroying something all i need is some good lovin to take the edge off...after that life is peachy...

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asians started wilding out when enter the wu-tang 36 chambers dropped


asians felt they got the hood seal-of-approval and the rest is history


I know this is a solemn thread and all, but that really made me laugh..





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"your comment from the first page"


My man here is lives in VA.

Some of us on here do.


For some reason... A lot of kids are unaccounted for right now(as of last night).

So don't get so offensive when people take something seriously that happens right next door. More than half the student body at VT are from VA.


So the chances of the 26,000 population being someone you might have know jumps if you too are from VA. I know this is suddenly national news(if you can call news), but to some people it's something that happened just down the road.


So don't get all upset either, when someone takes a general comment seriously.

They are not mad at you... It's just not a national removed issue to some.



EDIT: somehow I only saw one page for this, left my comment and it was 5 pages later.

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i agree with skippy


(about the "right to bear arms" law to be regulated."). one gun per household and a 9 mil.


that "right to bear arms" thing was written during a time when the US was a poor country with a small army, depended heavily on civilian-armed militia, and the frontiers were an unknown wilderness crawling with injuns, british, french, spanish, mexicans, bears, and witchcraft.


^^Another way to see it...


The rights to bare arms was written when the government

was being established for the US. The idea was that everyone

should be able to protect themselves... EVEN from they're own

government, should it turn on the people. You shouldn't fear

your government, your government should fear the people for

that is who they represent. Not the other way around.


It was the external checks/balances that should still be in place

today, but is slowly being extracted from the people.

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^^Another way to see it...


The rights to bare arms was written when the government

was being established for the US. The idea was that everyone

should be able to protect themselves... EVEN from they're own

government, should it turn on the people. You shouldn't fear

your government, your government should fear the people for

that is who they represent. Not the other way around.


It was the external checks/balances that should still be in place

today, but is slowly being extracted from the people.


this argument doesn't stand today, especially not in this country.

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Damn, a lot of shit on the head right now...


first off, that livejournal profile isn't the the shooter. the profile says the last name on his email is chiang, not Seung-hui (the shooter's name/ his pic is here: http://flickr.com/photos/zulma/462883831/)...


everyone can say whatever they want, I'm not gonna sit here and argue with the lot of you. I can just tell you how I feel and what I know, from a VT alum, from a person with a lot of friends still down there...


I had people telling me that the count was at 30 even when it was at 12 (this was around 9-10 am yesterday morning). Apparently, the guy was at his dorm, having an argument with his girlfriend (pictured here apparently: http://flickr.com/photos/zulma/462841574/), accusing her of cheating; an RA (resident adviser) came to help, and he shot them both.


now, i am guessing that he went to maybe go hide at someone's crib. they kept talking about a person of interest who wasn't in custody and wasn't a suspect (this was mentioned at the second press conference at 7.30 pm). also, it has been underreported but there have been mentions of bomb threats over the past couple weeks in the area. one of the talking heads on tv had a good point - it could give that crazy cocksucker a chance to see how fast first response got there.


then he went to norris (hall) - rumors abound, but the main one seems to be that he thought the dude his chick was cheating with had class in norris.


now i don't care if you live in a big city, if you think this doesn't affect you or any of that bullshit. this motherfucker lined people up EXECUTION STYLE and put em out. think about that shit. i mean really think about it and really try to visualize it. think about being at the end of that line, about having that person next to you, the body drops and leaves a blood streak. this isn't a fucking issue of geography - this is an issue of HUMANITY, let alone fucking guns and all this other bullshit. its all too easy nowadays for people to sit on the internet and make some fucking dickhead comments, instead of really thinking about the situation. our collective ability for apathy amazes me.


i talked to a friend of mine whose little sister is down there... when i talked to her [my friend] she was OK at first, and said her little sister was ok... but as we talked she started to break down, and just kept asking why one person did all this, why he couldn't have just taken his own life instead of ruining this for everyone.


all my peeps who i was close with down there, we have all contacted each other. we realize the place where we partied, where we smoked tree, where we both skipped and went to class, where we cheered for football games, where we played with our dogs and grilled out and hated the campus when the weather was cold, where we went to go with a loved one to be alone... that place, though physically there, is gone. the innocence of the place, as innocent as a college campus could be, is gone.


so to everyone: if you don't want to care, that's fine; if you are already tired of hearing about it (as we surely all will become over the next weeks as this is dissected to fine grains like sand), that's fine too. but i don't think it is too much to ask to show support, to be a little nicer to strangers. to send a positive thought down to blacksburg, even if you don't know anyone down there.


thoughts and prayers to all fellow hokies, one love and hokie pride.

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i just read through three pages and im still trying to figure out how a debate on gun control is relevant to this topic. are you all so naive that you honestly think the events that happend yesterday can be traced back to the legal availability of certain models of firearms in this country??


fucking ridiculous.....

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here's the thing: if there were no guns, surely the guy probably wouldn't have been going around, class to class, stabbing people and breaking their necks.


but there are guns and they are readily available....that goes for registered firearms as well as unregistered.

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but there are guns and they are readily available....that goes for registered firearms as well as unregistered.


i feel you man, i am agreeing with your point; i was saying that if guns weren't readily available it would be highly dubious that he would go around breaking people's necks or slitting their throats to kill them.


the post before this last one said you were wondering how gun control was relevant to the topic. i'm agreeing - the gun was just a tool, the machine was that sick fuck's mind that made him pull the trigger and do what we did....


unless i misunderstood your point....

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but there are guns and they are readily available....that goes for registered firearms as well as unregistered.



This is where the unstable human factor comes into play and the question get infinitly harder.


Respect to captain turgid for bringing the real human factor back to this.

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This just in:




By ADAM GELLER, AP National Writer 5 minutes ago


BLACKSBURG, Va. - The gunman suspected of carrying out the Virginia Tech massacre that left 33 people dead was identified Tuesday as a English major whose creative writing was so disturbing that he was referred to the school's counseling service.



News reports also said that he may have been taking medication for depression, that he was becoming increasingly violent and erratic, and that he left a note in his dorm in which he railed against "rich kids," "debauchery" and "deceitful charlatans" on campus.


Cho Seung-Hui, a 23-year-old senior, arrived in the United States as boy from

South Korea in 1992 and was raised in suburban Washington, D.C., officials said. He was living on campus in a different dorm from the one where Monday's bloodbath began.


Police and university officials offered no clues as to exactly what set him off on the deadliest shooting rampage in modern U.S. history.


"He was a loner, and we're having difficulty finding information about him," school spokesman Larry Hincker said.


Professor Carolyn Rude, chairwoman of the university's English department, said she did not personally know the gunman. But she said she spoke with Lucinda Roy, the department's director of creative writing, who had Cho in one of her classes and described him as "troubled."


"There was some concern about him," Rude said. "Sometimes, in creative writing, people reveal things and you never know if it's creative or if they're describing things, if they're imagining things or just how real it might be. But we're all alert to not ignore things like this."


She said Cho was referred to the counseling service, but she said she did not know when, or what the outcome was. Rude refused to release any of his writings or his grades, citing privacy laws.


The Chicago Tribune reported on its Web site that he left a note in his dorm room that included a rambling list of grievances. Citing identified sources, the Tribune said he had recently shown troubling signs, including setting a fire in a dorm room and stalking some women.


Investigators believe Cho at some point had been taking medication for depression, the newspaper reported.


-from Yahoo! News


I will probably be posting stuff as it comes in... hope no one minds...

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at first they were saying he got in a fight with his "girlfriend" about her cheating. but since they're saying he's a loner that almost never spoke, and the girl in question was outgoing -- i'm guessing it was just some girl he was obsessed with and was mad she was seeing some other dude

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