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the un official workout thread


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I'm not. Considering I will come close to never using this strength outside of the gym I see no point. I just want to look good


got ya.

you may want to move into a more hypertrophy/body building sort of routine then.

strength training isnt the BEST way to get looking good. size/definition comes as a side effect to moving big weight. and strength comes as a side effect to working out to get big.


the routine i favor sort of incorporates both training philosophies. i want to get strong, but im also not that huge of a dude, nor do i want to be 250 lbs either. so by doing work sets sort of like this:



warm up

bar x 30

95 x 15

135 x 12

185 x 8

200 x 6

225 x 4


you'll get some good repetition work in, and get stronger. which will make you be able to do more reps in your hypertrophy and/or fat burning rep range.


there is a big difference between doing 5 reps and doing 20. when you are doing 20 reps, you are breaking down serious muscle, going for endurance, and feeling a burn. when you do 1-5 reps, you arent going to have a pump anything like doing 20 reps. its the reason why you see power lifters who are benching 500-800 lbs hardly ever doing any sets above 5 reps and they are just big thick guys, usually high body fat. more weight=more strength. in general. and you never see body builders like jay cutler or *insert hot new body building dude here * doing a lot of 3RM or 1RM work. they wants to get big, not lift the most weight.



also, if you are struggling with losing body fat and are already doing long cardio sessions, i'd recommend throwing in some serious barbell, dumb bell/kettlebell, body weight complexes as finishers. as well as throwing in lots of HIIT, tabata type jump rope work, etc if you arent already.

i would do the complexes in waves. finish your weight lifting. then do say 2 sets of the complex of your choice 2 times a week the first week. next week, do 3 sets, with shorter rest time. next week, 4 sets, shorter rest time. try to go to five if you can, then change the complex to another. if doing a barbell complex on say monday and friday, throw in a body weight complex, timed mile runs or things like 100 push ups in fastest time possible, 100 lunges in fastest time possible, 50 chins in a set amount of time, on wednesday

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You are failing to realize that ab exercises are not what gives you a noticeable 6-pack.

Low body fat does.

Heavy weights burn way more fat than doing light weight cardio with single joint exercises.


I understand that it's just to blow off steam and/or to look good, but if you could get something extra out of it in the meantime, wouldn't that be worth doing something a bit more structured?

So, why wouldn't you just get on a program that has clear goals to reach in every session at the gym?

It is simple as fuck and let's you know that you are making progress.

I don't see how you can ever expect to progress towards your goals if you don't keep track of your efforts or change things that aren't working for you.


Anyway, do whatever.


i don't know if you directed this towards me for saying that i don't really have many goals when it comes to all this stuff. but i think gaining strength and "looking good" are sorta just a given...i don't think i'd count those as goals for me personally. everyone does this stuff for at least one of those reasons if not both. but i do keep track of everything i do at the gym, and i go through stages of feeling like im doing the same shit all the time and stages of progressing, strength wise. i would definitely try out a program though with more structure just to see how it works out for me. i work out alone at the gym all the time so i don't really have anyone pushing me to do more or much different stuff

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fair enough.


i have practically no body fat so my abs are kinda cut but i feel like a piece of shit cus i barely work them out. truth is that i really just hate most ab exercises. but lately when i do them i've just been doing sets of 30ish crunches with a 35lb plate held under my head. seems like a way more effective weight than those weighted crunch machines

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Why are you only doing two heavy days per month?

Do you need to increase your endurance for any particular reason?


I'm not sure what you mean by forearm tendonitis.

Is the pain near your elbow?






Only two heavy a month because I'm not really trying to build strength right now (except shoulders & arms). I'm trying to slim up a bit, as I've gained back a lot of my loss lately, in addition to improving my anatomical adaptation. In general, I'm trying to get faster, more explosive, and in better shape right now. Also, fyi, my weight is down from a high of 340 to give you an idea of where I'm coming from.


Speaking of, I think I should clarify when newbs read "go heavy to get big." Lifting heavy means pretty much anything from 10 x 1 to 5 x 5, and works on improving strength, which is the ability to lift a heavy weight, which is not the same as power (the ability to lift a heavy weight faster). You can gain strength 2 ways... by improving the strength (or density) or the muscle you have by going heavy, or by increasing muscle mass (getting big). To gain mass, you should be doing sets between something like 7 x 8 to 4 x 12. This is very different from lifting for power/speed, anatomical adaptation (athleticism), or just to get cut (which is more diet than working out).


For those interested, there are charts somewhere online telling you how your sets should be to reach certain goals.... including rest times and 1RM%.


There's no reason I have that my endurance needs to be great, other than I hate running and am working on it for that reason alone. Also, I feel that my endurance should at least match that of an entry level cop... which I think is something like 11-12 minutes for a mile and a half.


The pain is on the top,front, of the forearm. I saw a doc and it's def a form of tendonitis similar to tennis elbow.


Another work out tip.... you can do 1 shoulder pulling and 1 ab lift every work out... just need to do different ones. Also.... don't sleep on complexes.

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anyone have advice for a workout to bulk up my traps?


Apparently 3 sets of 10 shrugs with 50lb dunbells aint cutting it




This might help, do 4 sets increase weight on the second and last set.

Also you could do shrugs before and after you workout. Instead of just

once ever workout. If you have weights at home do them a lot at home.


Same if you are working out chest/bisceps/whatever if you can do more

exercises at home throughout the day then do it.

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The closest thing to ephedrine that I found is at gnc and its called oxyElite Pro. it is infact very strong and in some ways I find its better than ephedrine...but there's a catch. After a month or so I got immune to it and it now has little to no effect on me. the workers at gnc reccomend that people take a month off to back down the tollerwnce but to be honest I took 4 months off and it still has no effect.


If you try it, I suggest u make that first month count man

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