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the un official workout thread


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If I was worried about it I would go for a swim today and tomorrow before the ride. (Ocean is better)

Casual as though, breaststroke until you get out the back then float on your back for about 10/15 mins.


Everyone is different but I feel it really loosens me up. If that's not possible try an icebath,

Local servo couple of $2.50 bags of ice and a rubbish bin, fill 7/10 with water and then add the ice, add some salt if your a gourmet type. Again, one today one tomorrow.




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Ran stairs yesterday. Legs hate me today.

Am meant to ride up a small mountain tomorrow

, interested if anyone has any tips on reducing DOMS over night.




Yeah, I know, only cure is time.....



I don't think there is anything you can do "overnight"

I do a pretty good warm up before i go into HIIT or lifting.

Stretching and foam rollers became my best friends after work outs too. Bought one

on sale at Target for like $20. works better than the ones at the gym in my opinion.

The days following leg workouts or heavy riding or running i do light cardio in the AM. just to get my muscles warmed up for the day. It helps with the aching, but you know its there when you go to sit down and get up.


hope this helps

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i have good muscle memory but as of now im a stick figure (arm wise). my chest is alright i guess i would like more bulk there if possible. legs is good i walk everywhere. and i need to get me mid better too. diet needs structure. i wanna get fit and healthy again. what yall think? any advice?


I can try and help as much as possible.


The way i started was by just making healthier choices. Stay consistent on work outs. Even if they are 20 mins a day 3 times a week.


Fasted cardio first thing in the AM seemed to work best for me. I needed to lose a lot of weight though. Im only 6' tall and was pushing 250lb.


I read a lot into macro nutrients and calorie counting. I can seriously type for days on the info i researched. But basically what i did as far as a diet was find out how much weight i wanted to lose in a certain amount of time. Figure out how many calories i would have to eat per day to reach that goal. Then build the foods i would eat to meet those goals.


This is just an example; daily values depend on your goals. you can switch up a diet to what ever your goals are. im just throwing some numbers out there for the idea.

For example. If i weighed 220lbs and wanted to weigh 210 in 5 weeks. that is 2 pounds per week. To maintain 220 i would have to consume 2100 calories. to cut 2 pounds per week i would have to reduce that by 400 to 1700 per day. Now build that 1700 around the macro nutrients. Fat, Carbs, and protein. Fat is about 9 calories per gram, carbs and protein are 4 calories per gram. So 90 grams of fat, 80 grams of carbs, 140 grams of protein. is roughly about 1700 calories. Now you would have to break down and split it all into meals.
this was all just an example.


The thing i dont like about splitting into meals is you feel like you cant eat when you're hungry. Never starve yourself.


Ok the diet rant is over. I think you get the picture. Just read up and gain knowledge. Its all on the web. Dont want to get too annoying.


As far as the workouts. Warm ups are always a must. To me at least. Help loosen tendons and helps with the aches afterwards. Running is overall a great workout. It's full body, heart rate is up and blood is flowing. It make take a toll on your joints at first as it did mine. but it gets better.

As far as lifting and building muscle. Its not impossible but its more difficult to put on size while dieting. Thats why high protein during a cut or diet helps preserve lean muscle. You can get a cut look and be lean, but strength might be lower than anticipated.


There is videos on youtube for every workout you can think of.

Just remember proper form over weight.

I see guys all the time load 215 pounds on a squat bar and barley bend their knees. Then high five cause they did 5 reps. You'll never get the results you want doing that.

If you start a workout routine. Id say stick to something simple that is full body. Maybe three times a week. Have a light, medium, and heavy day. allow rest between each day. starting weight is trial and error.

I see it all the time on facebook from friends "leg day" "chest day" when they are beginner lifters. I think muscle isolation comes later down the road when the basics have been conquered.


To make a long post short. Research food. Start slow and dont jump right into cutting and macros but research. same for lifting. find a routine that works for you. squat, deadlift, bench press, curls, calf raises ,overhead press and bent over rows are the basics i started with and worked for me. i did cardio on non lifting days to not burn myself out. or cardio after lifting for about 20-30 minutes. core and ab work on the same days as cardio. but with the diet and lifting your midsection should peek through without hardly any isolation to the muscle group.


hope this helps. now that i read it back it sounds like a bunch of rambling.

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I used to run in a lot of 5k/10k races, but I'm done for now. It's expensive and I'm not competitive at all. I run about 4-5 miles a day. I usually stick to salmon/chicken/turkey. I'm trying to get cut instead of bulking. 5'10" 140.......Wana stay lean and be quick with my getaway sticks.



Pull ups: 3x8

Dips: 3x15

Shoulder Press: 3xmax

Pushups: 2-3 setsxmax



Chin ups: 3x13

Dips: 3x15

Shoulder Press: 3xmax

Lateral Raises: 3xmax

Pushups: 2xmax


I really need to stop slacking on the sit-ups. I also need to work on the forearms a bit too.

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i have good muscle memory but as of now im a stick figure (arm wise). my chest is alright i guess i would like more bulk there if possible. legs is good i walk everywhere. and i need to get me mid better too. diet needs structure. i wanna get fit and healthy again. what yall think? any advice?


Buy this or get it some how.



Perfect for beginners in weight lifting. Teaches you basic exercises at a high intensity, low volume, with lots of rest, as well as proper form and some dieting information. You don't have to get super bulky to get strong, just don't be afraid to gain a little fat. Read it! I got it on Amazon :P

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I can try and help as much as possible.


The way i started was by just making healthier choices. Stay consistent on work outs. Even if they are 20 mins a day 3 times a week.


Fasted cardio first thing in the AM seemed to work best for me. I needed to lose a lot of weight though. Im only 6' tall and was pushing 250lb.


I read a lot into macro nutrients and calorie counting. I can seriously type for days on the info i researched. But basically what i did as far as a diet was find out how much weight i wanted to lose in a certain amount of time. Figure out how many calories i would have to eat per day to reach that goal. Then build the foods i would eat to meet those goals.


This is just an example; daily values depend on your goals. you can switch up a diet to what ever your goals are. im just throwing some numbers out there for the idea.

this was all just an example.


The thing i dont like about splitting into meals is you feel like you cant eat when you're hungry. Never starve yourself.


Ok the diet rant is over. I think you get the picture. Just read up and gain knowledge. Its all on the web. Dont want to get too annoying.


As far as the workouts. Warm ups are always a must. To me at least. Help loosen tendons and helps with the aches afterwards. Running is overall a great workout. It's full body, heart rate is up and blood is flowing. It make take a toll on your joints at first as it did mine. but it gets better.

As far as lifting and building muscle. Its not impossible but its more difficult to put on size while dieting. Thats why high protein during a cut or diet helps preserve lean muscle. You can get a cut look and be lean, but strength might be lower than anticipated.


There is videos on youtube for every workout you can think of.

Just remember proper form over weight.

I see guys all the time load 215 pounds on a squat bar and barley bend their knees. Then high five cause they did 5 reps. You'll never get the results you want doing that.

If you start a workout routine. Id say stick to something simple that is full body. Maybe three times a week. Have a light, medium, and heavy day. allow rest between each day. starting weight is trial and error.

I see it all the time on facebook from friends "leg day" "chest day" when they are beginner lifters. I think muscle isolation comes later down the road when the basics have been conquered.


To make a long post short. Research food. Start slow and dont jump right into cutting and macros but research. same for lifting. find a routine that works for you. squat, deadlift, bench press, curls, calf raises ,overhead press and bent over rows are the basics i started with and worked for me. i did cardio on non lifting days to not burn myself out. or cardio after lifting for about 20-30 minutes. core and ab work on the same days as cardio. but with the diet and lifting your midsection should peek through without hardly any isolation to the muscle group.


hope this helps. now that i read it back it sounds like a bunch of rambling.

didnt sound like rambling, i read it. good advice. thank you.

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Stretching and foam rollers became my best friends after work outs too. Bought one

on sale at Target for like $20. works better than the ones at the gym in my opinion.



i bought one too about 5 months ago.


got the trigger point grid off of amazon:




it came with an instructional dvd for $30...but i mostly use it on my back calves and quads.

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Come stand next to me in a speedo tough guy.

I'll be the oiled down starved one that's gonna win.

Let's settle this waxed and tanned.

I'll shit on you.

You talk big.

Let's step on stage and flex our sweaty bodies for a bunch of men to judge us and see who the real champ is.

Oh you're afraid?

I'll shit on you.

By that I mean my body will have less fat , more tan and more muscle while I flex for a 90 percent male audience.

Let's do it big guy.

Come at me.

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It is what it is. I was at a large Spotlight warehouse today (Craft and Fabric place) wearing a white beater, RL jeans with bottoms rolled, boat shoes, still slightly pumped, tatts showing, music in one ear. Looking YOLKED. Easily the fittest guy in the place. I felt pity for the guys that were there with there wives, looking miserable and unaesthetic while catching there bitches glance looking at me. Seriously, fuck that shit. Then the icing on the cake have her not care like she's in control. Not mention all the single milfs buying shit for fucking scrap booking or whatever. Fish in a fucking barrel kunts.

I'm only about 11 to 14% BF right now but being in a store like that made me feel untouchable.


Gasface - Life is different when you are what people aspire to be like. Looks wise.

Getting ripped is like the human way of being a blossoming flower.

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My shoulders wouldn't handle that after so many years of rugby, parachuting and downhill racing.


I lay on a bench press bench with my hips hanging over the end of the bench. Holding the bar to keep my body stable I let my feet touch the floor, I raise my legs in a normal 'leg raise' fashion but once they reach about 70 degrees to the floor I then act like I'm reaching out with my feet along the axis of my legs. That lifts my hips and lower back up off the bench and is hell on all my abs and obliques. you can hit your sides by tilting your hips a little as well.

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Been doing alot of this lately also. Really enjoying strengthening my core this way.

I find is way more fun than normal abdominal exercises that get monotonous.



Have done these a few times, for me its tuff to get the full range of motion for 12 reps. i can get a good 7-8 before i start sacrificing form. still working my way up to three sets of these too. I do the standard leg lifts after that, not hanging like in this video.

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Wanted to drop a little rant and see if this has happened to anyone.

I was originally going to sign up for a weight lifting course at the local junior college here.

$46 bucks for 5 months use of their weight room. The thing that stopped me from doing it was it was only twice a week and it was a 50 minute class.

This was in august last year. So signed up for a gym here in the area that has a few different locations and bigger facilities.

Long story short i show up March 1st and half of the equipment is just gone. There are literally no barbell or free weights left besides dumbells and curl bars. WTF!

Ask the people that work there and they said it has been relocated to a larger facility to make more space for their members who attend this particular gym. (it wasnt crowded in the first place) But if i wanted to use the equipment that was missing, they could do me a favor and waive the upgrade fee to the larger gym and its only 20 more a month! (fuck that im already paying 20 bucks for the stuff ive been using for 9 months)

So i said, basically you dress the gym up for a few months to get the new years peoples attention like its great and there is lots of equipment. 3 months later you just yank it all without notice? Silence for about 5 seconds and then back to the same old thing about making space for us. Pretty pissed about it since i have to use a fucking smith machine for flat and incline bench, squats, shrugs and shit basically anything that includes a barbell.


and end..... similar situations?

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It was a hot summer day and I was in my workout room benching 1200 pounds. My abs were flexing and girls within a 10 mile radius were getting wet. Once I was done with my daily 32 hour workout I called one of the bitches I know, Jessica. She is really damn hot and looks like a supermodel. SO I got into my Lamborghini Gallardo and reved it up to 40,000 RPM (this is an Italian import with special engine system). I got onto the freeway near my house and threw it into 8th gear, I hit about 600 mph and I could hear the sonic boom as I broke the sound barrier. As I was flooring it on the freeway like a badass, Jessica called me and said she wanted me to **** her. So be it.I came to a full stop from 700 mph in front of her house. These Ferraris have top notch brakes, you know. So she gets out of the house and walks up to my Bugatti and starts eyeballing my dick. I could tell she was staring at it because when I looked at her I noticed she was looking at my dick. Booya. Flash forward 10 minutes later. My 30 inch dick is going inside of her VAGINA, hitting them walls. I'm holding her entire body up with my left pinky as I'm ****ing her and she has 30,000 orgasms. She looks me in the eyes and she says "harder." V-TEC just kicked in, yo. I blow my load so hard she falls off my dick. There had to have been about two pints of cum everywhere. People say I cum like a pornstar, I wouldn't disagree with them. I throw her a towel so she can clean herself up then I do a triple backflip into my Maserati and drive home.

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Wanted to drop a little rant and see if this has happened to anyone.

I was originally going to sign up for a weight lifting course at the local junior college here.

$46 bucks for 5 months use of their weight room. The thing that stopped me from doing it was it was only twice a week and it was a 50 minute class.

This was in august last year. So signed up for a gym here in the area that has a few different locations and bigger facilities.

Long story short i show up March 1st and half of the equipment is just gone. There are literally no barbell or free weights left besides dumbells and curl bars. WTF!

Ask the people that work there and they said it has been relocated to a larger facility to make more space for their members who attend this particular gym. (it wasnt crowded in the first place) But if i wanted to use the equipment that was missing, they could do me a favor and waive the upgrade fee to the larger gym and its only 20 more a month! (fuck that im already paying 20 bucks for the stuff ive been using for 9 months)

So i said, basically you dress the gym up for a few months to get the new years peoples attention like its great and there is lots of equipment. 3 months later you just yank it all without notice? Silence for about 5 seconds and then back to the same old thing about making space for us. Pretty pissed about it since i have to use a fucking smith machine for flat and incline bench, squats, shrugs and shit basically anything that includes a barbell.


and end..... similar situations?


Never heard of this happening until now. But that's some bullshit.

I would be demanding refunds and doing free trials until I found something legit and close by.

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