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the un official workout thread


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I used to do an outdoor bootcamp 3 days a week at 5:30 am...


I'm down to 1-2 days a week due to the heat, it's usually 90 degrees+ with the sun beating on me.. factor in the monsoon humidity and shit is killing me, I can barely finish my routines.


I have to offset that by swimming, and exercising in my AC'd house.

I can't wait for winter, I'd liked it better in the dark and 30 degrees.

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It's over 100 here every single day in the summer and the gym's air conditioners don't work.

The gym is filled with heavy breathing Mexicans sucking up all the air and adding to the heat.

I stay in that place for about 2 hours daily heaving weights around.

Drink lots of water and sack up.

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  • 1 month later...

... shit is dead around here...


Workout routine lately...

Day #1 (Back, traps, biceps, legs, abs) 3-4 sets of each


Leg press

Calf raise

Bent over rows

Forward cable rows

Overhead cable pull


DB curls

DB hammer curls

EZ Bar curls

reverse curls

various ab workouts


Day 2 (pecs, shoulders, triceps, legs, abs)

Push-ups to fail


Rear delt machine

Arnold press

Front DB raise

Side DB raise

DB tricep extensions

Tricep pressdown

Skull crushers

ab workouts

and leg press/ calf raises somewhere in there


How could I split this up to make it a 3 day routine? No leg days due to knee issues

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3 mile run

800 on concrete x 3

800 on sand x 3

moderate pace


50 pushups for time





for time




back squat

170 x 3

195 x 3

220 x 3


for time

21- 15- 9

wall ball shots 14' 14# ball

ghd sit ups


not for time

1000 mtr jog




for time

6 muscle ups

500 mtr run

25 raised diamond pushups 24" box

500 mtr run

6 muscle ups




ate a sandwich, not for time


ate some more, for time


working out is for posers


so is can control.

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... shit is dead around here...


Workout routine lately...

Day #1 (Back, traps, biceps, legs, abs) 3-4 sets of each


Leg press

Calf raise

Bent over rows

Forward cable rows

Overhead cable pull


DB curls

DB hammer curls

EZ Bar curls

reverse curls

various ab workouts


Day 2 (pecs, shoulders, triceps, legs, abs)

Push-ups to fail


Rear delt machine

Arnold press

Front DB raise

Side DB raise

DB tricep extensions

Tricep pressdown

Skull crushers

ab workouts

and leg press/ calf raises somewhere in there


How could I split this up to make it a 3 day routine? No leg days due to knee issues


insert a day for cardio? im confused you said no leg days but you include leg workouts in your routine.

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... shit is dead around here...


Workout routine lately...

Day #1 (Back, traps, biceps, legs, abs) 3-4 sets of each


Leg press

Calf raise

Bent over rows

Forward cable rows

Overhead cable pull


DB curls

DB hammer curls

EZ Bar curls

reverse curls

various ab workouts


Day 2 (pecs, shoulders, triceps, legs, abs)

Push-ups to fail


Rear delt machine

Arnold press

Front DB raise

Side DB raise

DB tricep extensions

Tricep pressdown

Skull crushers

ab workouts

and leg press/ calf raises somewhere in there


How could I split this up to make it a 3 day routine? No leg days due to knee issues




i would do it probably like this:


day1- back/traps


day2- chest/shoulders


day3- bi's/tri's



throw in abs as a warmup each day



i like giving arms their own day. a lot of times when i would do bi's with back or tri's with chest i would just half ass them at the end and not get nearly as much out of them.

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Any of you into stone lifting? Just started a routine with 90 or so lb natural stone that I can't get past my waist so what I've been doing is pick it up and walking it across the yard and then tossing it, picking it up and repeating. I can flip a 100 bar from my waist to my shoulders for an OHP, but I can't flip this stone up to my shoulder. What gives and what do I need to work on for stone carries?

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don't know anything about stone lifting but i assume the reason it's harder is just because it's more of an awkward object to pick up than a barbell, the weight isn't perfectly distributed



Most likely this is the answer. This morning I felt some soreness in my forearms, so I'm guessing that's what hauling this rock around is mainly hitting. Going to start ramping up my reverse curls and see where that gets me.


Here's a bad ass forum I found on the subject (there aren't many around)


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Any of you into stone lifting? Just started a routine with 90 or so lb natural stone that I can't get past my waist so what I've been doing is pick it up and walking it across the yard and then tossing it, picking it up and repeating. I can flip a 100 bar from my waist to my shoulders for an OHP, but I can't flip this stone up to my shoulder. What gives and what do I need to work on for stone carries?


There are plenty of articles on strongman events and technique online, man.

Just Google that shit.


How long have you been lifting?

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There are plenty of articles on strongman events and technique online, man.

Just Google that shit.


How long have you been lifting?




I stopped for about six months last year and in to the beginning of this year. Started again around February. Prior to that, a few years on and off.


As for strongman stuff online, yes, there is a lot. The problem is stone lifting and how sparse the resources are.



Here is a short list of good shit.


Old time strongman books/manuals



Jim Wendler's fitcast



Farmstrength (found this one the other day while researching stone lifting)


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