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the un official workout thread


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i did a very strenuous leg workout today. my partner put me to shame (doing squats) with drop sets of 120-90-70kg with no rest in between the three sets...i got out 4 sets of squats, 4 12 rep sets of 180kg leg press, calf raises and stiff leg deadlfits.


i have done fuck all work in the last 4 months so it was good to get in my first good leg workout. i'll be sore as a motherfucker tomorrow moring.

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^^^ serious shit.


i did legs for the first time back after i got back in town. been gone 2 weeks... i only did my sets with 75% of the weight i normally do, but my legs are shredded. on top of that, did wind sprints and cross fit shit with my friend for some video thing he is doing... and i can hardly walk. wtf.


but white flood/green magnitude stacked is some serious shit too. i love the tingle

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Thankyou for all the replies guys. Appreciate it. I went ahead and purchased heavier weights.


I am planning on doing this as natural as possible. No muscle milk or protein shakes, no supplements at all.


Prolly stupid of me because I am sure I won't see as drastic results or at least fast results. But we shall see

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Thankyou for all the replies guys. Appreciate it. I went ahead and purchased heavier weights.


I am planning on doing this as natural as possible. No muscle milk or protein shakes, no supplements at all.


Prolly stupid of me because I am sure I won't see as drastic results or at least fast results. But we shall see


Protein shakes are still natural, and are a cheaper, easier way to get all of the protein you're going to need in order to grow. It's really fucking hard to eat 6-7 times a day most of the time.


I'm not trying to sway you from your idea, I'm just saying.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i remember reading an article about dead lifting a long ass time ago.. apparently if you have your stance right and lift right it works every single muscle in your body.which i gather is beneficial .


anyway all ive been doing for the past few months is bulking up (meaning i got lazy and stopped cardio and stuck to lifting and curling etc.)

my weight now is 14 stone 6'2 any ideas on how i can do a quick blitz on my mid section ?


edit: found the article http://www.menshealth.com/cda/article.do?site=MensHealth&channel=fitness&category=fitness.tips&conitem=fde6313965a85110VgnVCM10000013281eac____

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The only thing I disagree with is the Goblet (Potato Sack) Squat. Unless you're standing on plates or something, depending on your arm length, as you squat down with a vertically-hanging dumbbell, you're only going to be 1/4 squatting before the weight hits the ground.


It's a good when taught to beginners unweighted, as it enforces the concepts of pulling your shoulders back, locking your lower back, and puffing your chest out that are necessary to complete a proper squat. The addition of weight really fucks with depth, though, so I'd avoid it.

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In any physical job you're always told to lift with your legs and not your back, then there's deadlifts, where all you do is lift with your back... so what gives? How is that not bad for your back?


You don't lift solely with your back. You drive off the floor with your legs, and your back should take over the brunt of the work right when the bar clears your knees in order to pull into the upright position.


Check out this video when you get a chance, it goes over proper execution, common mistakes, and how to correct mistakes:


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In any physical job you're always told to lift with your legs and not your back, then there's deadlifts, where all you do is lift with your back... so what gives? How is that not bad for your back?


Also, should i take my multivitamin and fish oil before or after my workout?


dead lifts are not all back.

a dead lift with knees bent, bar sitting over top the middle of your feet, your hands outside of your legs on the bar, if done properly will work every muscle on the backside of your body. you can literally feel it sometimes from your traps to your calves. the main thing is to make sure your back is straight/arched hard straight. this by default puts weight on your legs. you should feel the pull in your hams when taking off


there are varied grips and stances that hit different areas more. straight leg deads will hit mostly your hamstrings. sumo grips get some inner thigh effort in there, but for alot of people allow you to pull more weight because there is less distance traveled than on a traditional dead lift. rack pulls will fry your back. i guess, you could say the first half of a dead lift hits more hamstrings and ass and the last half hits more back.


i dont think it really makes a difference when you take those vitamins, as long as you do. its not like protein where it absorbs best right after a work out, or anything like that.

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Ive been starting to bulk up a bit, but im trying to start a 3000-3500 calorie diet, and then doing compound lifts to bulk up. Im hoping it'll work out nicely, then start to cut.


depending on your current weight/energy expenditure/pre new diet caloric intake...

but it sounds like you'll be getting huge in no time.

be sure to check up on the west side templates and/or variants (particularly joe defranco's west side for skinny bastards), 5x5 programs, and similar routines. nothing is more unsatisfying than seeing someone put in alot of work on a diet and in the gym, only to see them not work their legs for example.

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depending on your current weight/energy expenditure/pre new diet caloric intake...

but it sounds like you'll be getting huge in no time.

be sure to check up on the west side templates and/or variants (particularly joe defranco's west side for skinny bastards), 5x5 programs, and similar routines. nothing is more unsatisfying than seeing someone put in alot of work on a diet and in the gym, only to see them not work their legs for example.

Yeah i'm still experimenting with what a good calorie intake is, because im not that cut as of now, but my size is allright. I'd been lifting on and off for a couple years, but never had a good routine down, or diet. I was reading about the 5x5 programs and they sound very good. Thats the one thing i stress, is people ignore things like squats because they think leg exercises aren't as important, even though squats are vital not only for your legs but for your upper body too.


Here's a diet i found for bulking, its calorie intake is definitely above mine, but it can be tweaked to anyone's needs. I've seen good results from the guy that gave it to me. Its packed with protein and carbs which are good for bulking up.



4 slices of whole meal bread, 6 eggs, large glass of milk.


1 cup of oatmeal, 2 scoops of whey with water.


Large bowl of whole meal cereal, 2 scoops of whey with water.


2 Hours later

Natural PB sandwich, (whole meal bread) large glass of milk.


1 scoop of whey in milk with hand full of almonds.


whey shake with natural pb


2 Hours later

Tuna sandwich glass of milk.


Prawns, with brown rice.


Left over tea.. (Steak, chicken fish with either whole meal pasta, brown rice or veg.)


2 hours later (pre training)

1 scoop of green mag

2 scoops of white flood

2 scoops of purple wraath at the gym.

(I realize this is not really a meal.)


After the gym

2 scoops of whey with water, sometimes with natural PB/milk.

One large Bananna


1-2 Hours later (home cooked dinner)

Steak, chicken, fish, mince

with either

brown rice, whole meal pasta, vegies, or salad and potatos.


2 hours later

PB sandwich with milk


whey shake.


Before bed

Casien protein shake.

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Anybody ever try Endorush? Ive only seen it @ the gym.. Looks pretty scary.



This drink works it has a couple shot of n.o.

Maaan will have u PUMPED

But after prolonged use it will no longer work effect other pre workout hypers lol I tryed mega rage yesterday and it didn't even effect me longer then 15 mins......:(


Anyone kno a good pre work out supp?

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Yeah i'm still experimenting with what a good calorie intake is, because im not that cut as of now, but my size is allright. I'd been lifting on and off for a couple years, but never had a good routine down, or diet. I was reading about the 5x5 programs and they sound very good. Thats the one thing i stress, is people ignore things like squats because they think leg exercises aren't as important, even though squats are vital not only for your legs but for your upper body too.


Here's a diet i found for bulking, its calorie intake is definitely above mine, but it can be tweaked to anyone's needs. I've seen good results from the guy that gave it to me. Its packed with protein and carbs which are good for bulking up.



4 slices of whole meal bread, 6 eggs, large glass of milk.


1 cup of oatmeal, 2 scoops of whey with water.


Large bowl of whole meal cereal, 2 scoops of whey with water.


2 Hours later

Natural PB sandwich, (whole meal bread) large glass of milk.


1 scoop of whey in milk with hand full of almonds.


whey shake with natural pb


2 Hours later

Tuna sandwich glass of milk.


Prawns, with brown rice.


Left over tea.. (Steak, chicken fish with either whole meal pasta, brown rice or veg.)


2 hours later (pre training)

1 scoop of green mag

2 scoops of white flood

2 scoops of purple wraath at the gym.

(I realize this is not really a meal.)


After the gym

2 scoops of whey with water, sometimes with natural PB/milk.

One large Bananna


1-2 Hours later (home cooked dinner)

Steak, chicken, fish, mince

with either

brown rice, whole meal pasta, vegies, or salad and potatos.


2 hours later

PB sandwich with milk


whey shake.


Before bed

Casien protein shake.


yup, looks good to me. i havent eaten like that since about dec, i've been cutting, on and off, due to traveling and other factors fucking me up.


will start bulking again around sept or so.

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This is the workout regimen I've slowly evolved into

Day 1: Legs/ Abs



-Calf Raise

-Tibia Raise

-Leg Extension

-Weighted Ab crunch machine

Day 2: Arms/Chest


-Bench Press

-Barbell Curl

-Front Lateral Raise

-Tricep Pressdown (maybe)


Day 3: Back



-Lat Pulldown



Day 4: off


Each day I start with a half mile run to warm up. Each exercise is 5-7 sets 6-12 reps and I build up the weights each set, except for my ender which I'll do 15 reps of about half of the highest weight I did. I'll do HIIT on random days.


I dont really have any goals, just to feel and look strong.:D


Any thing I should add/change?

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This is the workout regimen I've slowly evolved into


Day 1: Legs/ Abs



-Calf Raise

-Tibia Raise

-Leg Extension

-Weighted Ab crunch machine

Day 2: Arms/Chest


-Bench Press

-Barbell Curl

-Front Lateral Raise

-Tricep Pressdown (maybe)


Day 3: Back



-Lat Pulldown



Day 4: off


Each day I start with a half mile run to warm up. Each exercise is 5-7 sets 6-12 reps and I build up the weights each set, except for my ender which I'll do 15 reps of about half of the highest weight I did. I'll do HIIT on random days.


I dont really have any goals, just to feel and look strong.:D


Any thing I should add/change?


Damn, looking good to me. I wish i had access to more equipment so i could do more stuff like that. Whats your diet like?

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This is the workout regimen I've slowly evolved into

Day 1: Legs/ Abs

Day 2: Arms/Chest


Day 3: Back


Any thing I should add/change?


Deleted your lifts so that it doesn't keep stretching the page out when I quote.


Day 1 looks fine.


Day 2, I'd take the triceps press-down out in favor of incline bench. Almost everyone neglects the clavicular (upper) portion of the chest, which gives a lot of help to "look and feel strong". Work it just the same as regular flat bench.


Day 3, if you're capable of doing pull ups or chin ups, do those instead of the lat pulldown. They're infinitely better. If you can't do pull/chin ups, do a couple sets of negatives, then go to the lat pulldown for a couple sets so you're getting the reps in for growth. If you can only do a couple chin/pull ups, again, do a couple sets of them, then go to the lat pulldown for a couple more sets.


Also, do abs every time you're in the gym. They're one of the few muscles that can be worked with such volume and still respond/heal in time. Weighted ab crunches on the pulley machine are an excellent exercise, so you're good there, just bump up the volume to 3x a week.

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Damn, looking good to me. I wish i had access to more equipment so i could do more stuff like that. Whats your diet like?


I dont have any set plan like some guys do, I eat lots of subs and sandwiches (chicken or turkey on wheat), eggs, protein shakes, etc. Protein, Protein, Protein.



Thanks heel, I'll definitely keep all that in mind. I can do about 8 chin ups or pull ups at a time, but the thing that always gets me is that I start to swing and I have to stop. Mad annoying.


This 50ish year old guy at the gym today was grunting and GROWLING maaad loud. He was pushing good weight, but jesus, you could hear him clear across the gym sounding like an animal tearing a gazelle apart. He'd be all




Every rep of every set.. ruining everyone's concentration, but giving everyone a good laugh when he wasnt around.

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This 50ish year old guy at the gym today was grunting and GROWLING maaad loud. He was pushing good weight, but jesus, you could hear him clear across the gym sounding like an animal tearing a gazelle apart. He'd be all



hahaha... welcome to the gym!

i've been going to a gym that frowns on grunting since i moved. i sort of miss hearing it. even though, 75% of the grunts were from guys who stack the leg press up and only do 1/4 reps than rack it or something similar. haha

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