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Reccomended things to do in your lifetime...


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-live in different places

-master something you have never been good at

-travel alone for sure

-play a sport

-live in austraila

-loose a sense of material value (siddhartha'esque)

- put yourself in a situation that gives you the opportunity to see who you really are

-start a converstion with a stranger

-make a friend

-loose a friend

-find something in life worth deeming it a "conviction"



-grow a beard






and do every and anything possibly available to you...because one day your gonna die

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Great thread, im pretty young and ive done a bunch of these things already and theres heaps i still need to do, but over this year and next im really looking foward to travelling and want to do alot of it in my lifetime.


Some cool shit ive done that i recommend you try in your lifetime:

Hot air ballooning.

Bungee jumping.

Stealing a car and going joyriding.

Acid, Mushrooms, Coke.

Sex with a older woman.

Getting in a blue or two.

Sleeping under the stars.

Walking around new places etc.

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-Learn to speak as many languages as you can

-Use them all around the world, trying not to be a tourist.

-Know history, yours and others, that's what really shows you your place in the world.

-Work with yourself so you're actually after things that make you happy instead of following

one wrong dream after the other.

-drink beer

-smoke weed

-drive fast

-punch some dudes

-mad bitches on yo d


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Fuck I have done alot of things that have been mentioned, other than travelling, which is definitely on the agenda once I graduate school.


But one thing left off this list is to get a chick to suck you off, fresh from pulling out her butthole. Oh the sense of achievement and power!!


But anyway, I think everyone has to watch someone else have sex in reality. Just so you know you do it right, (or as in my case, better than them) hahahahaha.

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do coke

become president

fuck the world beyond repair



oh and if there is time, come to Seattle go down to this little bakery in queer anne that sell's these pastries called 'Potatoes'. Eat one.


fuck yes someone knows about the potatoes. i have had one in a loooonnnng fucking time, i doubt i could even find the place anymore, sicne ballard is a whole 2 miles away.

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Go to Tacos And Beer in Tiajuanna -- 3 tacos and 3 beers for 3 dollars. Go three + rounds.

Go snowboarding/skiing at night on mushrooms.

Visit Vancouver BC.

See as much live music as possible.

Meet/Connect with as many people as possible.

Step outside of your comfort zone...in as many ways as possible.

Keep a journal of drawing/writing/poetry, whatever--constant creative excersize.

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Do at least one spa treatment or private bubble bath


Go hot tubbing in the snow


Get a massage from a professional with or without the happy ending is totally up to you


Spend a ridiculous amount of money on something you know no one else would understand


Take a trip and find yourself. Once found go back to where you came from and tell everyone how you found yourself


Try becoming a vegetarian for a week. After quitting for only 3 days have a new found respect for other peoples life choices but still if they try to get up in your face about it you now have the right to punch them.


Slide down escalator handrails.


Skip over the turnstiles cause you only have 3.75 and the train ticket is 4.25

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This is what came up when I looked up Safety Kat:














oh my god!!!!!! i was just thinking about these yesterday, and wondering where i could get them!!! i used to have one a few years ago, but i think my mom threw it away when i went into the hospital. mine had whiskers though




my list:

eat a $1300 dollar meal

learn to drive

watch the soup

try escargot

shave your head

know how to cook

love someone

work hard for something

get a passport

be super broke for at least a short while so you can appreciate when you have money

go on a barbecue tour of the south (still working on this one.)

own a real pet

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eat a $1300 dollar meal


Be careful on this one. For my sisters birthday we went to this restaurant Shadowbrook, which is really expensive and it sits on a river which opens up into the ocean about a block away.


Anywho for the 4 of us, the bill was $1100. The food was good, but seriously I would probably never go there again. The portions were dumb-ass small. And you only had like 4 items to choose from.


Anyway... Yeah.


Here is the place,



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Wake up with mad regrets of last nights adventures of smashin some real unsavory birds.


Spend money on an outfit you know know one else would like except for you. Wear once then proceed to never wear again.

Get a shitty job and tell your boss off.

Attempt a front or back flip into a pool or any body of water.

Break or lose at least 3 cell phones but get at least 4 free ones cause you were smart enough to get the insurance.

Have a life changing experience or a near death experience.

Embrace some heavily different cultures regardless of religious and political beliefs. (except eskimoes because they aren't real people anyways)

Put yourself at risk of bodily harm doing a real stupid stunt.

I forget who said it but a culinary tour will be mentioned for sheer brilliance.

See something on Tv food network and try to recreate it at home.


Eat a cubed watermelon. (courtesy of groyn)

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go to a castle


I havent been to an actual castle yet but I think this is something I will do before I die. Anyone know if theres castles in Ireland cause if I'm going to visit one i think Ireland would be a good place to start.

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Places to visit in Ireland


visit castles


Adare Castle, Athlumy Castle, Aughnanure Castle, Avery Castle, Ballylee Castle, Ballymoon Castle, Blarney Castle - kiss the blarney stone, Ballymoon Castle, Ballymote Castle, Bunratty Castle, Carrick-on-Suir Castle, Cahir Castle, Carrigaholt Castle, Carlow Castle, Carrickfergus Castle, Charles Fort, Cloghoughter Castle, Conna Castle, Carrigafoyle Castle, Donore Castle, Dublin Castle, Dundrum Castle, Dunluce Castle, Dunsoghly Castle, Gleninagh Castle, Glinsk Castle, Greencastle, Kilkenny Castle, Lemanagh Castle, Mallow Castle, Monea Castle, Ballynahow Castle, Newtown Castle, Old Crom Castle, Parkes Castle, Rathmacknee Castle, Ross Castle, Slade Castle, Swords Castle, Trim Castle, Trim Castle part 2, Tully Castle

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Thats a lot of fuckin castles. Good news though I was just informed theres some sort of castle in Ca that a multi millionaire had shipped and rebuilt from england and I think it's only a 4 hour drive away from me. This will be my stepping stone to my castle viewing experience.

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Hit 200 mph in a car . I came close @ 168 mph according to GPS in a 1994 Supra TT that went to a single GT47 setup . What a fucking rush . But I've been fascinated with the 200 mph mark since I was a little boy .

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