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I set up a get together with my ex this sunday. She just got back from a 6 month trip from Spain has been in a 3 year relationship with this dude who she thinks maybe too uptight for her now that she has come back. We started talking while she was over there. She started calling me up drunk dialing me "Hey what are you doin? Wanna come to Spain and fuck?" then that moved to real calls hours and hours of me and her on the phone her crying alot about how she misses me and laughing because apparently this dude has no original sense of humor and many 711 phone cards as well as her $600 phone bills later she is home. I havent talked to her since she got back on sunday. I called once no answer so I emailed her set up this date. She wants me to go traveling to Europe this winter with her she says she couldnt think of anyone else she would want to go with...I dont know what her deal is. I want to be with her again she was my best friend/wifey then for 3 years we didnt talk. Her mom doesnt want her talking to me because her dude is pretty set and they think i am a loser even though i am doing well for myself. I dotn know what I am writing. I just thought I would give you a sober look at what I am going to be writing about in the coming weeks when I am drunk. However it looks as though my sober views will be just as jumbled as my drunk ones...


you people prolly shouldnt read this...its way to long for you to comprehend my b...

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Do whatever makes you happy Some1, that's what I'm currently tryin to do with my ex


The situation is fucked and all, but I'd rather be with her than without her so I put myself through shit anyways....if you're happy without the girl though, just smile and keep steppin

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Tonight reminded me why drinking with amateurs sucks. No one knew how to order shots, what shots to order, when to pick up drinks for the birthday girl, my girls sisters boyfriend drove to the bar but couldn't drive home, and some people didn't even drink.


These were my girls people - I explained I would not be socializing with said people again.


I'm drinking right now to try to have something good come out of the evening...I have to be up in 6 hours.

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