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I have a 1988 Ninja Gaiden arcade machine in my kitchen but it gets pretty much completely ignored cuz everyone just wants to play vodka pong ha


I haven't posted in here in a bit but have no fears, I'm still gettin trashed every single night pretty much...haven't been to work in 2 months and counting!


I was supposed to be heading up to Boston tonight but I was informed by my boy out there that if I came up I had to attend a "viking metal" show with him, so I'll save that trip for tomorrow.


Tonight I'mma stay home, get trashed with the homies, and prolly fuck a 15 year old...yodel acha boy

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I have been debating the idea with myself of whether or not I should start fucking some of these smokin' ass 16 year olds. They always wave at me and start backin their asses up when I drive by with the system bangin. It's not too hard for a 20 year old dude in fly ass gear and a Caddy to pull these breezies. I think I may do this shit. Fuck it I just talked myself into it. I didn't bang enough 16 year olds when I was 16 so I gotta make up for it.

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I used to have a rule about not touching girls more than 2 years younger than me


Then me and my girl broke up, and I started hangin out with this extremely dope 16 year old (I posted a picture of her a long time back, I think Gucci will prolly remember, perfect tits). So after that I was like "Aite cool, whatever, my new limit is no more than 3 years younger than me", then that changed like 2 weeks back haha. After a party a few people crashed at my crib, and the last one left in the morning was this real sexy 15 year old chick (who's actually pretty good friends with 2 other girls I fuck, but that's another story) and after she helped me cleaned up shit happened, and yeah.


I'm 19, fuckin gorgeous (HAVE YOU SEEN ME LATELY?! haha), I drive a 2000 Lincoln LS, I have my own apartment, and I've got the whole "bad boy" thing going for me that teenage girls just fuckin love...what can I say, they throw themselves at me and I'm weak :'(


Anyways, I was listenin to the new Styles P shit today and I heard a line that made me wanna just break shit




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No doubt nikkuh, I figured too if you happen to come up on one that is super fly and not a retard and things actually work out..then you will end up with a hot ass fucking wife who is younger than you in the end. I guess it would kind of suck with them not being able to get in the bar and stuff though.

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I have a 1988 Ninja Gaiden arcade machine in my kitchen but it gets pretty much completely ignored cuz everyone just wants to play vodka pong ha


I haven't posted in here in a bit but have no fears, I'm still gettin trashed every single night pretty much...haven't been to work in 2 months and counting!


I was supposed to be heading up to Boston tonight but I was informed by my boy out there that if I came up I had to attend a "viking metal" show with him, so I'll save that trip for tomorrow.


Tonight I'mma stay home, get trashed with the homies, and prolly fuck a 15 year old...yodel acha boy


yous living the life

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im on the wagon after some ruthless antics...I even went to an AA meeting..damn its hard not to drink, I been sippin on Odouls for the synthetic mindstate.......my name is fat ralphy and im an alcoholic


haha you hear some crazy stories at AA meetings though, one dude missed 24 days of work, dude called in sick, a fucking adult calls in sick for a whole month cuz hes a drunk, then this other dude would get so drunk hed barricade himself in his house and carry shotguns around, one guy got so smashed he was left behind at the statue of liberty, he missed the last ferry....crazy shit


anyway no more sober talk after all this is team alco... if you guys want to kick me out thats ok....i understand....i wonder how long i can pull this shit off

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Yesterday went riding on my dirt bike around 4ish. Stopped by the friends house on my dirt bike around 5, they had some beer so we are drinking next thing you know im drunk and so are my other two friends. So we smoked a bowl and i end up crashing there. Then i woke up a little while ago and rode home on my dirt bike. All the people on the way to work were looking at me all funny. Good times, wouldnt it suck to catch a DUI on a dirt bike? haha

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