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I ended up at a college party last night with a bunch of "dude-guys" and slutty girls

I seem to hate slutty girls until I'm drunk.. Then I either hate them 10x more, or realize I can easily get my dick sucked..

And I just hate dude-guys.. But I drank all their beer, so maybe it pays off


Team Alco!

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Team hardbody??


Anyway, I just got back from my first day back at uni. The new tavern wasn't finished, ubt the old one was still rocking, with a shitload of international students taking it on. There was a fucken hot as chick there drinking jugs of beer, but as my mates had to bail to a lecture, I couldn't be fucked associating with her hipster mates that were hovering around giving me evils.


So I had to bail to home and drink more Coronas. TEAM ALCO UNITE!!

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