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go motherfucking saints.


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totally, "bro"

Deuce McAllister and Reggie Bush are getting STUUUUFFFFFFFFFFFED 90% of their running plays up against that bears defense.

Can everyone please get off of this team's dick now? Its getting old, and no, they're not America's team. They're New Orleans' team.


Eagles should have won last saturday anyway.

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Are you serious, dude? Of course I don't expect people to be on their dick because of a hurricaine. You have a team you love and thats the team you love. Just because theres an earthquake in San Francisco and they have a decent runningback doesn't mean they're your team this season.


And I was obviously being facetious about the hurricaine in New Orleans. I'm just a huge eagles fan, nahmean?

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You guys can hate all you want. They've come this far.. it's very possible they can pull it off. So what if everyone's loving on them because of Katrina? The Pats won after 9-11. Saints fans are die hard... they always have been and always will be-- but especially now.








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The Bears are gonna get run on.I'll admit its gonna be a good game,but we're coming out on top.The Saints deserve respect after coming from katrina and a 3-13 season to being 11-6 one game from the SuperBowl.Ya'll just some hatin lil bitches.Get ya panties out of the wad there in.



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