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Black People & The Word 'Ask'


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Black people are deathly afraid of any word that ends in a hard consonant (this goes back to the 'uncool to give a fuck about anything' thing). White people are deathly afraid of someone calling them 'ignorant' for not talking like a robot all the time (this goes with the 'stick-up-the-ass' thing).

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I had this woman in my psych class that was a walking racist cartoon.


Big fat black lady, not rollers but the little tied hair spikey thing (im white, sorry I have no idea what that style is called), lips 5 times as big as any other human, house dress.


And she would just ramble.


"Why it be dat dey do dat? Dats jus ignant. Ya you know dats true, I wen't to vegas with my boyfren an i seen dese people, spen all mah money, stayed der fer like a week wif my boyfren an my lil girl."


The teacher was timid as fuck though and couldn't tell her to shut the fuck up.


/end rant

//was annoying, but extraordinary amusing at the same time.


Haha this post makes me sound racist as fuck, but this shit was to an extent where it was like I was on a hidden camera show.



Repent! Jesus is coming! Repent!



Watchu mean repent? I already pented...!



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