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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear guts,

Why do you torment me so?

What did I ever do to you to make you hate me?

I can't help it if I have a penchant for cheap beer and spicy foods.

The massive amounts of coffee I ingest on the daily are necessary for me to function.


I beg of you.

Stop burning and gurgling and making me feel deadly.

I will treat you better if you treat me better.

We can make this work.

I need you in my life.

I am scared you will decide to walk out the back door on me one of these days.

Don't do that.

I love having you around, even when you are in a foul mood.

Cheer up.

It's not that bad.




Dear work.

Suck it.


Wishing I was still on vacation

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear friend,


I don't understand you at times, you can be cool but at times you just don't care about being an asshole. How can I put it to you like this, if you hate/dislike black people, why do you dress like them (slight wiggerish but no pants saggin, but you love the dunks, you get some credit) or even listen to their music (Hip-hop and Rock yes Rock I said it!) and and talk shit to people who have never done anything to you. And then you have the nerve to complain about why you never get a lucky break relationshipwise or with anything else. You should read about Karma and what it means in this world. Man up to your faults and mistakes, don't blame your past because your past is now your present.


with consideration to withdraw as a friend,

Sir Dood's pissed

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear UoME,


Ahahahah... Oh man...




Dear Holler,


It took me a few minutes just to think this up: hahhhahahhahaahhahahahahahahhahahahahhaahhaahhaahahhahahahah




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Cali,


I'm fucking dying right now thinking about the shit that happened last night. Seriously from the moment she called me until I took her back. I think it ended with me pissing in the hotel hallway and her saying she was gonna puke.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear banana to the fish,

Straightening those locks of gregarious wonderfulness

took at least three hours.

I tried to help you but

your hair is like a hybrid of greatness and way too

much for someone of no african decent to handle.

I commend you on your ability to do that

more than once a year.

<3 B. Fish


dear heart attack-

I am so sorry about that. In all fairness though

I warned you. :)

You can use my markers anytime you want.

I have one in silver too.

hollaback- B. Fish

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