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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear TailsOne,


35 tardies? What the fuck?

Tie your shoes and pull up your pants before the bell.


T ''Cant really say much with 17 tardies'' Rock



Dear Torn,

my shoes stay tied

and my pants are mid booty position

i just take my sweet ass time...

at the rate im goin though i might just

beat my record of 48 tardies last year...



going for gold,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Ravenswood passengers, (I mean Brown line riders)


I fuckin' hate you all! I hope all you fuckers that refuse to move to let other passengers off because you're all caught up reading your idiot newspaper "Red Eye" have your stocks options drop and you die of a horrible incurable disease like AIDS of the leukemia of the ass or something.


With Grudges and a wish for your death,

Surly Sir Doodlesism



ps You know why it's called the Brown Line? Cuz it serves a bunch a turds!!! Die you yuppie fuckers!!!

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Thanksgiving weekend.


I was totally stoked.

Fun times were going to be had.

Now it seems that it may be a lonely, emotional roller coaster.


I'm really glad there are a few people that always make me smile. Thank you.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Vaj.


Suck it up you pansy. I didnt even get invited to thanksgiving from my moms side of the family. My thanksgiving weekend is going to be filled with moving boxes and calls begging people to let me keep couches in beds at there house for two weeks. Then I have to actually move the stuff and find a girl who will let me stay at her house for two weeks.


-Some My house is ready on Dec 1st Juan...

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear some1,


if your family hates you. your not the only one.

my dad side of the family thinks im some drug addict gang member that is covered in tattoos and always in and out of jail.

just because they dont ever see me.

they talk shit about me and to my parents. my mom has told me that my dads side dont care if i die and shit.

i dont even know why. i never did anything to them.

egh its life right?

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear las vegas,


thanks for the good times as usual. also thanks for making me miss work yesterday due to exhaustion and too much alcohol consumption. thanks for the pain in my abdominal and liver region and thanks for basically sucking the life out of me. thanks to the mexicans who made me the best food.


me oh me

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Smoking Hot Neighbor,


Thank you for riding your stationary bike in a sports bra with the blinds open. Thanks for choosing tight wife beaters for casual dress around the house. Most importantly, thanks for sitting in your hot tub topless.


I know you see me watching!





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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Vaj & Porc


Nah they dont hate me I've never done anything bad to them or anything. I am just never around kinda like porc's situation. They are all rich and over achieving and I am just a bastard child who never went to college born to a mother that has made the family dislike her. Sucks they know I don't like being around my mom so who knows maybe they just did this because she is going. Who knows whatever I aint phased by it I just know I am gonna get shit faced drinking expensive tequila with my dad.


Signed, TequilaFace c/no racist

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Torn,

my shoes stay tied

and my pants are mid booty position

i just take my sweet ass time...

at the rate im goin though i might just

beat my record of 48 tardies last year...



going for gold,




Dear Tails,


Nice to see people making goals.



Takes my sweet as time twoER



Dear Torn And Tails,


Fuck Tardies. When you skip the second semester of each year of school and still graduate.

thats when you get gold.




Dear Porc,


Wish I could do that

My school calls the house when you so much as miss one block




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Porc,

lucky ass....

if i could skip it i would...

but the administraters at my school

swear they're cops... they threatened to arrest me

a bunch of times for grabbing a phone from them to talk to my parents,

going to my locker to get my coat after i was suspended,

and for not sitting in the ISS room when i was told.....

and many other retarded ass reasons...






Dear Ramen Noodles,


you are deeeeeeeeeeeeelicious...



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Smoking Hot Neighbor,


Thank you for riding your stationary bike in a sports bra with the blinds open. Thanks for choosing tight wife beaters for casual dress around the house. Most importantly, thanks for sitting in your hot tub topless.


I know you see me watching!






Dear Love2paint4free,



and if she knows your watching

go over and smash...

what you waiting for?


~Twizzle Dizzle

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