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was sorta hoping the break-in at dexters place was gonna get rapey with some nudes from that broad. ha how bad was the anti climax for the severed hand. travis just looks at it and it goes back in the box. he left it at dexters place so it should come back up in the next season. why'd the intern put those lines on the palm?


needs more doakes

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"The arm itself once belonged to a prostitute under the name of Monique but is best attributed to the Ice Truck Killer Case and specifically, Brian Moser the Ice Truck Killer.


Currently, the hand is being shipped to Dexter Morgan, the brother of the Ice Truck Killer with several strange lines marked on the palm of the hand in reference to a "Palm Chart" Louis was observing. The exact meaning behind the lines is unclear as well as what this message is intended to be for Dexter."






i thought the same thing about the intern being next years bad guy

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They are getting real close to "jumping the shark" and flushing a good show right down the Cable TV Toilet with this who "step brother/ step sister incest scenario" they're trying to set up. I hope they waited til the end of the season to judge the viewing public's reaction so they know to drop it at the beginning of next season.

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i've hated deb's character since the beginning, all these new details are just going to make her closer to unbearable to watch


i'll watch the next season, but i'm not at all 'sucked in' like i had been for the first 4. oh well.


cosign both. pretty disappointed with this season. cant count how many times i said "give me a break" out loud.

this whole deb wanting dexter thing is gross and erks me even more cuz i cant stand her so much...

im stuck watching this show much like im stuck watching SOA. both getting dumb absurd and just leaving so many holes in writing...

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Words, but I'm so invested in the show that its hard just to tune it out...I think Dexter being exposed as the Bay Harbor Butcher would've given this series the spark that it needed to continue...But instead ALL of the characters are falling flat and We've forgotten why we even liked Dexter's character in the first place.

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And to think Dexter and Deb used to be married in real life.


. . . and to think that they split up over Julia Stiles, I can't decide which one is more wretched.


Julia Stiles makes me want to throw up in my mouth, and Jennifer Carpenter makes me think I'd rather swallow that throw up than to have her face with in a foot of my face.


There are girls that are so ugly that they some how complete the circle and become cute, like a dog. These two hags don't even fit into that category. Move on Dexter!


Killing off Deb would make sense, now that they're divorced I'm sure there's some sort of tension on the set. Deb can go, but Dexter is the entire show. Hopefully we wont have to listen her bad attempts at "shocking you with her language" anymore, that shit is really growing old.

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to add on to the whole dexter's real life divorce thing


just making a guess but i would say she probably wants out and next season will be the last.


I'm hoping that isnt the case but then again writing is hurting a bit.

the whole religion thing was a little too overbearing in this.


dudes a serial killer- i think he's past the whole this is a sin type shit.

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its not believable anymore, theres no way that he would've gotten away without being discovered all this time, this show shouldve been one of those shows like breaking bad, where everything was planned out for 5 seasons and then ended. That wouldve made it much more interesting i think.... Also, its fucking retarded that deb is in love with dexter, this whole fucking time there was no indication of this at all, at least in the first 2 seasons Deb was kind of a bad ass who didnt put up with anyones shit, now she cries constantly and is in love with her brother?? it's totally counter to what she used to represent, and it seems like theyre grasping at straws with some of these ideas...

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i think we all agree dexter's writing is terrible: full of holes, insulting to even simple logic, and grasping.


and yet we're all probably going to keep watching it.


it would be nice if they'd put effort into writing one solid LAST season and let it die with a few shreds of dignity, instead of dragging it until there is nothing left.

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