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this is not right


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Last night I saw on the news that 2 kids were shot in my neighborhood, I thought to myself it could be someone I know..sure enough i woke up today to find out my friend was shot in the stomach and another guy i know of was killed. My friend is now paralyzed from the waist down,Im not really sure how I feel about the situation,but I cant stop thinking about it. Figured the only way I could blow some stress was to ramble on 12oz.I dont mean to whine,but this shit has to stop..


Rest in peace Kyle.

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That sucks man, all I can say is keep your head straight and remain friends with

the paralyzed friend. I'm talking about now and ten years from now. When all

your gossiping friends leave him behind. Be there for him.


That will make you a true man.


Listen to him, he know his shit.

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How do gun laws prevent criminals from having guns?


And "more brutal cops" means more rip threads, dipshit.



Is this a serious question? After the Port Arthur masacre in Australia, we tightened our gun laws heavily. All Automatic Weapons were deemed illegal and the Government did a buy back scheme with the owners. Since then im sure the statistics in gun related crimes would have dropped dramatically.

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Is this a serious question? After the Port Arthur masacre in Australia, we tightened our gun laws heavily. All Automatic Weapons were deemed illegal and the Government did a buy back scheme with the owners. Since then im sure the statistics in gun related crimes would have dropped dramatically.



All that shit has been doen here in the US and it doesn't work. Automatic guns are illegal. Infact even carrying a gun at all is illegal unless you have a permit which is almost impossible for the average American to get. So now basically the only people packing are criminals (who get long prison terms if caught with a gun) and cops. Maybe if guns were legal Kyle and his homeboy would have been packing too and shit would have ended different. Maybe not, but the fact is that niggas are alot less likely to pull a gun if they think you have one too. That's just a fact.

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Just got back from the hospital..turns out my friend is not paralyzed..the bullet just barely missed his spine but it hit his lung..hes alot better than i thought,should be out of the hospital soon.


just read this....




....on the bright side.....and not to be a dick when i say this....imagine the bragging rights to that scar


"I got this scar bombing down Jackson hill on the north side of town."


"Wow, great, See this....I got shot with a gun and the bullety went through my lung, barely missing my spine."




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yeah,he said he wants the bullet soo he can wear it around his neck...but its still stuck in his lung,if they tried to take it out it could cause more damage.


one thing that pisses me off is this though.


"Court records indicated the victim had been arrested for speeding and driving without a driver’s license in September 2005. Police said they also found a small bag of marijuana during that traffic stop.


A possession of marijuana charges stemming from that incident was later dismissed.


The victim was later arrested in connection with drug charges in June, but the teen pleaded guilty to reduced charges in August."


why did they have to add that?

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