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Animal Cruelty Videos


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It's actually a hot asian girl. No joke. She's like stepping on a kitten with high heels, and it just sits there, really bizarre shit. I didn't watch more than a few seconds of it, and it was just way too bizarre for me to really comprehend. That one video with the raccoons being skinned alive remains the worst shit I've seen online.


have you seen the russian soldier having his throat cut by the chechyan rebels?

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have you seen the russian soldier having his throat cut by the chechyan rebels?


I got that one saved on my hard drive. I put it on the funny video section and I change the name every so often so when my friends sit down to watch shit on my computer ("Hey got any new funny videos?" "Sure, there in that folder right there") they accidentally run into that one at one point or another. It works EVERY time, and it's often followed by having a lamp or something else on the desk being thrown at my head.


It's brutal, but it doesn't really phaze me all that much anymore. That raccoon shit though, I can't even fucking think about it.

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I got that one saved on my hard drive. I put it on the funny video section and I change the name every so often so when my friends sit down to watch shit on my computer ("Hey got any new funny videos?" "Sure, there in that folder right there") they accidentally run into that one at one point or another. It works EVERY time.


It's brutal, but it doesn't really phaze me all that much anymore. That raccoon shit though, I can't even fucking think about it.


there's actually a far more disturbing rare one that i only saw once. a russian officer getting the same treatment but he is sitting on the grass for a while beforehand, then someone pulls out a pistol and shoots him in the elbow or hip or something, then he gets wrangled to the ground and gets his throat hacked through. definately worse that the one everyone has seen, maybe becasue you see him alive and talking, i get the impression they tell him his about to be let free, and when the killer jumps him he struggles and shit.....really really bad.

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wow. people just don't surprise me anymore. i'm not watching that video by any means. but people do not surprise me. fuck. wehn you can't go kill a human in the streets, kill an animal, huh? the big question. what is worse, the people who are sick enough to do something like this and make a video of it (much less the act), or the people who get off on watching these perverse acts?


what have we as a race come to?

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come take my life you fuckin pussy, those animals didnt do shit, dumb ass faggots like you do shit to people and deserve to be raped in front of your mother. talk shit on the internet is dumb so take your dumb ass shit away retard



you just said that you'd rather kill a human baby than an animal




you / retard

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I saw this video, someone thought they would be funny and post it on another forum. It was this really small kitten, Im not a cat person, I reakon dogs are where its at. But this kitten looked soo cute. Anyways, there was this asian girl in the video and she started stomping on it with high heels, peircing its stomach and latter shattering its skull, you could see the brain and shit literally come out. Never before have I been soo pissed off before on the internet, I use to watch some of those Ogrish.com movies and they never really made an impact, but how the fuck can some people kill such an innocent/defenceless creature. I actually hope these motherfuckers get killed.


Im not going to watch the video, but can someone tell me what happens in it, just curious

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i just watched one where they are skinning the chinese racoon dogs for their fur. fucking brutal. they skin them alive. at the end of it you see this dog with no skin looking around and shit before it dies. quite disturbing. and i see some really fucked up shit daily.


Yeah, that's the one I was talking about. It's insane.


I'm glad I quite watching this kitten shit after a few seconds. Here's hoping it's some crazy animatronic shit.

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