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Best Movie Opening Shots Ever

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While I agree that the opening of RAD with "Break the Ice" by John Farham playing to Ron "2-HIP" Wilkerson, Eddie Fiola, Mike Domiguez, Martin "The Chairman" Aparijo, Bryan Blyther, R.L. "El Cid" Osbourne, Rick Molitnero, and Woody Itson all doing an awesome mix or mid eighties freestyle tricks. Special shots of Fiola, Domiguez, and Wilkerson at the old pipeline(RIP).


What? I'm not supposed to know that?


BUT, I completely disagree with you on Super Troopers. Genius. Hillarity.

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Yeah, I didn't list all the other BMX guys because they were mostly in the race. Like Kevin Hull, Travis Chipres, Danny Milwee, The Rosecrans Brothers, Eric Rupe(listed as Rob Rupe for some reason....),and lets not forget that even though for some reason he isn't credited with it Hugo Gonzales did the flip stunt in the movie.

Man I'm an old freestyle nerd. I think I still have my autographed 2-HIP King of vert t-shirt.

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Yeah dude, back then there wasn't that much BMX/Freestyle shit in movies so when it happened, I saw it, even if it was gay like that movie or "The BMX kid", or little parts in Pee Wee's big adventure, or the part in Quicksilver where Martin Aparijo, Eddie Fiola, Woody Itson, Eddie Roman doing tricks on wierd mountian bike/tenspeed/fixedgear conglomerations.....

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*on the BMX tip I knew this kid, the skaters called him fat Derrick and the skinheads called him black derrick but everyone treated him cool, mostly because he weighed about 350 pounds... and not in a good way.


Anyway, he'd moved from Nashville from his mom's to his Dad's house here and he would always talk about his 'BMX career'. He was supposed to be some kinda super champ and yadda yadda, seemed kinda far fetched...


Still, errbody let that just kinda simmer and moved on, but one day we were all at this ditch and a porsche pulls up, turns out it's Derricks dad, and Derrick is basically homeless. His dad booted him and, well, actually, Derrick got in the car and drove away but when we next saw him (several hours later) he was fully booted... and he had this huge ass green naugahyde suitcase that was fully busting out the straps. I only lived a few blocks away and he begged me into letting him leave it at my house for a week. I tell him 'cool' but I also tell him that I'm moving in 6 weeks so...


So, he never comes for the suitcase even though I saw him and STRESSED that I was moving just 2 days before I moved... so, 11th hour, it's going on the thrash... so I crack the straps and sure enough it's mostly fucking BMX trophies! WHA?! All of them were first or second and there must have been 35 of them. Also there were copies of what I think was just called "BMX Magazine" but it was a slick glossy and each issue had pages folded over that either had Derrick's picture or a scores list with his name. He was HUGE in all the pictures too so he didn't gain weight later... also there were a bunch of records, Fishbone and Dead Kennedys stick in my memory...


But... what MOST sticks in my memory are two pairs of huge size granny panties with big old skid marks that were tucked into one corner... that's when I quit exploring.


Yay BMX!

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