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Looking Down From a Heap of 10K


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How weird that this amount of posts was made during some of the most interesting times of my life. I remember getting to 3500 and 10k seeming so damn far away.


In the three years I have posted on these boards i...


graduated college

lost a dear friend

Broke up with my gf of 6 yrs

improved my game

cheated death

lost my favorite hat

furthered my objectification of a certain race of women beyond anything i thought possible

Learned that graffiti is more about partying and a good time


12oz has been a great way for me to kill time and weather shitty and hostile times in my life all the to the tune of animated gifs, moderator terror, confused identities (I'm not Neckface), graffiti of varying quality and a load of witty and funny people.



I'd like to extend my thanks to the mods who tolerated my initial growing pains (espc Gliko and Europe) as well as other like Seeking, Smart El Mammero, !@#$%, Old Growth, etc... who have been more than handy in giving me advice running the gamut of travel, tattoos and cheap eats as well as mailing me kick ass packages.


As for members...I've met a lot of you in real life with there being only two of you to whom i wish i had never been introduced to but oh well, that the luck of the draw eh? Shai hulud for letting me crash at his place, SneakandCreep for having a hot gf, SpreadAids who shares my hate for all things rockabilly, iLoveBoxCars for communicating with me over AIM, Mero for making me laugh my ass off, Deliss for just being asian, Fatalist for staying on the phone with me as i chanced more than one DUI driving back home from frisco, even CaCashRefund for...I dunno. Vinyl junkie, Devillush, EastBayPowerhouse, Ego Maniac, etc......on and on and on


shit...too mnay people to mention. Sorry to those I forgot.


I'll end this by dedicating all 10K posts to KRIE......I think he was one of the first people to begin replying to my posts and welcoming me into the fold. I got a few postcards from him that are now safely tucked away and goddamnit, i wish you would have stuck around longer man....you had great tattoos in the works. RIP forever. 12oz carries your name onward.


Because of cerain events that have transpired lately, i may not keep this screen name for much longer but rest assured, you can be sure i will still lurk because there is no proven method for kicking this board.


Lens--------------->10K and beyond!

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so much emotions in the 12 lately... everyone accomplishing a higher status, thank you's abound greatly and the sharing of feelings are plentiful indeed... it almost seems as if the 12 will somehow fade into oblivion and live in our memorys... please stick to lens as it has lead you through many things in life... and allowed you to share many things...

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Damnit, how could i forget Gnometoys and huis amazing animated giffery? 26sided Cube's sarcasm? Teases' knuckle headedness?




El Mammero's photos and the way they make my office turn a slighter darker shade of grey?


"trackStands hot night out"

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Happy birthday...you're like, a million years old in 12 oz. land now.


Plans are being set for the evening...consider yourself part of them. Seeing as you're going out of town and all that.


It's like that scene in "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" where the midget walks up to HST with the phone and says, "This is the call you have been waiting for."


You should be ready for the call, duder.

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Oh, yeah...I'm looking at the charger sitting right here on my desk.


As far as the young lady goes, I believe she may be hanging out with some other folks we know. Me and my lady decided to take the night off, but she/they may end up here later. Hard to say.


No, there are other plans in the works. I'll give you a rundown....try me on AIM. The handle is in my profile.

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