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I saw a commercial for faggot eye for the loser guy where the guy was saying "remember boys, shave with the grain" and since then, I've made sure to shave against the grain and it works perfectly. Gillette Fusion and years of taking care of my face (from infancy, really).

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Ahhh..The Dreaded Bumpy Face.


When I use my electric razor (one of the Norelco rotary joints) I always wash my face with hot water, then put some Nivea on, then let it sit for a minute. Then, when I shave, it seems to A) hack through the fucking Brillo Pad God saw fit to attach to my face and B) help keep the bumps to a minimum. I used to get them BAD, before I found out about Nivea. Thing is, you need to clean the razor a lot more often, or it gets clogged up really fast.


When I can afford it, I go with the Mach 3s with the gel shaving cream. That razor/gel combo could strip a wildebeest clean in seconds flat. The commecials don't lie.

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Real shaving is classic wet shaving. Check http://www.shavemyface.com/forum/, and http://www.shaveblog.com/ for all the info. Get a good badger brush, a used 40/50's doublesided razor from ebay, and some good blades and your set. Dont forget getting a good shave cream, one without all those chemicals that are bad for your skin. And never shave against the grain, and it best to shave after a shower.

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there was a electric shaver that came out. the commercial was a bunch of guys in a locker room testing it out: "whats all this goo..."


I had that thing ... it pulled my hair right out of my face not cutting it.


Then all the hair and goo would get all nasty under the blades.



Needless to say I havent used it in over 6 years.


Now I am grizzzed out ... I shave about once a month or so to get a fresh start. Or if I am going out on the town I will trim up and shave my neck.

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If you do not have one of those jiz producing shavers, use this:



Works wonders.


I dont have work or anything to do but look for a job and be bummy, so I got the full on beard going. Its kinda patchy on one side, but ill rock the pirate look, whatever.


Btw, to "persuade" me in to shaving my girl just bought me that new 5 blade razor.

Its gonna be a while before I test it out though.

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I recently started using one of those shaving gels that come in a tube, sort of like lotion, and it fucking rules. It doesn't foam up at all, and you only ned a tiny bit to form a thin layer over your face, so you can see what you're doing if you want to get nice clean edges on your chops, or do like a Prince- style pattern or something. The kind I've been using comes from Trader Joe's, and I don't get any razor burn at all with it. It's like shaving with butter (I imagine).


Here's an offer I found for a free sample of another brand if anyone is interested. I haven't tried this kind, but like I say, it's free.






Also, shaving at the end of a hot shower is the only way to go.

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