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Batman: The Dark Knight

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Today's issue of the Melbourne Sunday Herald-Sun (Sept 23) carries a brief interview with Michael Caine talking about Heath Ledger's performance in THE DARK KNIGHT, suggesting he could be up for an Oscar nomination for his work.


Here's some of what Caine had to say:


"The worry going in was The Joker.


Jack Nicholson was the greatest Joker so, you know, how do you top that? Well, Heath Ledger's done it and he's extraordinary.


He's gone in a completely different direction to Jack. Jack was like a clown figure, benign but wicked, maybe a killer old uncle. He could be funny and make you laugh.


Heath is like a really scary psychopath. I did one scene with him and he was ready to go and had to come up in a lift and raid our place.


I didn't see him for rehearsal and when he came out of the lift he was so incredible I forgot my lines. He frightened the life out of me.


I'd never met him before. He's a lovely guy and his Joker is going to be a hell of a revelation in this picture."




There is also a seven minute intro/short running with I Am Legend that introduces the Dark Knight Joker.

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I have very, very, very, very, very, very, very high expectations and hopes for this movie. This will be better than any of the other super-hero sequels, and most likely better than any of the other super-hero films, including Spiderman.




Ironman is also looking like it might be pretty interesting, although it seems like it's gonna be a three-hour long movie. My film class professor brought in his special critic's promotional trailer for the film and it looks epic and might actually be pretty cool.

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I want this Joker to be a mix of Frank Miller's version in DKR, Sam Keith's version done in the recent miniseries "Batman: Secrets", and the lunatic, crippling, rapist, murderer from Alan Moore's "The Killing Joke". IF you have not read "The Killing Joke" then you are not a true Batman fan. Run now to your local comic shop and buy it, or consider yourself a permanent newb.





Oh, and on another note, I don't have very high hopes for "The Watchman" and at, since it is one of the greatest graphic novels of all time, perhaps THE greatest, and Hollywood has already butchered Moore's other works, AND it is is impossible to tell that whole story even in three hours. AND, you can't trim anything from that story without making it good.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Warner Bros. must've pulled it. It was on youtube, and it looked fucking sick, evn though it was shitty pirated camera phone shit.


There was this one amazing shot at the end of the Joker in the middle of the street firing a machine gun, and the Batcycle skids past the Joker, spins around, and faces him... total badass hero shot.

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Here's a slightly more blown-up version that sounds OK.


And it seems like the HD trailer might be released this Sunday:





did you click the link on the upper right hand corner?





no problem w-xxx!



i'm pretty excited about this because when Batman Begins came out, my cousin bought tickets

for about 11 family members. we went as a family, elders included and everyone loved it!

some friends showed up too, we had a mob of about 20-30 people going to see it.

i'm sure we'll do the same this time too. i promised my cuzz i would buy his ticket this time around.

i've been sending him the updates from here as you guys are posting em up. he is/was

a big Batman/comic book fan since he was a kid...so, thanks from me and him!

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