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my saturday night. people like this exist?


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so this girl i know is leaving to oregon right? coo... she's a cool chic and good friend so i decide to go to her going away party.

sounds like a good idea right?


so i drive the 35 miles ot her place.

once i arrive

all i see are people likes this



no dont get me worng i read comics when i was younger and they where the shit and i still like the shit but.

these dudes would make a refference to any fucking comic know to man in order to sound cool? or be like hey dude whats up i havent seen you in years have u ever read the comic nightwing


so as i sit there people watching

i notice that 95% of the guy sthere need to take some fucking testosterone supplements

there was a guy there i confused for a chic who had a ravenclaw patch on his bag

WHAT the fuck is raven claw please someone elighten me.....

anyways the night is getting older..

and then this group of fellas starts a 1 hr long coversation about tv shows like stargate and the OC and other shows i have no idea about cuz i dont have time to watch any tv little own know every fuckin show thats out and who wrote it and produced it and so on.

so i think to myself i need oto relocate

i move to the kitchen

there this dude comes up to me and hes like HEY MAN MY NAME IS *blank*

"wow dude have u ever seen this many cool people in once place"

i just didnt know what to say so i just smiled nonded then the same dude noticed someone wearing a return of the jedi shirt and was like "duuuude thats a fucking rad shirt"

that was my que to walk away real fast.

by this time its like 11pm i arrived early to leave early and try and do other things with myself than sit around watching people get fucked up.

so its almost time for me to leave its about 1145

and this group of people show up



it was a pack of like 5

and this one chic wearing what looked like peter pan shoes?

what the fuck is going onhere i think to myself.

i need to get out...

I didnt really think these people existed although i have seen pics and shit online i have never personally seen them.

kinda like bigfoot or the yeti. but less exciting..

anyways right before i leave i take on more glance around the room.

and i see kids wearing jincos?

who the fuck still wears jincos and is in theri late 20's...

just a recap of the night

the most exciting that happened at the party was

the girl had fighting fish and she put them all in a bowl and they fought...


there was only 2 hot chics

one scenester looking girl who was wearing those black dancer tights things with blue jeans

but she had the mad butterface syndrome

and this cute asian chic..


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Guest spectr
why? he had no reason to fight these people.. it would have been better to take pictures and then we could have relived it. i vote that we have a RANDOM HOUSE PARY PICTURE THREAD.

no if he had fought people it would have been great....

just think about all the myspace bulletins about getting beat up last night.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Where the hell do you hang out? We need to hang out more, I need to see this for myself. PM duder when you come, I need to record this for science. 12oz Emo Investigation Unit.

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