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I Love Cops


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HAHAHA, I saw the tec-9 one recently. It's funny to me because I never watch COPS and you happened to mention one of the few episodes that I've seen.



I thought this thread was going to be about how awesome cops are.

For example:

The other day on my way home, someone hardcore cut me off. I slowed down because he literally had about 4 ft of space on the front and back ends. Then the cop that was next to me turns on his lights and pulls the dude over. Meanwhile, I screamed "THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU FUCK WITH FUSE."

Sometimes you gotta love the police.



p.s. I didn't actually say "FUSE," I said my real full name. I was in a Lebowski-esque mood.

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I watch cops every saturday before I go painting, sometimes my crews over cheering for the bad guy like some sort of back seat driver runners from the cops.....screaming shit like "left you retarded mexican go left into the woods you stupid fuck!" we get pretty emo over it too, like when my hourse doesn't come in I'm pissed!

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HAHAHA, I saw the tec-9 one recently. It's funny to me because I never watch COPS and you happened to mention one of the few episodes that I've seen.



I thought this thread was going to be about how awesome cops are.

For example:

The other day on my way home, someone hardcore cut me off. I slowed down because he literally had about 4 ft of space on the front and back ends. Then the cop that was next to me turns on his lights and pulls the dude over. Meanwhile, I screamed "THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU FUCK WITH FUSE."

Sometimes you gotta love the police.



p.s. I didn't actually say "FUSE," I said my real full name. I was in a Lebowski-esque mood.




i was very confused that i wrote this post. and then i realized i just left my account on at a friends house... great...

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remember the old episodes where the bad guys used to get away? that show i great. ive seen this 1 a couple of times where there is a car chase and they pull to the side of this bridge and the cop and bad guy go over the side and land on the grass about 2 stories down. the bad dude gets up and they show him all atumbling around dazed, reach the fence, hop over it and disappear into the night. the cop meanwhile is all fuckered up and cant even stand on his own 2 feet. thats a good episode.

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yeah, he was naked, bleeding, and rolling around in the grass. people in the crowd were yelling at him to sit down and he would, but then hed get back up again and stroll down the street. he made his way to the other end of the block where something like 8 cops had to hold him down. it was great when he punched a hole clear through the fence. he got blood on that lady cop (who i think was the subject of that episode) and some other copper.

that dude was hardcore.

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