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How Much Do You Weigh?


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I've been 5'9" and 175-180lbs for the past few years, which was alright because I've got this wide German-Finnish frame that distributes fat pretty evenly, but thanks to hitting the gym 4-6 times per week I've dropped a considerable amount of weight and turned a shitload of fat into muscle in the past two months.


Currently: 160lbs.


...and aiming for 150-145 just to see if I can get there.


Losing weight is easy if you've got the time for it. Thanks unemployment!

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tease you gained 38lbs in 6 months? might wanna watch those fried foods homie.


ive gained a lot of weight yes. still got pretty much the same frame, but im solid as a rock. with fat.




its a mixture of this job i have, plus this bomb mexican food place i always go to with my pops every weekend for breakfast. shits mad greasy but is the slam.

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Oh blaming the job is a great excuse.


I used to gym it up 5 or 6 days a week doing the same job I do now only I was working part time. I was actually down to 69.5kgs, and had the body of a pro fighter, and could bench 90kgs pretty easily.


Once I cut back to 2x a week, I got up to 79kgs, and almost doubled in size (looks wise) but strength/flexibility wise I was lacking. Now I am at the mid point of that, but I need to lose some of my gut as I hurt the liquor over Xmas/NY and put on an inch or 2.


I weighed myself today after I woke up and took my morning piss, and I weighed 73.6kgs. But hell I still look good.

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Gesu Christo you're skinny


i guess so. Ive always been on the bottom of the chart for weight. I have a very fast metabolism so im always eating. It gets more out of hand when I work out. I had to go on a regiment at the time to help me gain weight and build muscle.


speaking of working out, gliko, have you heard of kettle bells?

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