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Also, my friend that I lived with always organized his fridge.






*disclaimer: The bitch beer was for bitches.


that looks like mamerro's fridge...which reminds me whenever i drink something, whether it be booze or just normal shit, i always take an even number of sips for some reason. if i take, say 1 or 3 sips, i usually take another one to even it out. i also wont smoke mids or shwag either...even beaster ass mass-produced hydro, aka average-joe bud.

i also have these weird rituals before i set up to do a trick when i'm skating. i'll kind of wipe or brush my finger past my nose, or lightly pull/tug my pant leg before busting a trick.

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carefully fill every square of an eggo waffle with syrup


when watching the A's i physically make the 'let's go oakland' tune when it's crunch time


make sure i always have my chunk of iron in my pocket especially when painting


it seems i'm opposite of a lot of you's with the number thing: i can't stand even numbers or symmetry


there's more

but i'd have to flick the lightswitch on and off 7 times before i could type them.

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Are white people still afraid of black people?! Pathetic.


My walking has to be rhythmic, dealing cards too. Thats not weird though.


Lately I have been forgetting to lock my car. Or I think I do. I'll come back 10-50 minutes later and lock it...I never remember whether I did or didnt.


I make soundeffects constantly, and weird faces just to try them...as if im in the mirror.


I LOVE the way new books smell. Taste too....I crave paper at least once a day.

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I dont like how conventional society blames perfectly normal idiosyncrasies (sp?) on OCD. Granted OCD is real, I feel this draws from the "blame the ADD" tendencies of contemporary society.


Well here are some habits, not necessarily bad, that i exhibit.


-Opening bathroom doors etc with shirt sleeve. THEY'RE FUCKING FILTHY. Im not incapable of opening a door bare-handed, but why would i want to touch it if i could open it more sanitarily* (i dont think thats a word)


-Gotta take a shower immediately after taking a dump. Theres just something gross about walking around with a shitty ass all day. If my girl decides to go down on me i dont want her getting a wiff of dingleberry city, USA.


-I cant sleep unless I have all of my things laid out the night before. In the morning I like to be able to just shower and leave. Not fumble around with packing shit up. If I have to stay up to impractical hours in the morning just to get ready, i will.



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when eating corn i :


- pick a whole row one by one with my fingers and eat each one

- carefully take one row at a time and put it all in my mouth ( they stay connected sideways )

- OR make letters in my corn


its just more fulfilling, less wasteful, and better tasting


does that count as an OCD?

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The symmetry thing for me as well.


I cant stand eating out or at home and having the table messy/unorganized. It bothers me a lot.


I tend to scratch a lot when I'm nervous. Like my head or arms.


Theres more I'm sure. I've got tons..

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I always always always lock my car.

Walk away.

Then start thinking "did I lock my car?"

Then turn around, walk back, and check.


This happens literally every time that I get out of my car.




haha im like that too, except now i have automatic locks on my keys so ill push the button half way across the parking lot just in case..


and.. the GARAGE i'd be half way down my block and think..."omg did i close the garage door (with the automatic remote) and 50/100 times i'd forget..

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i have some ocd's that are hard to discribe..


like sometimes i'll touch an object... and if i dont touch a certain part of it i feel uncomfortable. its hard to explain. like if i pick up lets say...... a flashlight, sometimes i feel like i have to open it and touch the batteries inside.. if i dont i feel really weird.. and that feeling remains till i actually do it. it'll totally bother me if i dont, and i say, oh fuck alrite then, then i do it..... then i feel better.


its fucking weird and hard to explain.


ever read anything by david sedaris?

you should. you could probably relate to him.

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-I always brush my teeth with my left hand even though I'm right handed

- after I read a book I always press it to my forehead (used to do this since I was like 10)

- whenever I'm nervous I shake my hands up and down

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Also, my friend that I lived with always organized his fridge.






*disclaimer: The bitch beer was for bitches.



heineken in a brown bottle?? what is that??? we don't have that here. is it any good?

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Guest spectr

i have this habit of feeding people mind altering substances for the first time..

seems like it just keeps happening.

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I 'pluck' my eyebrows... not in a gay way. Actually, I'll get nervous/bored/frustrated/anything and start pulling out my eyebrows with my middle finger and thumb. I can't stop until I feel like I've gotten 'the one' but I have no criteria for what makes any particular one 'the' one so, it's a fluid process that allows my insanity to ramble freely.


The thing that drives me nuts though is that because I've been doing it for so long that I actually do have to break out the tweezers and 'gay style' it, but that's just to smooth out the bald spots. The weird thing is, I'm not even remotely metro sexual, I'm pretty grubby at this point and I still have to pluck my eyebrows once or twice a month... saying this makes me feel embarrased not unburdened but, whatever.

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and.. the GARAGE i'd be half way down my block and think..."omg did i close the garage door (with the automatic remote) and 50/100 times i'd forget..

Hell yes, I pull this shit all the time.


It's weird though, because I never worry about the front door. For some reason, locking the front door is different than my car or the garage.


ever read anything by david sedaris?

you should. you could probably relate to him.

Good call. That definitely sounds like something from Naked (which I have to finish still).

Ever read Me Talk Pretty One Day?


heineken in a brown bottle?? what is that??? we don't have that here. is it any good?

Heineken dark lager. Meh, I can't remember.



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I've read Naked and Dress Your Family in Cordueroy and Denim

in Naked he talks about how he'd be walking home, and have to lick a pole, or something, because if he didn't he wouldn't feel right... he'd be sitting at home, and leave to go lick the pole the right way.

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yeeeah, with David Sedaris I think that may be a euphamism... 'lick the pole'... but I do know that even when they were late leaving for a gig Joey Ramone had to go back up and descend the steps three times because he didn't get the steps in the right 'order'... fully OCD

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I didn't even think of "lick the pole" that way when I typed that out, that was the only example that came to mind from that story of his. He also does other things like put his nose on rocks, or touch a certain fence post, not just pole licking.

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