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Grizzled Motherfuckers appreciation thread.

King Of Hell

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woah why did i sleep on this thread. shit is SO on point.


these too comments had me laughing and due to current injury's in pain. so fuck you guys.

I fucking pity any desert island I get stranded on.


This nigga lives in caves, what you know about dat?







and i know he looks goofy as fuck but no doubting the grizzle of this bloke...


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forgot all about that dude. one episode he was setting up all these traps to track crocs and trying to find this one giant croc. one of the first crocs he caught he breaks one of his fingers and tries to pop that shit back in place and then it slips back out. then when he got the big one he only had 2 or 3 other guys helping him and the croc starts whipping around and it breaks one of his ribs. dude kept going like it was only a fly that landed on him.

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judging from some of these posts, i have to say, some of you have no idea what it means to be grizzled. just cause you have a beard, you ain't grizzled, but if you are, damn it feels good to be grizzled. vincent gallo? not grizzled. at all. iggy, caan, duvall, hate to say it, not grizzled. Keith Moon? not grizzled. Vincent Borgnine? not grizzled. tough does not necessarily equal grizzled, although grizzled does, by necessity, mean tough.


grizzled is moving into a log cabin that you built with your bare hands after you wring the neck of the mountain cat that devoured your wife and children. extra grizzled is refusing to ever talk about it.


hope this clears up and grizzled confusion.


grizz face?

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^^Thank you.




Yeah, dude looks gay at first, but he had his arm trapped under a boulder, starved in a canyon for a few days, drank his own piss to avoid dehydration, and cut his arm off with that knife he is holding so he could go hiking a few miles for help = grizzled.

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Yeah, you're thinking this guy is not grizzled in the least. When he applied for the US Marine Corps, he was initially turned down for being underweight and too short. Instead he went into the US Army and became the most decorated soldier in United States history. His name is Audie Murphy, and he's won every decoration for valor this country can bestow.


His string of decorations began on March 2, 1944 with the Bronze Star Medal with "V" device for valorous conduct in action against the enemy on the Anzio Beachhead, Italy. This was followed with the First Oak Leaf Cluster on the Bronze Star Medal for his exemplary conduct in ground combat on or about 8 May, 1944. Also at this time, Audie was awarded the Combat Infantry Badge.


After landing near Ramatuelle in Southern France, Audie earned the Distinguished Service Cross on 15 August, 1944. Audie Murphy advanced inland with his squad but was halted by intense machine gun and small arms fire from a boulder covered hill to his front. Acting alone, he obtained a light machine gun and in the ensuring duel, he was able to silence the enemy weapon. Killing two of it's crew and wounding the third. As he proceeded further up the draw, two Germans advanced toward him. they were quickly killed. Still alone, Audie then dashed further up the draw toward the enemy strong point disregarding the hail of bullets directed at him. Closing in, he wounded two more Germans with Carbine fire, killed two others in a fire fight, and forced the remaining five to surrender.


On the morning of 2 October 1944, near the Cleurie Quarry, France, Audie inched his way over rugged terrain toward an enemy machine gun which had fired upon a group of American Officers on reconnaissance. Getting to within fifteen yards of the German gun, Audie stood up, and disregarding a burst of enemy fire, flung two hand grenades into the position, killing four Germans and wounding three more thus destroying the position. For this action, Audie was awarded the Silver Star. Just three days later, on October 5, 1944, on a hill in the Vosges Mountains near Le Tholy, France, he earned an Oak Leaf Cluster to add to the Silver Star. Carrying an SCR536 radio, and alone, Audie crawled fifty yards under severe enemy machine gun and rifle fire, to a point 200 yards from a strongly entrenched enemy. For an hour Audie Murphy directed artillery fire upon the enemy, killing fifteen Germans and inflicting approximately thirty-five casualties.


Audie Murphy's three Purple Hearts recognize wounds he received on 15 September 15, 1944, in his action near Genevreuville, France; October 26, 1944 in action near Les Rouges, Eaux, France; January 25, 1945, in action in the Colmar Pocket.


Audie Murphy received a severe hip wound from a German mortar on October 26, 1944. Tired of the monotony of hospital life, he took it upon himself to rejoin Company B. He was still in a state of convalescence on January 26, 1945 when Audie earned the Nation's highest tribute for action in the Riedwihr Woods near Holtzwihr, France. The Third Division was engaged in fierce fighting in the Colmar Pocket which consisted of a heavily fortified bulge stretching from the Rhine into France. At midnight on January 25, Company B moved through the Riedwihr Woods, but fierce fighting reduced the company to two officers and about 28 men. Despite five replacements, the company remained critically under strength. As the senior ranking officer, Audie was placed in charge of the company and was ordered to advance to the edge of the forest and hold the line until relieved. Company B was supported by two tank destroyers from the 601st Tank battalion which were attached to the 15th Infantry, but they would soon be out of action. The frozen ground was covered with 10-12 inches of snow; it was impossible for the men to dig in. Audie's company was strung along a three hundred yard front at the edge of the woods. Company B was in a defensive position when at 1400 hours, on January 26, 1945, the Germans began a fierce attack from Holtzwihr. This assault consisted of six heavy Jagdpanther tanks supported by approximately 250 German infantry attired in white snow capes. The first tank destroyer slid into a drainage ditch and could not extricate itself. The second TD received a direct hit from a German 88 , killing the commander and gunner. Seeing that the situation was desperate, Audie ordered his men to fall back to an alternate position. At this time, Audie began calling in artillery supported by a field telephone through Battalion Headquarters. With his ammunition depleted, Audie decided to mount the burning TD and employ it's .50 caliber machine gun. After removing the dead TD commander, Audie sprayed deadly fire upon the German infantry. With the TD in danger of blowing up at any moment, the Germans gave it a wide berth. The black smoke streaming from the TD made it difficult for the Germans to see Audie, but it also reduced his view of the advancing infantry. At this point, Audie called in more artillery support even though it was dangerously close to his own position. For an hour, Audie managed to kill or wound approximately 50 to 100 Germans and confused the rest as to the source of the deadly fire. The German tanks, lacking infantry support, were forced to withdraw. Audie jumped from the burning TD only to hear it explode seconds later. Thus ended one of the most famous Medal of Honor actions of World War II.


Following the presentation of the Medal of Honor on June 2, 1945, at an airfield near Werfen, Austria, Audie was also awarded the Legion of Merit. In addition to the US awards, Audie received the French Legion of Honor (Grade of Chevalier); the French Croix du Guerre with Silver Star; the French Croix du Guerre with Palm and the Belgium Croix du Guerre 1940 with Palm.




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I found this on a plaque in the middle of nowhere on a road trip...wheatleyvc.JPG


A copy of the Citation (kindly provided by Bill Tomlinson - Qld Br - AATTV 1966 - 67) as printed in the London Gazette: 13 December 1966: Supplement, 15 December 1966 reads as follows:



WHEATLEY, Warrant Officer Class II

Kevin Arthur


Australian Army; Training Team Vietnam

13 November 1965, at Tra Bong Valley, Quang Ngai Province, South Vietnam

(Posthumous Award)

CITATION: Warrant Officer Wheatley enlisted in the Australian Regular Army in 1956. He served in Malaya with 3rd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment from 1957 to 1959 and then with 2nd and 1st Battalions of the Regiment until 1965 when he was posted to the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam.



His posting in this area has been distinguished by meritorious and gallant service.


On 13th November 1965 at approximately 1300 hours, a Vietnamese Civil Irregular Defence Group company commenced a search and destroy operation in the Tra Bong valley, 15 kilometres east of Tra Bong Special Forces camp in Quang Ngai Province. Accompanying the force were Captain F. Fazekas, senior Australian Advisor, with the centre platoon, and Warrant Officers K.A. Wheatley and R.J. Swanton with the right hand platoon. At about 1340hours,Warrant Officer Wheatley reported contact with Viet Cong elements.The VietCong resistance increased in strength until finally Warrant Officer Wheatley asked for assistance. Captain Fazekas immediately organised the centre platoon to help and personally led and fought towards the action area. While moving towards this area he received another radio message from Warrant Officer Wheatley to say that Warrant Officer Swanton had been hit in the chest, and requested an air strike and an aircraft, for the evacuation of casualties. At about this time the right platoon broke in the face of heavy Viet Cong fire and began to scatter. Although told by the Civil Irregular Defence Group medical assistant that Warrant Officer Swanton was dying, Warrant Officer Wheatley refused to abandon him. He discarded his radio to enable him to half drag, half carry Warrant Officer Swanton, under heavy machine-gun and automatic rifle fire, out of the open rice paddies into the comparative safety of a wooded area, some 200 metres away. He was assisted by a Civil Irregular Defence Group member, Private Dinh Do who, when the Viet Cong were only some ten metres away, urged him to leave his dying comrade. Again he refused, and was seen to pull the pins from two grenades and calmly awaited the Viet Cong, holding one grenade in each hand. Shortly afterwards, two grenade explosions were heard, followed by several bursts of small arms fire.


The two bodies were found at first light next morning after the fighting had ceased, with Warrant Officer Wheatley lying beside Warrant Officer Swanton. Both had died of gunshot wounds.


Warrant Officer Wheatley displayed magnificent courage in the face of an overwhelming Viet Cong force which was later estimated at more than a company. He had the clear choice of abandoning a wounded comrade and saving himself by escaping through the dense timber or of staying with Warrant Officer Swanton and thereby facing certain death. He deliberately chose the latter course. His acts of heroism, determination and unflinching loyalty in the face of the enemy will always stand as examples of the true meaning of valour.


After Action Report by Capt F. Fazekas, MC (provided courtesy of Peter 'Wallaby' Wilkes - AATTV 68 - 69). Note: The incorrect spelling of the Surname: "Fazekas" is shown in the report as "Fasckas".

Special Forces Camp

A 107 Tra Bong

14 November 1965

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