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Oliver Clothesoff

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Two very dashing gentlemen, Thomas Hargreaves Geddes and Eugene Desnoes form Desnoes & Geddes Company Limited. The company makes extremely delicious and popular sodas as well as distributes imported liquors.




Desnoes and Geddes open the Surrey Brewery on Pechon Street in the heart of downtown Kingston. It is a very happy time!






The first Red Stripe Beer is brewed! This is an ale-like version, rich and flavorful.



The light, golden, tasty Red Stripe we enjoy today is brewed by Paul Geddes and Bill Martindale. And the beautiful Jamaicans dance in the streets.





Red Stripe has become so successful that the outraged British government, with its English beer, unable to compete with the excellent and inexpensive Red Stripe, levies an excise tax on the local beer and other goods. Envy is very, very ugly.



World War II brings large numbers of Canadian and American troops to Jamaica. And when the boys finally settle into island life, Red Stripe sales skyrocket into beautiful Jamaican clouds.





By now, Peter Desnoes and Paul Geddes, progeny of the founders, take over the family business. Like their dear fathers, they, too, have gigantic and fantastic dreams. Gambling everything, they buy some land and begin construction of a plant. Soon, the old Surrey Brewery on Pechon Street is closed down and the new and very modern plant at Hunt’s Bay goes fully operational. This is the start of something very, very big.





Jamaica gains independence from Britain. Many Red Stripe beers are consumed.



Desnoes & Geddes becomes a public company. By now, the almighty company has grown a bit larger.




Desnoes & Geddes becomes part of the Guinness Brewing Worldwide (now DIAGEO) to distribute Red Stripe goodness all over the world.





One of the fastest growing beers in the U.S., Red Stripe beer is found in excellent shops and bars all over the country. (If you don’t see it, don’t keep it to yourself. Ask for it!)

Red Stripe and Jamaica are getting increased international exposure. Hooray international!


The very magnificent Ambassador is our proud Red Stripe advertising spokesman. He is also from Jamaica.










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