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Beer...the nectar of the gods


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Well then when you turn 18 and have rent and bills to pay then you'll understand why niggas actually like their cheap beer.


or maybe you have a good enough job to support yourself, and buy yourself things you enjoy.

looks like you need a change of scenery, chump.



and ayebee the only explanation for your hatred of beer is your love of penis.


edit: shameless, good lookin out on the blue. that's my 'golfing beer' right there.

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you should really try the 90 min ipa if you haven't already. it tastes better than the 60 min and is 9%abv. the aprihop they make is nice too.



this shit is expensive as hell-$5 for 11.2 oz bottle, but it's fucking gooood.





i really like samuel smith's oatmeal stout but it always gives me a headache for some reason.

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